
Humanity advanced there technology to the point where they could finally venture off to the stars the unexplored region the sense of adventure and the discovery of the unknown that drove mankind but it also drove THEM to find them

Fifty years after The Great Expedition all the previous nation that once held a place on earth long history achieved unity they called themselves The Collision

And with this came the share of resources alongside the start of their discovery of the great ruins on mars with this came a vast rise in there technology

Mankind grew more advance each day their ships gained light speed there weapons become more robust they discovered new species most as monsterous as the nightmare only seen in movies and games

In all retrospect things were going surprisingly well there where no signs of other technologically advice species humanity thought they where alone until one cruiser was responding to a unidentified distress signal and that's where it went dark the distress signal disappeared and the cruisers was gone the collision soon sent there scouts to investigate only for them to find nothing

Soon throughout the sol system similar event happened the collision only knew one thing they were being attacked and if they didn't do anything about it they would die

The collision put out mass amount of warships in each of their colonies they thought they were ready but they weren't because they finally found them and they weren't going to stop with just one Colony destruction in the mass of 4 days

Everything went to hell colonies wiped out left and right over 2billion civilians were killed by the invasion of Them

That was until one lone unit was deployed and finally earned humanity first victory but if you could even call it a victory there were mass casualties which resulted in a colony fall but they were pushed back even if temporarily they called them The Animity a cancerous race that devours everything in sight with no calms of others alongside there never ending hunger of destruction there ability to absorb knowledge from a fallen solider or a any technology they devour

This wasn't a war anymore no this was a slaughter planets destroyed the casualties count only increased it's been 5years since the wars started and humanity now only hold two colonies out of the 200 mars and earth was all that was left

This is where it began the true moment mankind was able to fight back against the animity [Project Juggernaut]


In a shuttle heading for the front line was a unit of five all massive individual while the shortest was eight feet tall and the tallest was ten feet tall they were all decked with extremely heavy armor and extremely heavy and deadly weapons

It was silent in the shuttle no one spoke until they landed the tallest of the bunch got of first and the rest followed

"40,187,200,635 your orders our simple prioritize on eliminating any hive minds on mars so that our reinforcements can secure this planet from its destruction and provide resources and support to the frontlines I've also sent you each coordinate of hot zone full of animity with possible hive mind in the center "as they looked at there leader 05 they knew what had to be done they dispersed running at an inhuman speed

All that was left was the hulking figure of 05 "Ard analysis what the current situation of the colony stationed here on mars" a golden glow appeared on the palm of 05 "colony is holding on just barely food and water ran out yesterday ever since the collision drew back it forces to reinforce the frontlines the colony know as Eden is slowing fading "

"I see how are they holding on thought you said collision drew back it's forces"

"They have but few of the soldiers stayed behind they couldn't leave the colonist alone in exchange for staying on mars very few colonist were allowed on transport back on earth with the soldiers mostly kids and woman"

"Noted how long till the colony falls"

There was silence the A.I know as ard didn't speak until"five hours until the colony of Eden gets overrun by animity forces but if 40,187,200,635 or you 05 where to find the hive mind before the five hours Eden could possibly be saved"





"Understood" with no hesitation 05 took of heading towards the hot zone with the most animity he traversed the sand of mars passing the rumble of the many outpost not even a body in sight this was animity the race that doesn't let humanity mourn even their dead

Then he heard a shot and then another and another he rushed over and spotted a lone woman covered in the standard collision armor firing of at a horde of unknown animity they were fast and quickly approaching her with out need of asking for help 05 grabbed his rifle and fired killing them instantly as he rained bullets down on them they quickly changed targets from her to him as they grew close to him he switched to his shotgun and rushed at them blowing there body to smitherings one got close and stabbed there glowing red claws only to be met by cold impenetrable armor as if stunned it slowly looked up and met eyes with the behemoth of a human only to realize his shotgun was touching his head he didn't even realize that he was dead

"Targets neutralized"

His armor was covered in black blood of the animity as he walked towards the solider he crushed whatever bone he stepped on and looked down on her

Before he could speak she immediately saluted "Master gunnery Sergeant Jane cross Sir it an honor to meet you Sir"

"At ease master gunnery sergeant cross what are you doing this far off the colony I would have thought all ranked officer left for earth already"

As Jane eased up she took a moment to answer "well sir in all consciences I could not leave a colony undefend with just a unit of soliders sir and the reson I am here was I found a cache of supples that were left behind in all honesty sir there where two others with me but one of them died against those bastard the other I told to take the supples to the colony so we might survive another day"

05 didn't say anything else for a moment because he knew even if the supples arrive they wouldn't be able to survive the onslaught of the animity forces

"Sergeant cross the colony is going to fall but I and a few other are here to prevent that but if we are not able to stop the animity it is inevitable"

As if knowing already she didn't say anything it was clear she would not give up "I understand sir but I knew the risk when I told the admiral to fuck off "

If she could see the face of 05 she would be surprised after all it takes guts to disobey a admiral

"Master gunnery sergeant return to the colony and help those in need I am off to murder a hive mind" as 05 was about to run Jane stopped him

"Wait sir please if you don't mind take me with you I promise not to get in the way but if you really going after the hive mind your going to need help "as 05 was about to reject her ard spoke"you should listen to her having an experienced combatant is always a plus come on big guy or are you afraid she gonna kill all the fun

As 05 glared at ard "fine sergeant cross but be warned don't get in my way is that clear"
