Chapter 13 : Danica to Rescue

Mr. Lee announces his mistake. He was feeling embarrassed and ashamed at the same time.

"You...pervert" said one of the employee

"We will never believe your words from now onwards" said the other

Sean smirked.

Now, everyone gets back to their respective work.

Paul approaches his friend and keeps his hand on Mr. Lee's shoulder.

"Let's have a coffee" he said

"...." Mr. Lee gave a sad look


Alfred arrives

Danica was feeling shy and she wasn't able to look at him. She was ashamed of her deed because she never went so far with a man until now.

Alfred moves toward her, whenever he saw Danica, he couldn't suppress the feelings that he had for her. He wanted to hug and kiss her and give her unconditional love. However, He had no choice but to control himself.

"Sorry" Alfred said

"I had no choice, but to kiss you. It was the only way I saw, at that time to stop you" Alfred explains his deed.

"There are many other ways to stop someone" Danica replied, still avoiding the eye contact.

Alfred adored that moment of the kiss. However, he restrained himself so much otherwise he could have fucked her then and there on the table.

[ Should I flirt with her ?] he thought.

"So, you don't like kisses ??" he asked with a smile.

"Eh...I" Danica was confused

[ What should I say? yes or no ?] she thought.

[Come on Danica! stay confident, answer honestly] she thought

"Yes, I do like" She replied, looking away.

"So, you like my kisses?" he inquires giving a witty smile.

[Come on babe, say yes ] He mumbled in his mind.

"Eh ....W...What ?" Danica now glanced at him instantly. She wasn't expecting this answer. Her heart was thumping badly.

"No!" she lied.

She wanted to end this conversation.

"Whenever I kissed you, I did it softly" he chuckled and said "So, It means you like rough kisses"

"I can be rough, If you want !" he adds, smiling inwardly.

[What the heck is wrong with this guy? Just end this Conversation, mister! Should I run away? No, that's a stupid idea.] Danica thought

"I hate rough kisses" Danica said abruptly

"Okay? did you get the answer? I am leaving" Danica adds

She was just about to leave, but, Alfred grabs her hand and pulls her towards himself, and hugs her from the back.

"I won't let you go" he placed his chin on her shoulder and whispered in her ears.

[Whaaaat...!!] Danica was getting furious now.

"How dare you! you pervert!" she exclaimed, furiously.

"You are now dead as ---" she muttered

Before she could say anything further, he turns her around and kisses her. He kissed her passionately, he wasn't able to resist himself anymore.

she started panting.

[At least let me breathe, You jerk! ] she thought.

He stops and says "I will never let you get angry. I don't want any arguments or discords between us. If you ever get angry, I will kiss you like this" He said with a smile.

She was still panting, struggling hard to breathe. She wanted to say many things and curse him, but, she wasn't able to.

Now, Her breathing rate normalized slightly. She gained her strength a little bit, and now she was about to speak.

Alfred noticed that, so, before she could say anything. He started kissing again. This time kiss was way more passionate than the previous one. He wanted more of her so, he grabs her head gently now kisses her more passionately. His other hand grabs her butt tightly.

[ Ahhh....] she gave a soft moan.

He wanted to prolong a little bit longer, But, he stops.

[ I guess, I should stop. I need to control myself a bit ] he thinks.

She was panting heavily. Alfred observed those heavy pants. So, he hugs her, until her breathing rate gets back to normal.

After few seconds, Her breathe normalized. She regained her strength. She wanted to slap him and curse him, but, she stops. Because If she did that, then he will kiss her again.

Seeing her regaining her strength, Alfred now pulls away.

"Let's meet tomorrow then" He said

"Should I drop you at your home ?" He asked her

"No need!" Danica replied and vacated the cabin

Alfred smiled

[Sorry Danica, I wasn't able to restrain myself. I tried so hard to suppress, but, I couldn't. Whenever I see you, My heart starts fluttering and I always overcome by love and passion] He thought.

The clock showed '10:00 pm'

Alfred left.




[ What he thinks of himself? How dare he ?] Danica thought as she moved towards her car.

She looks at her face in the rearview mirror. She discovered that her cheeks were pink, she was blushing badly. She hides her face with two hands.

