
A planet that hasn't been discovered by the collision it's a possibility after all humanity hasn't even explored all of space but for it to have a form of sentient life even after all the planet we have colonized it sounds to good to be true

"Sixty six what mission where you assigned for you to find a new planet with sentient life"

Sixty six took a while too answer it looked like he was unsure or couldn't speak of the matter

"If you don't want to answer then don't we got enough on our plate as it is"

Sixty six nodded towards zero five before the other captain's questioned him on the location and the planet toxic levels

"Toxic levels were fi-"

The newly constructed doors to the war room were kicked open when a semi angry 300 stomped in glaring at 66 before getting sent a data packet of all the information he missed

"Are you serious if earth is really dying why don't we just tell the collision about your findings and be done with it we are soliders for bloody sake let the scientists or whatever politicians deal with this"

300 had a point toss it towards the collision they can send whatever man power they have on this

"You don't think I haven't thought of that it was my first choice but when I explained it to the prime council I was rejected told to cease all activities and attempts they even threatened to cut off our funding "

So that how it started from sixty six discovering their past to a way to save earth now one of them didn't like their secrets being out in the open so they pushed it from them cutting off our funding to them shackling our numbers

"They did worse then that sixty six thanks to the prime council the collision has decided project juggernaut will be shut down for a better solider that doesn't cost to much"

All the captains turned instantly towards zero five naturally they all shared one intense feeling at that moment they were all royally pissed

"Better soliders! we've been fighting the animity since we where toddlers!"

"Thousands of our brothers and sisters were killed mercilessly ripped piece by piece while they didn't have to worry about ever experiencing what war with the animity is like!!"

"When I get my hands on them they will wish the animity got to them instead"

"My hammer does need a new paint job the blood of the councilor's will do jusst finnne"

Enough!!! Zero five voice cut through like a knife

"enough I know how all of you feel but bitching about it ain't gonna solve our current problem now if none of you have noticed we are being targeted by the council it may be because of sixty six but I doubt it something off about this whole situation"

Zero five words reached them all as they all calm downed and thought about it the council shutting them down because of sixty six even if 300 hated him he knew that wasent a viable reason then it clicked fewer missions, less and less up to date weapons ,funding kept on getting shorter ever month and now this

"Your right they were just looking for an excuse to keep us down and then they got it "

"Something up there has to be reason why where being cut off"

Ninety four was on the verge of just going straight towards the prime council and confronting them if they didn't want to answer her well like she said before her hammer needed a new paint job and she'll be walking out with one

"I don't know why but since we have been given a lot of free time lately why don't we find out"

999 maybe a psycho who enjoyed chaos a bit more than the average juggernaut but don't let her bubbly personality fool you before you know it you would have already be trapped in her web

"Good idea 999 since they want to go to war with their saviors let's show them the might of the juggernaut family!"

They all started pounding their chest with vigor before staring at zero five who stared at the holographic figure of the planet

"This place if what sixty six said was true can save earth even if we have never stayed long it no doubt a wounderful place"

They all said nothing but they all understood him earth humanity home housing if not all of what remains of mankind if the planet were to perish not everyone would make it out alive in time after all the animity doesn't stop just because we want them too

"I will go to the planet along with my squad that should be enough to stop whatever happened to sixty six from happening to us "

"I'll go with ya I've always wanted to fight against a tree"

The giggling mess of 999 spoke out as zero five nodded towards her

"The rest of us will find out through any means necessary on what going on rest assured we will regularly update you on our current findings"

After all said was down zero five and the rest split






Meanwhile in the armory 635 was staring at his sniper before he slammed it towards the ground his ai tried to calm him down but he ignored her

"Damnit damnit damnit why couldn't I kill it if that damned golden light didn't appear I would have gotten 200 killed!!"

As he cried the only emotion he felt was weakness him and 200 were so close of killing it until the hive mind did something unnatural it absorbed all the animity that was near it and went through some evolution they tried to stop it but they couldn't

It happened so fast


