Chapter 3 : Love at first sight ?

It was an award function, already some awards were announced and now was the time to announce BUSINESS WOMAN OF THE YEAR.

" What do you think ? Who will win this award?" the woman sitting beside her asked in a low voice

She chuckled, Bringing her head close to her ears she replied "I am not here to take part and watch the show, I am here to take over. Of course, I will win the award"

"THE BUSINESS WOMAN OF THE YEAR IS Ms. Danica Clarke." said the host finally.

There was a round of applause from the audience.

She stands up and walks towards the setting where the award was waiting for her. She takes the award.

"Would you like to say few words?" the host asked her

"Yes" she replied.

She lowers the mike and speaks :

"This award belongs to my parents, My employees, and my few friends. Without them, this wasn't possible. To all woman who is struggling, this is for you too. know that you are not alone.

Thank you !"

She heads back towards her seat, a round of applause continued.

After an hour, The award function ends. It was time to leave. She was walking towards the exit area, Meanwhile, A waiter who was going in the opposite direction , collides with her. Her dress gets stained with juice.

" I...I am sorry ma'am " said the waiter staggeringly.

" It's alright " she was in good mood

[ waiter's good luck though]

She moves towards the washroom area and washes the stain. To her disappointment, The dress looked messier than before.

" Ahh..." she winced

She moves out briskly.

[ I need to reach home as soon as possible... it's so embarrassing] she thought

But something strikes her brain and she stops " wait! where is my purse? "

She was already annoyed because of the stain and now, This lost purse added more vexation to it that made her think her life was a mess.

" What are you looking for? " said a voice behind her back

She turns back and gets awestruck. Before her stood the most handsome man, He was bright and had well built body.

He was holding her purse.

"Are you looking for this? " he upheld the purse as he spoke.

" Yes," she said and tried hard to not smile.

She takes her purse briskly

" Thank you" she replied.

He smiled

[ OMG...His smile is so infectious. he is tall and --- ] she stops thinking there and tries to get back to her senses.

"Congratulations," he said " you won the honor"

" Oh ! Thank you " she was so awestruck by his charm that she wasn't able to say anything futher

She can't help but look at him.

[ She is amazing and I know you are the one. I want to have a family with you. I know you are my love. Maybe this is what people say-- love at first sight ] he thinks and smiles

[ Agh..Stop smiling, mister! I will go crazy ] she looks away as she thinks.

[ I need to get her contact no. Should I ask first? Will it be fine? Will it be comfortable for her? I need to try an indirect method ] he thinks

"Which business do you run?" he asked

"Product marketing " she replied

" Oh ! I see, I have multiple businesses" he replied " product marketing is one of them"

" Oh ! That's nice " she replied

[ Liar ! I am skeptical. How is it possible to run several businesses at the same time] she thinks

"Can I have your contact information? " he finally asks "In the future, I will look forward to collaborate with you on a business project"

[ should I give my contact no. ? I never gave my contact information to a man. I need to be cautious ] she thinks hard

"You can have my email address" she says

"Oh okay" he answers and gives her his email address.

" I think I should leave" she says

" Hope we will meet again " he leaned his hand forward and said

she leaned her hand too.

They had a handshake.

[ Let's not cross boundaries and remain just business partner. I will be cautious. ] she thought as shook hand with him

[ I will make you mine. No matter what it takes ] he thinks.