The Earth Elemental Orb

Minister Song's eyes lingered on Long Zhao Feng for only a second before they moved to Xiao Yue. Xiao Yue held her breath. She would love to look away from the father of her host, but she was afraid to give herself away.

Would Minister Song recognize his own daughter? The old minister pinned Xiao Yue down with his gaze. It was interrupted when Long Zhao Feng moved Xiao Yue behind him and smiled at both ministers and offered his greeting.

"Good day to both Minister Li and Minister Song."

Their relationship was awkward from the beginning, and it became even more awkward with Xiao Yue's presence. 

Minister Li responded to the greeting perfunctorily, while Minister Song's attention was affixed to the woman who stood behind Xiao Yue. Not a word left his lips, not even when Long Zhao Feng excused themselves and dragged Xiao Yue away from the two ministers.