Chapter 7: A Forced Kiss !!

" What you wanted to discuss?" She asked

" I have an offer for you" he says

Her eyebrows narrowed [ Eh...what!]

" I want to collaborate with you on a business project" he stated " If we work together , we can achieve new heights of success"

" Please elaborate " she says

" I have a great idea, A brand new product. But it will take 4 years if did individually. So, I decided to collaborate with you. If our teams work together. we can achieve this 4 year project in just 1 year" he says

"What about profit" she asked "How much I and my team will get if we were to collaborate? "

" Fifty percent" he answered

" So, It's fifty -fifty" she muttered

She wasn't a person who can agree to collaborate on such low profit. However, she wanted to know this guy better and see if he was really such perfect person or just pretended to be. So, she agrees.

" Alright ! " she says

"There's one more thing " he adds "it would be great if we introduce our teams to each other before starting the project"

" Okay" she says "Let's keep a small get - to - gather day after tomorrow"

" Alright! " he says.

His face told how happy he was. Finally he got a chance to stay connected with her and gain her trust.

"Day after tomorrow -- 8:00 PM" she added.

He upheld his glass and she did the same


****** Danica's Home ******

She was lying on her bed. She had a smile on her face.

[ welcome to my world, Alfred] she thinks.

[ he's got the looks, success and money-- He is nice . How can someone be so perfect?] she was still thinking

[ I need to know this guy , better . I agree on the fact that I like him. However, there is more to him that I don't know]

She falls asleep.

***** The Next Day ******

**** Danica's office ****

Mr. Paul was standing in front of Danica's desk.

" I have got a good news" she says

" What is it, Boss?" he was getting excited

He never ever heard good news from her. There was never a moment where she had announced any celebratory thing. It was for the first time so he was keen to know.

" There are two things " she said " first -- we are going to launch a brand new product---"

[ What's so new about it ? that's our business we do it on daily basis . Why she is calling it a GOOD NEWS ? What's wrong with her? ] Mr. Paul thinks.

"The second thing is -- we have a business partner who will collaborate with us on this project" she said.

" A business partner ?" he gets a little shock

" We are collaborating with another company to launch this product. So it is kinda exciting. We have a new business partner" She elaborated because she thought Mr. Paul didn't hear her well

"Boss, who is it ?" he asked

" It's a surprise " she said.

" Tomorrow we are going to have a small Get - to - Gather where our team will be introduced to their team. Please notify that in office area" she adds.

" Okay boss " he said

" Now you can leave "


When everyone came to know about the project , Collaboration and Get - To - Gather , they were quite excited. Except the two diamonds -- Mr. Paul and his friend .

" Who do you think can be this new partner?" asked his friend

" Ah...I don't know " he said (Paul was in bad mood)

" What's wrong? " asked his friend

"Did she turn down you again?" he chuckled.

" Shut up !" Paul said " I am wondering who is this new person?"

" hmm"

" She said it is a surprise " Paul was now anxious.

" I hope that surprise is going to be amazing" His friend adds.

**** The Next Day *****

Knock on the door

" Yes, come in" Danica says

Mr. Paul enters

As he enters , he sees Danica sitting on sofa with her best friend Nina . They were laughing.

[ Oh shit...Nina ! what is she doing here?] Paul thinks.

Nina was an owner of an Event Management Company. she was Danica's best friend. Danica had called Nina to organize the get - to - gather. She was as beautiful and charming as Danica.

Mr. Paul always tried to run away from Nina because she always tried different ways to get close to him and also flirted with him ; making him feel embarrassed. It is worth mentioning that, Nina was quite expressive in terms of love whereas Danica was not so expressive in that stuff. Danica knew that Nina loved Paul, so, she Kept Paul as her manager. So, that whenever she hosts an event , Nina can meet Paul. Danica always tried to set them up, but Paul always maintained a distance from Nina.

" Boss , that file is ready" he said avoiding Eye contact with Nina.

Nina was looking intently at him.

" Good " Danica said

Danica moves towards her table and keeps the file.

" Excuse me Nina , I have to make a call" she said.

