Romania Origins

"Release it".

Those two words were the last two words Mercury heard while in stagnation but sadly for him it sound like someone talking and that was all as he can't understand the language.

After the stagnation finally deteriorated he began moving.

"Finally... ehh but wait this is wrong very wrong, why do I feel like this, I feel smaller than usual".

Mercury began doing light and slight stretches inside the coffin by tightening and cracking his bones and muscle as he said.

"No this body definitely isn't mined it feels a hundred times stronger, but I feel tiny ahh I see... since Lilith's preference in men is mostly little boys or shota for short that means I have reincarnated into a child once more".

*Sigh* "Puberty was a bitch for a virgin like me in my past life those that mean I have to relive that hell again *sigh* cant I get a break".

"Now the question is what the hell do I do from here... I could play it innocently but that will get me nowhere if I want to survive I have to play it smart and judging by how that worthless assistance of mine describe Lilith".

"She will definitely want to break and abuse me from now till I'm dead I can't allow that or that will cause a bad end or even worse a game over".




The sound of a single person's footstep approaching Mercury's coffin was present as Mercury said.

"It appears someone is coming in my direction awww... why the hell did that worthless assistance have to leave I can't use my power, I don't want to end up up trap the moment I meet them, ok Mercury you are on your own here the best thing to do in a situation like this is focus and think of a plan".

Mercury then began to think of a plan as he calms his self down and began thinking as he said.

"Now judging by the sounds of the footstep coming towards me I would say have about 45 seconds to a minute top". Mercury thought in his head but, of course, opening the coffin was included in the time he came up with".

About ten seconds have passed as he said.

"I can't think of anything useful it looks like I will have read my stats to find a way out of this".


[Status Board]

Name: [Mercury Van Anguish]

Age: [18]

Race: [High-Human]

Unique-Title: [King of Genocide]

Wives: [0]

Concubines: [0]

Occupation: [Player]

Strength: [C]

Speed: [C]

Stamina: [C]

Mana: [A]

Vitality: [S]

Luck: [F]

Intelligence: [B]


[Transmutation, Eternal evolution, Perfect appraised, Perfect self-replication, Hermes]



After reading his stats really quickly he came up with an idea as he said.

"Honestly by reading this I could definitely say I'm trash, my mana control seems to be really good included my vitality which proves I am now a high-human, but there is a really bigger problem here I still don't have a tactic to defend myself from the lingering threat that is outside".

Mercury was feeling very frustrated he needed something to defend himself with at least to make him not get himself kill as his worthless assistant was of no help.

*Sigh* "My shitty luck followed me even here what can a man do to get a break, men I have no weapon to fight with".

But as he said those words fight it hit him

"Wait now that I think about it, this body isn't my old body, but it is definitely far superior to it by leaps and bound, I wonder can I apply modern-day martial arts to defend myself... hehe I can't believe I am going to do this".

"Honestly before daddy died he used to teach me kickboxing, while mother was taekwondo, and sister, although she was a delinquent street fighter she was quite brutal as her style, was original ahh... what did she call it again oh that's right [world martial arts]".

Overall for a petite-looking 18-year-old girl, she was easily the strongest, but her fighting style was more destructive and least majestic.

"Hahaha.. aww just remembering does good time those bring joy to my heart especially sis although she was too obsessed with me if you ask me *Sigh*, sadly, my adoptive family died years ago honestly I regret selling the dojo to start a new life".

"Maybe if I stop focusing on women and put that time into something else I could achieve something better but ehh... life tends to drive us on a different path".

"But enough of that you see I know how to fight, it's just that I was born rather fragile than others, making me physically the weakest in my entire family, that and I was, god I hate this name a persistent virgin why does everyone call me that".

"Anyways I was taught to fight by my family, but never carry or pursued it if anything I'm going to have imitated the moves that I remember, if worse came to worse, I will have to use my secrete ability which is run away and don't look back".

"But then and again I wonder if I can apply anime logic to this world as well like can I use the basic interpretation of how to use mana to enhance my body since a high human should be capable of manipulating mana within themselves, or that how they were normally interpreted by many".




"Judging by the step whoever approaching me is right in front of me already opening my coffin I need to do this quick".

From there Mercury began to take a life and death gamble as this was a risk as he is depending on his previous knowledge as a broke otaku as he said.

"Imagin an invisible force that is all around you it can't be seen nor can it be touch, still it is there".

From there, Mercury began feeling a warm feeling surrounding his whole body almost like sinking in a never-ending sea as the mana around Mercury began to vibrate.

"Ahh... I feel it so this is mana it weird feeling it like I am been hug by a beautiful woman with a warm motherly sensation but the feeling is all over my body".

"But even so, this is still not enough if I want to survive I need to accomplish way more than this hahaha... to think it is my first time entering this world, and I am already nearing a dead-end that forcing me to use cheap imitation of my dead family member martial arts skills well let's do this".

