Chapter 37: The Exchange of Vows

Finally, was time for the bride to arrive.

Nina enters the area, she was looking beautiful in a white bridal gown. Paul looks at her and smiles, she smiled and looked down.

Everyone now looked at them

Danica was walking side by side with Nina. She was as always, looking confident and elegant. Alfred looks at her and gives a wink, she tries to ignore that.

They strode towards the stage, where Paul was waiting for his beautiful bride.

Nina steps on the stage and stands in front of Paul.

They smiled at each other as if saying telepathically to each other -(Finally, we are making a move)

Danica steps back and stands behind Nina, at a distance.

The marriage officiant opens his book and starts speaking:

"We have assembled here, in the presence of God to bless and witness the exchange of vows that will unite Mr. Paul and Ms. Nina in a covenant marriage bond"

There was a smile on everyone's face.

A tear rolls down the cheeks of Mr. Lee and he wipes that.

"My friend, I am very happy for you" Mr. Lee muttered and smiled inwardly.

Sean, who was sitting beside Mr. Lee, puts on his hand on Lee's shoulder and looks at him with a big smile.

Mr. Lee grins at him.

"Now, Mr. Paul, please take Ms. Nina's hand in yours and repeat these words after me," the Marriage officiant said looking at Paul

Paul takes Nina's hand in his.

The marriage officiant speaks "I Paul take you, Nina, to be my wedded wife"

"I Paul take you, Nina, to be my wedded wife" Paul repeats and smiles at her.

Alfred comes forward and hands a ring to Paul.

Paul gently takes the left hand of Nina and inserts the beautiful diamond ring into her ring finger.

"Now, Ms. Nina, repeat these words after me," the marriage officiant says.

Nina nods.

"I Nina take you, Paul, to be my wedded husband," said the marriage officiant.

"I Nina take you, Paul, to be my wedded husband" Nina repeats the words and grins at Paul.

Danica came forward and presented a ring to Nina. She takes the ring and inserts it into Paul's ring finger.

Everyone clapped out of joy and excitement.

"Now, Mr. Paul please take Ms. Nina's hand in yours and both of you, repeat these words after me," the Marriage officiant said looking at Paul

The marriage officiant starts speaking "For rich, for the poor. In good health and in bad -"

"For rich, for the poor. In good health and bad--," Paul and Nina repeats the words

"To adore and treasure. I commit myself to you until death does us part, following God's holy commandment" the marriage officiant speaks.

"To adore and treasure. I commit myself to you ---" Nina and Paul repeated the words.

Alfred was looking at them and thinking with a smile on his face [ One day, I and Danica will be getting married like this. She will be my wife and I will be her husband. I vow that I will be the best husband and I will adore her until my last breath.]

He then looks at Danica and chuckles.

Danica avoids that. However, deep down, she was liking it.

As Paul and Nina completed the repetition of words and now, the marriage officiant states "Now that Paul and Nina have given themselves to each other by solemn vows with joining hands and exchanging the rings, in presence of almighty God. I declare that they are husband and wife"

Everyone clapped once again and smiled.

The officiant now cited "Those whom God has brought together, let no man separate them. Paul now, you may kiss your bride"

Paul kisses Nina. She wraps her hands around his neck and reciprocates the kiss.

Everyone stands up and claps.

Mr. Lee was so excited that he whistles loudly and claps.

Sean looks at Mr. Lee and gives a sign -- Let's whistle together.

They both whistled together loudly.

Danica claps harder and smiles at them.

Alfred was happy too and applauded harder.

This moment was perfect and heartwarming. The day was lively and esoteric, making everyone feel hyped up and excited.

Now was time for some photographs.

Nina and Paul's photoshoot was then followed by a photo shoot with their friends and relatives.

The wedding ceremony was now finally, over. Everyone heads back to the hotel.

A long and wide royal table was arranged, everyone takes their respective seats.

Alfred sits beside Danica. In front of them sat, Mr. Lee and Sean, followed by other relatives and Danica's parents.

Nina and Paul were sitting side by side, holding hands.

Alfred holds Danica's hand under the table. He looks at her and smiles.

Danica's eyes widened as her hand was held firmly, giving the warmth.

"Release my hand" Danica said to him in a low voice.

Alfred brings his head closer to hers and whispered "No darling, I won't"

[ Darling?????] Danica was astonished.

"Shut up! I am not your 'Darling', okay?" Danica speaks to him in a low voice with gritting teeth.

Alfred chuckled

"Oh, I am sorry, my bad" Alfred replied her.

Danica gave a brief smile and nodded.

"I should call you 'My Woman'. Since you don't like the word 'Darling' " Alfred said with a witty smile.

Danica's eyes widened again.

Her face went red with blush. She tried hard to hide her emotions, but her face betrayed her.

Alfred looks at her intently.

Danica looks away.

Alfred holds her hand tighter and intertwined his fingers with hers.

[ I guess, I will die blushing so hard] Danica thought.

She looks at him, He was still looking at her.

He gave a smile as she glanced at him.

"Stop smiling, you --" Danica speaks in a low voice.

Before she could complete her sentence, he pulls her chair near his, bringing her more close to him.

"What are you doing?" she asked with popping eyes.

"How can you stay away from me like that?" he explained.

Danica didn't speak anything further, she didn't want to get into an unending conversation with him.


Meanwhile, Paul passed a mic to each member.

Everyone was speaking something special about the couple, telling the old memories they shared and showcasing their love towards them.

Now, it was Mr. Lee's turn.

Mr. Lee grabs the mic and says " I just want to say that, thank you, Paul, for listening to my stupid yet rightful talks, all your life --"

Everyone laughs

Danica laughs too and then her eye catches Alfred looking at her intently.

[ I want to see you laughing like this every day. ] Alfred thought.

He winks at her, she looks away abruptly.

"No matter how many times I curse you and scream at you, however, always know that deep down I love you, my friend" Mr. Lee continues.

Mr. Lee's eye gets wet with tears and he speaks in the quavering voice "I am so happy for you, that I have no words to explain my joy and excitement"

Paul approaches Mr. Lee and hugs him.

"You are making me cry too," Paul said

Now, Paul pulls away.

"Thank you Paul for listening to my advice and accepting your true feelings for Nina, Else still you might have been busy in pursuing D ---" Mr. Lee stops as Paul grabs his shoulder tightly.

"Lee, you are spilling the beans. Restrain your tongue" Paul said half-jokingly and in low voice.

"Don't spoil my wedding...haha" Paul said.

Everyone looks at Mr. Lee

" Who was that person?" asked one of the employees of the CR company, that was invited.

"Hahaha....No one" Danica replied.

"Mr. Lee, please complete your speech. Others are waiting" Danica adds.

Mr. Lee nods

"Ahem...That's all I have to say" Mr. Lee gave the closing statement and handed the mic to Sean abruptly.

Sean **coughs**

He clears his throat and speaks "I am very happy that my friend, Paul has found his true love, Nina"

"Paul, don't forget your close friends, who have been with you constantly in this journey," Sean said teasingly.

Soon everyone gave a small speech and shared their thoughts.

The day passed promptly and dusk hailed in no time.

In the evening, a small party was kept, where everyone had to dance with their respective partner. Games were part of this party too.

This was the best chance for Alfred to get close to Danica.

The romance was heavily in the air.

However, the question is, will Danica put down her toughness and express her love for him?


Author's small note --

The love and feelings are getting more spiced up between them. Do you think Danica will give him a chance and put aside her fear of love?