Chapter 19: Action Time !!

"If this Is what his Dad wants, then let's do this" Sean said.

Mr. Lee now takes out his cellphone and starts music.

The guards who circled them, were perplexed.

"You pervert ! In such chaotic situation how can you play music? This is not a leisure time" Paul said with frustrated look.

"We are about to fight, so there should be a background music" Mr. Lee said

"I am having rush of adrenaline" Sean said and covered his arms

The environment was now hyped up as music started, giving energy and vibrancy to each one.

"Danica, today I will prove my loyalty to you." Sean said.

Now guards attacked them.

Alfred holds the rod with which that guard was about to hit him. He punches him on the face and takes the rod. That guard falls and cries in pain covering his face.

Nina and Danica were standing there and they watched the show, as these four guys took over the battle.

Danica's eyes sparkled as she saw Alfred fighting in a heroic way.

[ He is freaking amazing ] She thinks

Sean was now fighting with three guards at the same time. He was good in fighting but not better than Alfred.

"Who would have thought that your ex will fight with the guards like this in near future to save us" Nina said to Danica

"I don't care" Danica replied.

"Look at Mr. Lee, His fight is so amusing" Nina said and giggled

"Yeah" Danica smiled

Mr. Lee was stretching the hairs of guard whereas Paul was fighting with all his mights.

Paul hits the guard with the rod and says while fighting "Hey Milo, you know me so well. How can you kill me?"

"Boss has ordered us to kill each one of your companions, Including you".

Paul's heart shattered into pieces as he heard that. He gets furious now and vents all his furiousness on that guard.

Paul hits that guard on his head thrice, blood stained the rod now and guy falls on the ground --- almost dead.

"aaaahhh...." Paul says angrily looking at the dead Milo.

Now suddenly a guard tries to hit Danica with rod, However, Danica holds the rod that was so close to her face.

"Take it easy... eh" She said while holding the rod.

She kicks at his manhood and takes away that rod from him. He kneels down in pain holding his manhood.

"How dare you ! How can you hit a woman?" Danica gritted her teeth as she spoke and then hits the head of the guy with that rod.

"Just die " she mumbled.

Alfred sees Danica fighting and thinks [ That's my woman]

Mr. Lee was still fighting with the same guy in a amusing way.

This time that guard clutched Mr. Lee's neck and Mr. Lee was gasping badly.

Suddenly that guard falls down and Mr. Lee gets released from his clutch. He sees Paul standing there with the rod in his hand.

"How dare you hurt my friend like that..huh" Paul said with gritting teeth.

Mr. Lee smiled and said "You are my true friend"

Danica and Alfred looked at each other from distance and smiled ( As if saying telepathically to each other "We Made It" )

Now Danica's smile fades away as she sees a guard standing up and was about to hit the Alfred.

Nina takes a vase that was on the tripod and throws at that guard's face .

"Headshot !" Nina said .

Danica sighs

"I am a gold medalist in archery, You know" Nina smiled and said.

"Yeah you still don't miss your target ..huh" Danica smiled back

Now all guards were lying on the floor, Some were wounded and some died.

The eyes full of wrath and hate were menacing the screen that showed their fight.

Seeing his guards lying dead on the floor he says "Darn It ! They are just six and you all were twenty, Still you cannot defeat them. You fools"

Now Alfred , Paul and others approached Danica and Nina.

"Thanks Nina" Alfred said "that guard almost killed me"

Nina smiled .

Danica gently touched a scar that was on Alfred's head.

"Are you alright ? Is it hurting badly?" Danica said with child-like face and tearful eyes.

Alfred smiled and took her hand and kissed it.

"I am alright, Don't worry" he said with a smile.

Now they all stood in a line : Paul holding the rod , Sean with wounded arm , Mr. Lee adjusting his tie, Danica hands crossed , Alfred's hands in his pockets and Nina caressing her hairs.

They all looked cool.

Now Paul calls out his Dad furiously.

"Come on, Come out and show me your face you pervert" Danica mumbled.

A tall man wearing blue suit and transparent glasses descends slowly through stairs.

He upheld his both hands in air and said while laughing "How was the surprise ? Did you like my hospitality?"

"What the fuck is this ,Dad?" Paul asked furiously

"You imitated our product and launched it on same day . How can you do this ?" Paul asked

"I am owner of this Company, without my consent how can you initiate such project?" Paul added

"My son, You are no more owner of this company. The day you joined hands with this people, I took away your ownership" His dad replied with cruel smile.

Paul was shocked, He never thought his Dad would play such games and even snatch the ownership like that.

Nina keeps her hand on Paul's shoulder.

All were shocked and furious.

Paul's dad now pulls a chair and keeping it at a distance in a middle of the hall, He sits upon it like a royal king.

"There is another surprise for all of you" His dad said " Especially for Alfred"

Danica's eyes now looked fiercely at him.

"I will file a case of Plagiarism on Alfred now. You know Plagiarism is crime." His dad added giving a evil smile.

"You..." Danica was about to approach him and kill him then and there. However , Alfred holds her hand and nods left -right at her giving a sign -- No!

"How can you be so cruel?" Nina said with brooding eyes.

"My Boss is innocent and this entire product is solely his creativity. We will file case against you, Since you are the one who imitated our product" Sean says raising his voice.

Paul's Dad laughed and then said "Go ahead and do as you please, But it's of no use. I Launched same product but before yours."

Mr. Lee gritted his teeth and muttered "Aish...This man !"

"We worked so hard for it" Mr. Lee said furiously

"Mr. William Adams" Paul calls his dad by his name and says "I hate you so much"

"I end all relation with you here and now. From now onwards you are no more my Dad and I am not your son" Paul's eyes were teary and beaming with fury.

He leaves the house and Nina followed him.

Sean and Mr. Lee too left the house.

Danica removes Alfred's palm that was holding her hand.

She approached towards Mr. William and circled around him.

"So, you will not understand in simple language I guess" she said in grave and low voice.

She grabs his head abruptly by stretching his hairs.

Mr. William now stutters as he tried to get rid of her hold.

She lowers her head and speaks in his ears

"I don't give second chances, Mister . This is your first and last chance. If you create any nuisances then you are fucking dead"

she gave a devilish smile as she spoke.

Alfred was furious too but tried to control his anger .

Now she makes him stand -- still stretching his hairs -- and throws at the feet of Alfred.

"That's your place. Did you like your new place?" Danica said keeping her heels on his back abruptly.

"Danica Let's go" Alfred said

"Huh ... bullshit" She mumbled looking at the Mr. William who was under her heels.

She walks over him and leaves.

"I will make you pay" Mr. William said loudly behind them as they left.


Paul was standing with Nina and others outside his home.

Alfred and Danica arrived.

"Let's go to my house for time being" Alfred said

Everybody nods.

Alfred and everyone sits in their respective car and heads towards the Alfred's home.

"I could have finished that William then and there, Why you stopped me?" Danica asked sternly.

"Right now we need to deal with this situation practically not emotionally" Alfred said.

"He said he will file a case against you " Danica said , her eyes were beaming with fear and compassion for him.

Alfred keeps his hand on her hand and clutches tightly.

" Everything will be alright. We are together in this" he said with smile.

Another car that followed Alfred's car was of Paul .

"How can he do this?" Paul was still not able to believe whatever happened.

"A person blind with rage and revenge, is slave of his mind. He is so blind with rage and revenge that he is not able to see how all this is affecting relations" Nina was getting philosophical.

"I am with you" Nina says and keeps her hand on his

Paul smiled briefly.