
On the docking bay of Ymir gazing at the resonance was zero five, countless thoughts plagued him yet no answer was given

As he became lost in the depths of his mind he remembered the early days the beginning before he was captain before he was

As his train of thought was broken by the captain of the jackals 999

"Yo! zero five sorry to interrupt your internal monologue and your whole dark Knight crusader type shit but the gangs all here"

She was overly eccentric as always zero five held in a sigh as he turned around

Ten juggernauts stood there in line waiting four out of the ten belonged to the Jackals while the rest comprised of the Feral this was the squad he was taking with him to the unknown planet

As zero five was about to debrief them 999 attracted all of their attention

"Before we get into all the serious business why don't you'll all introduce yourself so we can be the best of buddies

I'll start I am the captain of the jackals 999 if you didn't already know I like to kill a lot gets the blood pumping you know what I mean "

Zero five watched as she started giggling and hugging her shotguns he knew what she was doing it was a ploy of hers she used constantly when she worked with others

When she was done she pointed randomly at one of the ten "I chose you"

Her finger landed on the biggest of the bunch hulking at least eleven feet tall with the insignia of the feral on his chest he was carrying two Lmg he was armed with Durin armor made specifically for juggernauts

As he stepped out from the rest he spoke

"I is SevENty i FoLlow CaPtAiN ZeR0 five anywhere" his voice carried a heavy slur as he voiced out about his loyalties with the captain of the feral

She didn't have to choose another this time as two others carrying the feral insignia On their left and right shoulders simultaneously stepped out of line while seventy fell back into it

As they both stood out they were obviously close, as they both carried heavy sniper with a variety of pistols and explosives one specifically was armed with a kanata the other with daggers

As their durin was coated differently one was in all black while the other was all white

"We are eleven and thirteen sisters under the leadership of captain zero five we hope to not fail you captain" they both bowed before returning

Following their example a familiar juggernaut stepped up next 200 using a spare durin after his was getting repaired coated in a tan desert colar and armed with his Assault rifle he also made sure to pack a rocket launcher as he leisurely held it

"You all know who I am the most handsome of us all, the original 200!!"as if he was expecting a applause from the rest he waited only to be met with the laughing fit of 999

Embarrassed he lowered his head as he walked back

Next up was 635 as he introduced himself quickly and efficient he rejoined the line

The last of the feral out of the ten walked out his durin was coated in a dark green color holding a pump action shotgun and flamethrower

"I am the vice captain of the feral Six"his voice was rough he was a seasoned vet under zero five as he dismised himself the juggernauts held deep respect for the man after all he was a survivor of icta

Soon after All four of the jackals stepped out

Instead of intruducing themselves like the others they did something Unusual

They Posed two were in the middle flexin while the other two laid on the floor as if there were models

"WE ARE THE ACES!!!!!" Simultaneously they all yelled

"I the vanguard of justice protector of all fair maiden alike am 44"one of the ones flexing in the middle coated in a bright shade of yellow yelled out but if you were to look at his side there was multiple of concealed weapons

Next in there unusual introduction happened to be the one flexing next to the other one

"To embraces all negativity and transform it into pure bliss I am that champion 222" he spoke stoically as his durin was coated in a dark red color while he wasent armored with any weapons seen to the eye

-This is getting weird- whispered 200

"I who thrive in the darkness now reveal myself now mongrols it is I your Queen 19" she was armed to the teeth her weapons shown all around her being as her durin was coated in pure black

The last was the most flashy comprised of multitude of color surrounded her durin with a bloody red spear and jewelry hanging around her neck

"Kneel for I am your salvation 99"

As they stayed in there pose waiting for something maybe sounds of clapping or an autograph no one will ever know as te captain of the jackals stood next to them obviously proud of their antics

Zero five shook his head before capturing all of their attention

"Listen all of you we are traveling to a unknown sector this mission is to be handle with upmost secrecy

You all have been hand picked not just because of your combat skill or excellent track records no it is because of your unchallenged loyalty we expect all of you to be what we know you can be

your are dismissed head inside the resonance and be ready for departure"

Zero five walked inside the ship with nine hundred ninety in tow

"Wow your ship so dull zero five it could use some jackal palette " as she bombarded zero five on what his favorite color was




The flames are enduring, the once great forges are reigniting, the gears of fate have began to move

The Enemy thought vanquished resurfaced the old ones hunger vows to consume all

How would it end this time in whose favor shall the gears of fate lean on?