
Maple Valley wasn't nearly as cold as Chicago. It was cold, to be sure, but not that horrible, frigid sharpness from that place. The sky here was covered with dark clouds, threatening rain. As she stepped from the ship and into the fresh air, Haven could feel herself immediately begin to breathe easier.

Someone bumped her shoulder and she moved aside, turning her face towards the sky and filling her lungs to the bursting point. She could hear waterfalls crashing in the distance and the foliage around her was so green it almost looked fake.

She was finally free.

Haven stood dumb-struck for several seconds, unable to move. She stood frozen even as rain started to fall, soaking her clothes. Holding her hand out in an open palm and feeling the cold drops against her skin, she couldn't help laughing. She'd never seen rain before. Snow, lots of times, but never rain. It was so beautiful! So cold and wonderful and perfect.

When her teeth started chattering together, Haven forced herself through the streets. Her mind continued to wander, trying to take anything and everything in. Though, she realized, she needed to figure some things out. First things first was her financial situation. She'd spent the last of her money on dinner last night.

No money meant no food. No security. No place to stay.


She needed a job—a way to earn money, or she'd starve to death. And she would not be responsible for killing her baby.

Haven nervously sighed, her breathing beginning to turn shaky as she turned and started towards the heart of town. Her hair and clothes had become drenched and her teeth continued to viciously chatter.

Neatening up her appearance as best as she could, Haven stepped into a small coffee shop and walked into the bathroom. She pulled some paper towels free and dabbed at her face and wrung her hair, trying to rid herself of as much water as possible.

Approaching the counter lined with all kinds of mouth-watering pastries, Haven timidly asked if they were hiring.

"No, sorry."

Haven nodded, slipping back outside and forcing aside her embarrassment. After asking at another small shop and getting another no she was informed of an inn a short distance down the street that was looking for additional help.

Hope pulsed in her chest and Haven made her way straight there. She had to pause a few times on the street and ask for directions, but even still it was only twenty minutes before she caught sight of it. Seeing the place and how beautifully tended it was, she hesitated. There was no way they'd hire her.

Movement in her stomach forced her forward. Stepping inside, Haven was greeted with the delicious odor of hot food—chicken, maybe? Or soup? Her mouth started watering and she was suddenly dizzy.

"Get caught in the storm?"

Haven jumped, turning her attention to the woman behind the counter who was smiling warmly.

Haven nodded.

"Come on in and get warm. There's a restaurant through there if you're hungry or you can sit here by the fire."

Haven's attention snapped to the fireplace and she involuntarily took a step closer. "Um... they said you were looking for help. I'd... well, I'd like to apply. If it's okay."

The woman's smile warmed and she nodded encouragingly, tucking a silver-blonde curl behind her ear. "Yes, of course! I'll let you dry off and then we can go in my office and talk."

Haven nodded.

"Can I get you something to eat or drink?"

She shook her head. She was out of money.

"You sure? My treat."

Haven chewed the edge of her lip.

"I'll get you some hot chocolate," the woman said with a smile as she turned and disappeared.

Haven moved closer to the fire, sliding out of her sweatshirt and holding it up so it'd hopefully dry faster. Chills rose on her arm from the heat. It felt so good she was sorely tempted to curl up and go to sleep right then and there in the middle of the lobby.

"Here," the woman said as she came back in and handed Haven an enormous mug of steaming hot chocolate.

Haven held it in her hands, savoring the warmth. She sipped at the drink. The chocolate was thick and rich and she shivered.

"My name is Sarah," the woman smiled, taking a seat behind the desk. She gestured for Haven to do the same. "And who might you be?"

"Um, Legna."

Sarah nodded, a hint of confusion reflecting in her eyes. It disappeared in an instant and she smiled again. "Pretty name."

Haven was silent. She sipped the chocolate again, glancing around her. The lobby was beautiful with thick carpets and elegant sofas and end tables.

"Why don't you come back with me and we can talk in private," Sarah said after Haven finished with her drink. Her sweatshirt was warm and dry when she tugged it over her head.

