Chapter 24: Danica to Die ??

"Hello" Paul said and gulped.

Everyone's eyes gazed at him as he was talking.

" Who are you?" Paul asked

"I am your well wisher" A voice said on the other side of the phone.

" w..what ! A well wisher?" Paul was confused.

" I don't have time. Just listen me. Listen carefully what I am going to say" voice says.

Paul's eyebrows furrowed as he heard that

"Ms. Danica's life is at stake. The car she is driving will blast , If she stops or slows down. Her life is in your hands, save her !" voice said and hung up the phone.

Paul's eyes widened as he heard that. He was shocked and bewildered at the same time.

The phone fell from his hand and he shivered.

Seeing Paul like this , Alfred and others looked at him curiously and were worried.

" What's wrong? " Asked Nina

" Hey, Just speak up. Your silence is scaring me now" Mr. Lee adds giving a fearful look.

" What that person told you, Paul?" Alfred asked.

Paul stands up abruptly and says in quavering voice.

" Danica is in danger. The car she is driving can blast at any time. If she ..." Paul stops and gulps.

Alfred's face went red with fury. He was worried and angry at the same time. He knew who was behind all this.

Alfred moves hurriedly towards Paul and grabs his shoulders abruptly.

" Say it" Alfred says

"If she stops the car or slows down, The car will blast" Paul said giving a fearful look.

Nina and Mr. Lee were speechless out of fear and shock.

" No...No" Alfred said -- His face showed how worried he was.

" We need to save her" Paul said.

Paul calls Danica and Alfred takes his phone abruptly.

" Yes Paul" Danica said

" Danica.." Alfred said

" w..what..Alfred ??" Danica was confused .

" Just listen to me" Alfred said.

" What's wrong?" Danica now gets skeptical.

" Just don't stop the car. Don't slow down the car" Alfred said hurriedly.

" W..why?" Danica was confused

" There is an explosive attached to your car. If you stop or slow down your car. The car will blast" Alfred said briskly

Danica frozed out of fear and shock. She was furious but afraid at the same time.

" Hello...Hello" Alfred said getting more worried.

" I should have killed that William then and there " She said in agitation.

" Right now, Where are you? If you are in the city, drive that car away from there. Take that car away from the city -- to secluded place" Alfred said.

" Okay" Danica said.

" I am coming" Alfred said briskly and hung up the call.

Alfred briskly leaves the cabin and heads towards company exit.

Paul too leaves the company hurriedly.

Meanwhile, Nina lowers head and winces.

[ I know Mr. William is behind all this. Now, I think -- Killing that William is only way to get out this rug. ] Nina thinks.

[ I just hope Dan is alright] Nina thinks.

Mr. Lee was speechless and was still frozed .

[ I never had such experiences in my life. This is like a movie. I..I wish Boss is alright] Mr. Lee thinks.

Now Sean enters the cabin, holding a tray that contained three coffee mugs.

" Ta-da here is your coffee" he says with smile.

Mr. Lee and Nina gave him a serious stare.

" W..what's up ?" he asked giving a nervous smile.

" We don't want any coffee" Nina said and looked away.


Danica was afraid. She had no time to curse that William, It was time to save herself at any cost.

She drives her car hastily through streets and city roads -- Trying her best to not hit anyone and other vehicle.

After driving car hastily for an hour, she finally reached a secluded place -- away from the city.

It was fine broad road and grasses of green lush lawns flattered due to strong winds on both the side of road.

Danica's car was running fast on this broad road.

She sees a black car following her. Her eyebrows furrowed as she saw that.

That black car now approached her car hastily

Keeping pace with her car -- the window lowered and Danica sees Alfred's face.

He was having a worried and fearful look.

Danica was relieved to see him.

" Just don't stop the car" Alfred says loudly.

" What !! How will I get out of this car?" Danica asked, her hands still busy in driving car.

