Taking A Bath Together

Xiao Yue's cheeks turned red, and it was not because of the hot water. She could not help but eyed Long Zhao Feng's frame under the thin undergarments. His muscles were strong and beautiful, but when he held Xiao Yue in his arms, he was unbelievably gentle. And when she wrapped her legs around the firm waist...

Oh heavens, no. Not again.

Xiao Yue cleared her throat while fanning the heat out of her cheeks.

"So, how is A-Yan?"

Long Zhao Feng chuckled.

"Have you ever fallen from a horse when you were a child?"


"Not even when the horse is racing?"

"Our horses were wild horses. They were never patient enough to let us climb on them carefully."

Long Zhao Feng laughed.

"You are worse than me. Don't tell A-Yan your glorious horse riding story, please."


Long Zhao Feng climbed into the bathtub and sighed from pleasure when he felt the hot water against his skin.