Haven nodded, swallowing nervously. She followed the woman down the large corridor and into a small, private office.

"So unfortunately this job isn't overly glamorous. I just need some extra help in the kitchen; doing dishes, closing at night, opening in the morning, maybe even helping with the baking and cooking if we're exceptionally busy."

Haven nodded along. So far it sounded doable. She could handle all that. Easily.

"I also have a pretty good sized farm which is where I get most of my produce and groceries—makes things a little easier. I have farm hands that do a lot of the major work, but again, might need some help every now and then—getting eggs, feeding the animals, gardening, that kind of stuff."

Haven nodded again. She wouldn't mind working with animals. Or working in the gardens!

Sarah added how much she paid, a sum which Haven could have only hoped for. It seemed incredibly generous given the lack of experience she had. "And because I am open early in the morning and late at night, I do offer room and board in addition if you're interested."

"Yes, I would be," Haven said quickly. She bit her lip, wishing she would have answered a little slower.

"Great! So are you thinking you're interested?"

Haven nodded, swallowing in disbelief. She wanted to cry. "Y-yes, I think so."

"Then why don't you and I take a walk and I'll show you around and then show you the room you'll be staying in."

Haven stood up. "So if... if I want it, I got the job?"

"You did," Sarah said. She folded her hands and rested them on her desk. "On one condition."

Haven waited.

"What's your real name?"


"You don't have to tell me your life's story, just tell me you're not running from loving parents."

Haven hesitated. "No, I'm not running from my parents. He's... he was... um, hurting me. All the time," she stammered, her voice quivering. She tried not to shudder, dropping Sarah's gaze in embarrassment. "I had to get away, but I don't have parents."

Sarah nodded once. "Then good, I'm glad you're safe now."

"I'm Haven."

"Nice to meet you, Haven. Follow me."

Haven followed Sarah out and through the living room and dinning room into the massive kitchen.

"I do most of the baking myself," Sarah said as they walked through. "But I have another chef who comes in for the actual breakfast and dinner services. This would be your main station," she added, gesturing to the entirety of the kitchen. Sarah showed Haven where they kept everything and how the service belt worked.

Walking up to the second story, Sarah gave her a tour through the hallways and even inside of few of the rooms before continuing up to the third story towards the more expensive suits.

Haven couldn't imagine living in one, even if for only a few days. It must have been wonderful, she thought to herself, smiling at the image conjuring up in her mind.

Finally, Sarah started back downstairs. "So what do you say you take the rest of today, maybe get settled for a bit, take a rest of you want, and then you can start first thing tomorrow? That is, unless you've changed you mind."

Haven shook her head. "No, that sounds perfect. Thank you so much!"

Sarah smiled. "Thank you. There's some food downstairs you're more than welcome to have."

Haven nodded again. She started back up the stairs towards her room and it took her all of three minutes to get settled. She deposited the toiletries in the bathroom, trying to arrange them in a way that was pretty.

Sinking onto the bed, Haven couldn't help marveling at how soft and comfortable it was. A fresh wave of fatigue washed over her and she yawned.

Before she had the chance to fall asleep, Haven forced herself up. She walked into the bathroom, undressed, and took a shower. She initially intended to keep it short, but the hot water felt so unbelievably good she couldn't help standing beneath the stream for almost 5 whole minutes.

Wrapping a towel beneath her arms, Haven studied herself again in the mirror. She almost smiled at the realization that her stomach had grown again.

"You're still there, aren't you?" Haven whispered, touching her rounding belly and her eyes filling with tears. Whether nor not they were of fear, joy, relief, or some strange combination of all three, she didn't know. "Thanks for sticking with me."

As hungry as she was, Haven forced herself to wait until a reasonable hour to go down for dinner. Feeling a little awkward and not sure where to go or sit, she peered into the dining room. It was set up buffet style, like Sarah had explained earlier. Several people were eating, but it looked as though they were all staff members.

Haven quickly filled her place and then scurried back upstairs to her room. Setting her plate down on the small night table, she paused. Stopping herself from completely devouring the meal, she forced herself to wait long enough to say a prayer of thanks.