Chapter 52: Dance of Death

"This is for my friend, Jason, whom you killed mercilessly. He was innocent" Alfred said and wrapped his finger around the trigger as he pointed the gun at Martin's forehead

"Wait, Alfred" Nina stops him

Danica glanced at her abruptly.

"Why?" Danica implored with popping eyes.

Nina and Paul leans closer and whispers something to Alfred and Danica.

Mr. Lee and Sean were perplexed at the moment. 

[ What they are talking about?] Sean thought 

Sean and Mr. Lee were not able to leave their position and join their conversation, since they were busy grasping Mr. Martin tightly to prevent him from escaping.

Danica smiled devilishly as she heard the plan. 

The murmuring was now over. 

Danica moves forward. 

She bends down and looks at Martin's face.

"You are going to die" she outlines his face using a gun and mutters to him in a grave voice.

"Any last wish?" she inquired and smiled devilishly