Chapter 21: Mr. Alfred Brown You Are Under Arrest !!

Everyone sighed as they left.

Danica's abrupt visit to WORLD DAILY HEADQUARTERS left a staggering effect on everyone.

Everyone were still frightened about the consequences.

The Head of this branch stuttered with fear. He knew very well, Danica was a person to not mess with. She could finish him and his entire branch within few seconds.

He had no choice, But to follow her orders.

As per the promise, everything was cleared within few minutes.

No channel showcased this incident. All articles that were published online concerning this incident were deleted.

Mr. William (Paul's dad) was keen to see the ruins of the company and Alfred's guilty face behind the bars.

He opened the news channel and found nothing regarding that incident. He searched online articles about this incident but was disappointed.

"Darn it!" he said furiously.

"Why there is no news about this incident? " He mumbled biting his lip in anger.

Suddenly an idea strikes his mind.

He takes out his cellphone and calls someone.

"Hello" he said in a grave voice.

"I need your help" He added

On other hand, Paul and Alfred were relieved when they came to know that everything was cleared.

[[ Is this the end? I guess, No !]]


Next Day


CR Company


New day, new surprises.

This time atmosphere was not vibrant. You can sense the fear and uncertainty in the air.


Danica's cabin


Danica was standing and gazing the view through the long glass windows. Her hands positioned at the back.

She had no expression on her face, neither she was afraid nor worried. It was hard to predict her emotions.

Nina was sitting on the sofa and drinking coffee. Whenever she is nervous or frustrated, she drinks coffee.

"Now, what?" she breaks the silence

"Nothing" Danica replied, still, glancing through the window.

"What about your product? I guess this won't happen --" Nina adds

Before she could finish her sentence, Danica replied sternly.

"I will make it happen" She said

She turns back and looks at Nina as she said

"How? Looking at the present situation, there are no chances of winning" Nina explained with a frustrated look

Danica smirked

"You know what" she said and strolled her hand smoothly through her royal chair that was near the desk.

"I always win" she added and gave a devilish smile.


Now the CR Company which gave off the aura of fear and uncertainty was interrupted by a noise.

It was a siren.

Mr. Lee was standing outside the company, he was drinking tea and talking with Sean. Meanwhile, he sees the POLICE CAR.

Two police cars arrives at the entrance of the company.

Mr. Lee spouted the tea that he was drinking as he saw that Police car.

Sean was all stiffened out of fear.

[ What the fuck!!] Mr. Lee thought.

[Wasn't everything settled ?] Sean mumbles.

Five cops entered the company.

"Excuse us, we are here to arrest Mr. Alfred Brown. Can you tell me where is he?" Asked a cop to an employee

Employee unwillingly shows the way.

Alfred was standing with Paul and discussing.

As Paul sees five cops approaching them, he believed it was a dream.

"Aish...I didn't sleep the entire night and now I am daydreaming" He said and yawned.

"What ...!"

Then suddenly Paul's brain lights up and he realized that it wasn't a dream. It was Real !!

"Oh...It's not a dream I guess" Paul mumbled giving a weird look.

"What are you talking about?" Alfred asked.

"Cops..." Paul ceases and gulps

"Cops are here" Paul added pointing at them

Alfred sees five cops approaching them. He was surprised.

"Mr. Alfred Brown you are under arrest" said the cop handcuffing Alfred.

"You have right to an attorney and right to remain silent," said the other officer

Paul was standing near Alfred all confused and shocked.

"W..wait" Paul said to an officer

"You cannot arrest Alfred like that. On what basis are you arresting him?" Paul asked in a quavering voice

"Mr. Alfred is arrested for the crime of plagiarism, we have received a complaint against him" the cop explains

Before Paul could reply, cops took Alfred with them. Every employee and staff member stands up, they were shocked as well, when they saw this scene.

Paul and Alfred were constantly trying to explain the cops, but they were unaffected.

Finally, they reached the entrance of the company, every staff member gathered around and gazed at all this happening before their eyes.

The cops were just about to make Alfred sit in their car, but their intention was interrupted by a voice.

"Aye..." said a voice, It was loud and serious.

