Chapter 33: Devil's Dance

The questions continued...

At this moment, he could not run away. He had no option, but to face them .

Nina was bit worried when all of them were questioning Paul, one after the other.

Paul looks at her and gives a sign -- Don't worry.

He clears his throat and replies

"Ehem.....Actually we are compelled to withdraw that product, Since it's lacking some modern features. We will release another product that is far better than this" He lied.

Now questioning stops and Paul was relieved a bit.

Soon the press conference was over

The news of new chairman and owner of Phoenix company spreads among the public within few minutes. Articles regarding the withdrawal of product and new chairman flooded the internet and newspapers .

Everything went as they had planned.


CR Company


Danica's Cabin


Danica now stops and sits on the sofa. She was tired of running. Alfred sits beside her

As soon as he sits beside her, She grabs the collar of his shirt in anger.

Her fierce eyes were now looking directly at Alfred's compassionate and loving eyes. She was now silent, Her anger fades away as she looks at his lovely eyes.

She forgets what she was about to say.

She now released his collar abruptly and leans back

"Ehem ....Leave it" She says looking away.

"I don't give second chances, you know" She says looking at him and avoids the eye contact

"Don't repeat this mistake" She adds

Alfred nods and chuckles inwardly

Meanwhile, an employee enters the cabin and bows.

Danica stands up abruptly and asks "What is it?"

"We just received the news that Phoenix Company has withdrawn the product which was imitation of ours" Employee replied.

"Perfect !" Danica mumbled and gave a evil smile.

Alfred stands up now and says "That's great !"

"Tell everyone to gather in conference room, I want to make some important announcements" Danica says sternly, Keeping hands at the back.

"Okay boss" Employee said and left.

Alfred and Danica looks at each other, As if saying -- Let's make it happen.

They left the cabin and headed towards the conference room.




It was huge conference room, long table which was kept in the middle. Male and female employees sat on their respective seats near that table. There was one royal chair, which was left empty.

Everyone were waiting for Danica and Alfred to arrive.

Door opens, Danica and Alfred enters the room expressively.

Everyone stood up and bowed as they entered.

Danica sits on her royal chair with elegance and Alfred stands behind her chair in a expressive way.

Danica's presence was powerful enough to tighten each and every one in the room.

There was complete silence.

"Since, Phoenix Company has withdrawn the product, So now we can release our original product" Danica breaks the silence and speaks sternly.

"There is one thing that needs to be taken care of, since Mr. William had released exact same product last month. We cannot release that again, else we will be accused of plagiarism again. So, we will change the outer look and design of product. In addition to that, We will add a new feature in it" Alfred adds.

"But sir, It will take another month to make this changes" One of the employee of CR Company replied in a humble way.

Danica looks at him and gives a serious stare.

He lowered his head out of fear.

Danica now stands up abruptly.

Upon seeing that, employee gets more scared.

"Why don't you shut up ? now bear the consequences" Other employee whispered in ears of that fellow.

Danica puts her hands at the back and speaks to everyone in a grave voice "I live by one principle and that principle is -- Be the exception and do the unconventional"

"There is no fun in following someone and imitating their works or actions. The real fun begins when you do something different, When you do the unconventional and set a legacy. The fun increases when, People follow you and respect you" Danica adds and speaks more sternly.

Everyone in conference room were now feeling hyped up and motivated.

Mr. Lee was overflowing with confidence and was about to jump. However, he restrained himself.

"This Company has one of the best employees with surplus of skills. How can you back off like that even before trying? Do overtime, Work hard and make it happen. Understood ?" Danica says.

Alfred smiled and he was now loving her more.

She now tilts her head and looks at that employee and says "You..."

He wipes his sweating head and looks at her.

"Y...Yes B..Boss" he shudders while speaking.

Danica smiles and replies "Make it happen, Understood?"

" Y..Yes" He replied and lowered his head.

"You have time of one week" Alfred adds.

"As this week ends, We will immediately launch our product" Alfred says.

Now Alfred and Danica left the room. Everyone stood up and bowed as they left.

Everyone now sighed.

Words of Danica left a great impact on every employee, as a result of that, the atmosphere of company was vibrant once again. Everyone worked hard to make things happen.

Every day the atmosphere was hubbubed with discussions and progress of product, The hustle and bustle really showcased how serious everyone was about this.

Meanwhile, Nina and Paul were planning their wedding. They had kept this plan a surprise for everybody.

Days passed, end of the week was approaching, everyone were relaxed a bit because product was now ready to launch.

Next day Product Launch Event was going to be held. Danica invites Nina and tells her to organize the event. Nina wanted to inform Danica about her wedding, But she didn't. She thought of revealing it after completion of the event.

Next day, the event was held. The product was disclosed and made public finally. Soon the news of this launch , spread across and flooded almost every TV and Newspaper.

Danica was happy to see the progress, The product's demand sky rocketed, Danica and Alfred's company now made handsome money out of it.


Danica's Mansion


Her room was Brightened up by pale yellow light. She was wearing her nightgown, Her hairs were loosely tied up due to which some strands of her hair dangled on her side face making her look more charismatic.

She starts a Lofi song and dances slowly, her dance gave off a faint vibe of lethalness, It looked as if Devil danced in pale moonlight.

Her face was bearing a brief evil smile as she danced.

She was celebrating her victory. She finally got what she wanted.

Her dance stops abruptly as her body collides against a sturdy thing. She looks at it briskly and finds Alfred standing in front of her like a wall.

[ How he entered my room?] she thinks and looks up at his smiling face.

He caresses his hand around her waist and pulls her tightly, bringing her more close to him.

He then strolled his other hand smoothly through her hand, and held her palm -- fingers crossed.

Danica smiles and keeps her other hand around his neck.

Now they both danced and smiled.

Danica closes her eyes now. She was happy at this moment.

The lofi song continued.

Now , Danica opens her eyes and finds Alfred missing. She was dancing alone.

"Where is he ?" she mumbles

She looks left - right and finds him nowhere.

[ Was that an illusion? ] Danica thought.

She then catches Alfred standing near the side table. After sometime, he vanished again.

"Why am I seeing him everywhere?" she mumbles

She stops the music and sits on her bed.

She smiles while reminiscing all the moments that she had with the Alfred

Soon her smile fades away, as an idea of losing him interrupts her chain of thoughts.

Since the collaboration was over, Product was launched and benefits were shared. Now it was time to say goodbye to him.

[ Will we ever meet again? what if we don't see each other forever? ] Danica thinks

Only two days were left and then Alfred was leaving the CR Company. Time and opportunity both were slipping out of her hands, She wanted to stop him and stay connected with him. But, she didn't knew 'How?'.

She was now lying on her bed, her face was expressionless. She was thinking hard to find a excuse and make him stay.

Her chain of thoughts was again interrupted by a noise.

Her cellphone was ringing.

She grabs the cellphone and looks at the screen.

Her eyes widened as she saw the screen.