The Undead Child

Xiao Yue woke up with a start, drenched in cold sweat early in the morning. Her bed happened to be separated from Long Zhao Feng's bed by a thin wall only, so she frantically knocked at the wall, hoping that the man would be awake. She knocked for a long time but he did not knock back. Dejected, Xiao Yue went to lie back on the bed. A-Qiao's bloody, lifeless face from the nightmare was burned into the back of her eyes, refusing to leave. The same A-Qiao was currently serving in the temple where the Xi'an tribe used to live in. It could not be merely a coincidence, could it?

Xiao Yue rolled toward the wall and started to knock again. This time she got a response. Long Zhao Feng knocked three times with some seconds in-between. Those knocks could be translated to "What the hell are you disturbing me for? The sun isn't even up yet!"