Everyone peeked back, including cops and Alfred.

Danica was standing there, her hands positioned at the back.

She approached the cops and asked "What do you think, you are doing ..huh?"

"We have received a complaint regarding plagiarism--" a cop answers

Danica cuts him short and says "Who filed the complaint?"

She already knew the person behind this, but still wanted to hear it from Cops.

"Mr. William Adams" said the other officer.

She knew very well that arguing with cops was of no use, It will only create unnecessary drama. She had no choice, but to go with the flow.

Danica gives a hug to Alfred and whispers in his ears "Trust me, you will be out of this within five minutes"

"I trust you" he mumbled and smiled.

She pulls away and chuckled briefly

Cops takes Alfred with them.

Everyone stared at the car giving a astounded look as they left.

This William was really challenging Danica's patience. He had unknowingly dug his own grave, by messing with her close person and disrespecting her people. Danica's eyes were beaming with fury.

Paul banked his hand on his head and was cursing inwardly.

Danica now looks at Paul and says

"Come with me !!"


Danica's cabin


"I never thought my dad would go so far in revenge and create such problematic situations" Paul said angrily.

"How can he do this?" Nina adds, She was furious as well.

"We cleared everything yesterday before it reached the people. How is this possible?" Mr. Lee adds crossing his hands against his chest.

Danica was silent. She had already killed that William in her mind a thousand times in twenty ways and just five minutes.

"There is someone who is helping him in all this. Do you know anybody --?" Sean inquired looking at Paul.

"" Paul replied and winced.

Then suddenly something strikes his mind and he mumbles

"William has --" Paul said

Everyone stared at him as he called his dad by his name.

"He is no more my Dad" Paul spoke giving a disgusted look.

"Whatever! continue what you were saying" Danica says

"William has a friend" Paul continued "He is DGP"

"Eh...What?" Mr. Lee asked

"Director General Of Police" Paul explains.

"Maybe he is helping William in this" he adds.

"Alfred won't be released until William tells his friend to do so" Paul says

"Okay " Danica said promptly

"I am leaving" she added.

"W..where?" Nina inquired.

"I will be right back" Danica answers

But she stops abruptly. She then moves towards her table and tears a page into two halves.

She scribbled something on that page and made two chits.

Keeping one chit in her right palm and the other in the left, she approaches Paul.

"Let's play a game" Danica said with a devilish smile.

Paul stiffened.

"What's going on?" Nina asked.

"Choose one of the chit" Danica tells, showing both of her palms.

Paul nervously picks up one and says "This"

"Okay, let's see whether your dad is lucky or not" she said while opening the chit.

She opened it and it read like this:


Danica flinched and said "Oh, he is lucky"

"You saved your dad this time" Danica said giving a stern look

Everyone looked at each other and wondered 'what's going on?'

She moves towards her desk and keeps a knife in her purse.

Now, she leaves her cabin and before leaving, she throws those two chits on Paul.

"Aye, open them" Mr. Lee mumbled

"Let's see what she has written in them" Sean adds and leans closer.

Everyone gathered as Paul opened the chit.

He opened the one and it read like this:


His complexion tightens upon reading it and now he looked at everyone.

Everybody looked at each other and gulped.

"Hey, open the other one" said Mr. Lee

Paul nods and opens the second one.

It read like this:


He looked at everyone giving a serious stare.

Mr. Lee pats Paul's shoulder and says "Man, You are a savior. You saved your Dad"

"Thank god, luckily you picked this one" Nina adds

"Yeah, else today might have been the last day of Mr. William's life" Sean gulped and said.

"By the way, what she is going to do?" Mr. Lee mumbled

Everyone gave a serious stare as they heard that question.


Danica puts on her black sunglasses expressively and says "This is going to be fun!"

She gave a bemused smile as she spoke.

She now takes out her cellphone and calls someone.

After having a conversation for a minute, she turns off the phone.

"I am coming, be ready!" She mumbled.

She takes her car and heads towards the PHOENIX COMPANY.


Author's Thought :

What do you think Danica will do?

Is this the end of Mr. William?

What's going inside her mind?

What uncertain moments are awaiting them?

What's next?