Keeping pace with speed of her car, Alfred brings his car close to hers and says.

" There is only one way" Alfred says loudly.

" Enter my car through this window" he adds.

Danica had no choice.

Alfred still was trying his best to keep pace with her car and once again he brings his car car near to her.

" Come on Danica, Before your car slows down, Hop in my car through this window " Alfred says loudly.

[ Okay, Let's do this then] Danica thinks fast.

She releases the steering and fastens her body through her car's window to Alfred's car window.

He grabs her hurriedly bringing her finally into his car.

She finally sits in his car and exhales .

Alfred slows down his car and drifts it.

Now he looks at Danica with teary eyes.

She looks at him and says "Thank you, --"

Before she could finish her sentence , He kisses her abruptly.

After few seconds , he pulls away and says holding her head "For a moment I thought, I lost you. At that moment, I felt how difficult it is to stay without you. Even a thought of losing you shatters my heart into pieces"

After saying that , he again kisses her passionately.

Now, after few seconds he pulls away and gives a tight hug to her.

" I won't die so soon" Danica says and pats his back.

" Know that, I will follow you" Alfred says " I will follow you and stay by your side. Even if you go to hell , I will be by your side. Every second and every minute, I will be by your side"

Alfred hugs her more tightly as he speaks.

Danica smiles.

[ I guess , I have found my home] Danica thinks and smiles.

Alfred now pulls away and holds her face gently.

" Are you hurt anywhere? Just show me" Alfred says with teary eyes.

Danica grabs his palm and says with a smile "I am alright"

Now she gets out of car and Alfred too gets out of the car.

They looked at Danica's car that was still rambling hastily .

Now car moves bit further and slows down. As it slowed down, a big explosion takes place-- almost shattering car into pieces and burning down every part of it. The yellowish orange flames lightens up the sky.

Alfred and Danica watched it burn -- at distance. Her hairs flinging in air and her hands crossed.

Alfred's face was stern.

The brightness of yellowish orange flames glowed their faces.

" Mr. William, Now you are fucking dead" Alfred says gritting his teeth.

" I will make sure that he dies slowly" Danica says with stern face.

She now moves towards car and suddenly she finds another car halting at distance.

Alfred sits in his car and Danica sits too.

" Someone is following us" She said to Alfred.

He looks in the rear view mirror .

" Let's catch that guy then. I am sure, He is sent by that William " Alfred said with stern look.

Danica never saw him so furious. She smiled because she knew -- he loved her for sure.

A guy wearing a cap menaced through the window. As he sees Alfred's car approaching near , he briskly starts his car and turns back.


Alfred speeds up his car and chases him hastily.

He speeds up his car too , trying to escape. But, suddenly he sees another car approaching him from the front. That car takes a drift and blocks the way of his car.

[ What the fuck!!] Guy thinks

Alfred's car takes a drift and blocks his way from back.

Now his car was completely blocked from front and back side.

The door of the car, That blocked his way from front ; opens. Paul steps out of his car expressively.

Danica and Alfred too steps out of the car and comes forward.

The guy now shivered. He had no choice, but, to face them. He steps out of car staggeringly.

Paul , Danica and Alfred cornered him.

"I have nothing to do with this incident" The guy says briskly.

Alfred clutched his neck.

Guy starts choking.

" We already know , for whom you work" Paul said with fierce eyes.

" Just tell us, Why you were following us?" Alfred said gritting his teeth.

"I...I.." Guy utters.

Alfred released his neck now.

He starts panting and tries to breathe harder.

"I am just d..doing what I am told to do" He says

" My boss told me to report Miss Danica's death" he adds.

Paul's agitation attained a peak level. Alfred was furious too.

" Do you want to die here and now?" Danica asked, tilting her head.

The guy was already afraid and upon hearing her words, he gets more scared.

"N..No" he Stutters

Danica gives a evil smile and says "Very good, So, Now do as I say. Understood?"