land ho!

The resonance flew passing by multiple asteroids belts but as it grew closer to there destination problems arose

"What the" marshal was to be said as one of the best pilots of The Collison but as he dodged multiple asteroids that seem to be drawn to the resonance he knew something was up

[Beep! beep! beep!]

When marshal looked down at one of the screen static clouded it as something was interfering with the scanners and weapons system

As he furrowed his eye brows he knew he was flying dark

"Time to get serious" marshal flipped his hat backwards he then gripped the helm of the wheel and dodged a incoming asteroid from his blindside

Then another that tried to crash itself into the side of the resonance

As he powered the thruster he narrowly escaped two gigantic asteroid as they collided against each other

its rumble created many smaller asteroids as they some how chased the resonance

Marshal narrowed his eyes as he tried to lose them

While all this is going on the crew had to find something to latch on to

The captain of the jackals on the other hand just laughed as she was flung all around not caring that she was about to crash into zero five as he effortlessly grabbed her by her arm before she collided with him

Zero five then proceeded to not only be uneffected by the laws of gravity as he walked to the cock pit

Zero five saw immediately the situation multiple planet size asteroids were heading for his ship as his pilot was pushing all his skill to the limit

"Marshal what's going on"

"No clue sir we were flying fine a while ago until we flew into some sort of interference Field

Then the asteroid started attacking "

Marshal said as he weaved a incoming asteroid as nine hundred ninety nine was watching it all go down and being impressed at the skill of the pilot

"What of the weapons can you launch a counter attack "

"Negative captain the only way is to man the guns manually"

"Understood get us out of this mess Marshall I'll take some of the heat off "

Zero five issued a order through the comms stating for the crew to man the guns

As the crew had to literally dodge the flying objects to reach the lower sector where the ships guns were located

Luckily a sleeping juggernaut was already there in the first place as seventy groggily woke up and heard the order he manned one of the turrets and let loose on the asteroids

As more of them came crashing down other soon manned all the guns

Resonance guns blasted through the incoming asteroids as marshal flew the ship through the debree

Zero five and 999 watched all of it play out soon the turbuling time were over as the resonance periced through the asteroid field

Marshal sighed in relief as the interference disappeared wiping the sweat of his face as he turned to the captain's

"We're safe captain"

Zero five nodded and looked forward there infront of them was a lone planet it seemed that whatever was attacking them was a defense mechanism strange that 66 didn't say anything about it

"Get us close but don't land I'll use a shuttle to get down there"

Marshal nodded and flew closer to the planet while zero five and 999 went to the shuttle bay

Once they were there they called the landing team to meet them infront of the shuttle in five

"Your pilot has serious skill you mind giving him to me I can always use another good flyer" 999 joked as she tried to convince him to no avail

Meanwhile the juggernauts rushed down to the shuttle bay as they reached it they got into position all 7 excluding 200,635 and 99

Zero five noticed this before addressing it

"Where is 99 200 and 635"

"There uncooperataion towards each other will be liability sir that why they will not be coming"

Six explained the situation and what led to the decision as 999 laughed and nodded

" I will not question your judgement six " zero five then told them to get inside the shuttle as he got on

"I haven't debriefed you on why we are here yet the simple answer is we are not here to make new enemies is that clear"

"Yes sir!" They all said while still confused on what he meant by new enemies

"Earth is dying this operation can possibly save the planet and save humanity that is all"zero five was known as a very blunt person and times like this show it

Shocked was all they felt not even having a single thought that he was lying

The fly down to the planet was smooth no sign of anything out of the ordinary

As the shuttle touched down in a empty clearing they all got down and set a perimeter

Zero five didn't no much of geography but as he looked around the place was filled with life it was like the time before the animity the time of peace

As he shook off those thoughts "999 a word" he called for her as they both went back to the shuttle

"A team should stay here to guard the shuttle while the other goes to look for our target"

"I was thinking the same thing we divide our best shooters to stay here while we take our best combatants with us we don't know what's out there and frankly it to quiet

After all There a lot of inconsistency in sixty six story the asteroid belt that he didn't mention and well he said he was immediately attacked by that green creature

Whatever that happening here is strange"

Her usual giggly demeanor changed into a cold calculative one as zero five nodded

"Our current roster is six the vice captain of my squad the twins eleven and thirteen, seventy and the three of the aces

19,222,and 44 excluding 200 635 and 99

The twins elven and thirteen are excellent snipers while they do have skills in multitudes of weapons they shine with snipers

Seventy on the other hand excels in close combat alongside six who's a master in combat and adapting to anything he thrown at "

999 went silent as she was pondering before speaking "the aces may be a ragtag bunch but there more then meets the eye

nineteen skills in the art of weapons have been trained and polished in every battlefield she has been in she's a excellent fighter who take her environment and turns it against her enemies

222 is a master in hand to hand combat it may not look like he carries a weapon but his fist is all he needs

44 on the other hand works best in silent operations and takedown he a perfect assassin who even managed to full a horde of animity"

Zero five and 999 thought for a moment before they selected the teams