"How dare he kiss me like that? How dare he ?" she mumbled.

Abruptly, she listened a noise as if someone was arguing.

She follows the sound.


"Come with me, you little brat!" a man asserted

That man was forcing the lady employee into his car.

"How can you force me like that? I said I don't love you" cried the lady.

"That child in your belly is mine! So, you love me or not, you have to stay with me for that child at least" The man replied and tries hard to make her sit into his car

"Huh...Bullshit !" said a voice

They peeked to the right side from where the voice came

That lady sees Danica standing there and her hands crossed.

She gets herself released from the hold of that man and runs towards Danica.

"Boss" she said briskly

"He i--is --" Lady tries to explain

Danica cuts her short and answers tilting her head towards her "I know"

"Who are you?" inquired the man

Danica moves toward him. Her face was stern and expressionless.

She clasped the left hand of the man abruptly and upheld it.

"Is this the hand, with which he was forcing you?" Danica looked at the lady and asked

Lady nods

Danica looks at him, now.

"You..." He was enraged now.

Before he could speak anything further, Danica twists his hand in the opposite direction, almost breaking it.

"Aaahhhh..." the man screamed out of pain.

She walks back a little bit and hits hard at his manhood.

"This is for disrespecting her" Danica said as she kicked his penis

The guy now kneeled and started rolling left-right in pain.

She placed her heels on his back.

"Did you like this?" Danica asked lowering her head a bit.

"Ahh...." his pain increased as her heels furrowed inside his vertebral column. The blood tinted her heels.

She then pulls his neck from the back and grumbles in his ears

"Woman is god " she said

"Disrespecting a God is a sin. You have committed a sin" she adds.

"Please, forgive me" he sobbed out of pain.

She throws him at the feet of that Lady.

"Apologize to her, Bastard !" she yelled.

He grabs the legs of the lady and pleads.

Danica gave a evil smile and said "I like that "

That lady asks him to leave her forever in return for her forgiveness.

"I w..will never show my face again" said the man

"Leave immediately, before I kill you" Danica asserted fiercely

The man stands up shuddering in pain and leaves

That Lady now approached Danica and said with a smiling face "Thank you, Boss"

Danica pats her belly and says "I hope, The child to-be-born is a girl, and, if it is a girl then raise her into a strong woman"

Danica now gave a brief smile.

Lady smiled back and replied "I will "

"Come, I will drop you safely at your home," Danica tells and puts on her black sunglasses expressively.


Paul was sitting and drinking with his friend Mr. Lee

Mr. Lee never gets dizzy or drunk no matter how much he drinks. Even if he drinks ten glasses, he will still be conscious about everything and remember everything.

Paul wasn't aware of this fact.

It was Paul's fifth glass. He was now feeling dizzy and drunk. He wasn't aware of what he was speaking. However, he was speaking his heart now.

"My friend Lee" he said

Mr. Lee looks at him now

"I guess I am in love" Paul adds

"Yes I know, you are in love since three years" Mr. Lee said

"I love Nina so much" He mumbled.

Mr. Lee was shocked. He guessed that he might never get another chance to listen to Paul's real feelings.

Even if he inquired Paul directly, Paul might not agree and defend himself in every way possible. So, Mr. Lee takes out his cellphone and starts recording.

"Can you please say that again" Mr. Lee chuckled and told him

"I LOVE NINA, I LOVE HER SO MUCH" Paul announced

"That's great" Mr. Lee said and laughed inwardly

"Let's say I am Nina, then how will you convey your feelings?" Lee adds

"I Love you honey" Paul said

Mr. Lee was giggling inwardly, everything was being recorded.

"Whenever I see you my heart flutters," Paul proceeds "I love you to the moon and back, dear. I want to marry you and I want five children from you. I ---"

After saying that Paul falls unconscious. He had intoxicated too much.

Mr. Lee stops the recording and saves it.

"My friend, Paul" he said "You are a big one, I must say"

Mr. Lee chuckled.

"Should I send this to Nina ?" He mumbled

"No, I won't. First, I want to see how he would react to this. Tomorrow is going to be fun" Mr. Lee muttered

He grabs Paul and takes him to his home.