" Mr. Paul take care of Nina meanwhile" she adds.

" Okay, boss " he said

[ Oh no ! What the heck is this ! First - This new partner and now this Nina. What's wrong with my fate ] he grieves inwardly.

Danica leaves the cabin and calls one of her employee

" Switch off the CCTV camera of my cabin " she said

" Don't switch on until I ask you to. Understood? " She added

" Okay mam" said the man on the other side of phone.

Nina moves towards Paul.

[ Oh god save me !!] Paul's soul was screaming inside .

The distance between Nina and Paul was now zero.

" I love you " she said hoarsely in his ears


Paul couldn't help but follow her, because she knew his real identity. He didn't want his identity to get exposed. On the other hand , Nina was extremely determined to get his love. she loved him from moon to back.

She pushes him , he falls on the sofa and she bumps onto him.

" look at me" she said.

He looks away , but, she holds his face tightly. His lips now pouted as his cheeks were held tightly.

She kisses him passionately for an hour. She now bites his lips and kisses them roughly. He tries to push her away, but fails.

While Nina's lips were busy in the kiss, her hands opens buttons of his shirt. He was trying hard to get rid of her, now she knew how to stop him---her fingers plays with his nipple. He tries to get her hand off his chest by now.

She kisses him more passionately now meanwhile she unzips his pants . She was just about to rub his manhood which was erected by her passionate kisses. But, before she could do that. Paul pushes her away.

[ he saved himself , finally]

He buttons up his shirt and zips his pants. He than leaves cabin briskly ; hiding his face.

Nina smiles

******* Washroom ******

Paul looks at his face which was full of Nina's Lip's mark . His lips were red too and it also had one scar that Nina's kiss gifted him.

He washes his face .

" I need to teach her a lesson!!" he said to himself.

" I always try to teach her a lesson, but, when its show time. I always fail. why? just why? " he says to himself "Why I always get nervous and feel shy around her?? "

[ Can that be possible -- Do I like her? N..No ! Get back to senses Paul. that's not possible] He thinks.

He finally steps out of washroom and heads towards the office area.

****** Danica's Office******

Danica enters

She calls her employee and tells him to switch on the CCTV camera of her cabin.

" What happened? " Danica asked

" Did he fell in love this time?" she adds

Danica didn't knew what love was. She thought that liking someone and getting physical was love .

" Ha...getting physical doesn't make anybody fall in love " said Nina

Danica sighs

" I am trying to get his attention , but he doesn't reciprocate at all " she said with a sad face.

" He will, One day" Danica tries to motivate her friend

" Tell me about today's Get - To - Gather, Is everything done ?" she asks.

" Yes, Everything is ready." Nina says with smile

" By the way , Who is that new business partner? " Nina asks

" It is a surprise " she said.

Danica keeps her hand on Nina's shoulder and clutches little bit tight "Don't lay your eyes on that person okay? " she says with a smile

" love never happens twice , It happens only once in life" Nina Replies, she was very philosophical at heart "I already have Paul in my mind and heart"

" hmm, okay "

Danica gives her a hug.

Nina knew Danica was very protective and possessive when it came to family and partner. So, She could understand her insecurity. After all she was her best friend.

Nina hugs her back.

" I am excited for today's Get - To - Gather " she said.

" Hmm" Danica mumbles

Meanwhile, Paul's friend notices a scar on Paul's lips.

" What's going on with you every now and then?" he asked

" My fate , --" Paul gets emotional " I am not able to understand what's wrong with my fate. why it is playing games with me"

" Hey just come to the point " said his Friend

" First -- Boss is having a new business partner. Second -- That stupid Nina is in charge of organizing event. She is behind me . Third -- I am worried about myself, She was asking me about Alfred. He is thousand times better than me. "

As Paul mentioned Nina , his friend understood - where that scar came from.

He pats the Paul's shoulder and says " don't worry, my friend , you won't die"

Paul gives him a grave look


Everybody waited for the Get - To - Gather. Everything was kept a surprise until now, This got her team and other employees very keen.