"The mana is there now it to draws it to me, imagine as all the mana start to sink into your skin and it strengthens your body, your blood is boiling, your organ are rumbling as your whole body start to sound like mighty engine giving you a massive boost in powers".

From there the vibrating mana began to pour and seep into the body of Mercury as he felt his body was been buff and enhanced as a weird sense of security overwhelm him.

But that wasn't all he felt all the mana was going in majority toward his legs than his fist honestly he felt really strong right now but of course, that is because of the new overwhelming foreign power entering him giving off an illusion of being the strongest.

Mercury absorbs the mana to physically enhance himself, he was taking a huge amount inside himself till the coffin began to glow. We can see a strange Snake-like tattoo glow purple along with a garden of rose glowing gold.

Till Mercury heard a voice in his head it sounds like it was coming from everywhere but nowhere at the same time as it said.

[Mana circulation was applied to your body due to it evolving]

"Mana circulation, well I guess it a physical enhancement ability".


Mercury began hearing the sound of his coffin began to open as he said.

"Well let get out of here, from their run if I can, and think right after".

"Let see how strong this body enhancement really is, and do a basic and simple jab".

Change of POV

On the outside, Majin Khalifa was near the coffin as she gave it a good look and said.

"What a weird way to build a coffin I see nothing to open it with it like the coffin was built as a whole, hmmm this is confusing".

Khalifa then looks at one of the pallbearers as she points at a random one and said.

"You come here".

The pallbearer pointed at himself as if trying to confirm but this irritates Khalifa greatly so she instantly appears behind him and kicks his ass towards the coffin.

"Yes, you who else do you think I am talking to".

The man was kicked towards the coffin as he fell to the ground but quickly got back upright after to find Khalifa right in front of him and ask.

"How do you open this thing eh"?

The man didn't answer because of his vow so he got up look at the coffin and pointed at the center.

Khalifa looks in the direction he was pointing at and saw a black button that was so black that you wouldn't even see it if it wasn't shown to you.

"I see well out of the way bud". Said Khalifa as she pushes the man out of her way.

"So it this box shape button, well here goes nothing". Said Khalifa as she presses the button and when she did everyone began hearing a loud engine-like sound followed by a series of multiple complex locks that started to be open and after about ten seconds.

The Casket door started to lose as it slid down slightly and when it did that a huge amount of smoke started coming out Khalifa even said.

"All this for bringing one human child".

But after about 30 seconds of waiting nothing came out of it and this confused everyone greatly till Lilith said in great annoyance as she looks towards the shaking humans.

"You guys didn't bring me a dead sacrifice right, because if you did well well I hope you are ready to pay in blood".

Bishop Card began to tense up as he began to say to himself.

'Shit, shit, shit Solomon you didn't give them an actual dead body right'.

Lilith began leaking a huge amount of intimidating aura as Card was panicking on the ground as he struggles to say.

"N-No Lilith Sama maybe the child i-inside just fall asleep the empire wouldn't dear to convey such disrespect".

"Asleep you say, well then Khal open it and check if it is asleep bring it to me". Lilith said as she had such a sadistic smile on her face which spells bad news for Mercury in more ways than one.

"Right away my queen".

Khalifa went and to the coffin as she plans on ripping the door off as she said.

"You got some balls sleeping on my queen like that well your funeral the queen get rather excited when she has a defenseless little boy in her hand, and most of them don't even last the first 4 hours upon arrival at least make a good show for the queen".

Khalifa then began to hold the door as she said while pulling it.

"Hide and seek is over little one time to co...


But before she could finish saying what she wanted to say she felt like something slammed into her entire body with great force as she said.



Khalifa was sent flying so hard she starts breaking through some of the walls in the castle and landed somewhere in the battlegrounds, as a weird-looking tree with purple leaves stop her as she crashes into it.

"Ohhh". Said Lilith with great interest as this was the first time in decades something grabs her attention.

"...". Meanwhile Sirus was just looking directly at the coffin as she saw something rather interesting.

"What the hell". Said Bishop Card as he was covering his mouth as it was really dusty.

Meanwhile, the other human were coughing their lungs out as the entire place was full of smoke as everyone began hearing a rather cute voice saying something but they couldn't understand.

"%^^#$&$^# ".

"What language is that Sirus"? Ask Lilith who was true the smoke as she was seeing a little humanoid talking a rather weird language.

"Well, well maybe this sacrifice won't be let down". Lilith said as she snaps her fingers which made all the smoke cleared up instantly.

Revealing the tiny humanoid which in a way grab the attention of many as his look were rather appealing.

Standing at 5'0 was a rather muscular little boy, he appears to be wearing what appears to be the remnants of an old tunic as only the lower half was left, he was barefooted but what caught the attention of many in the room was his primitive look, to be honest, it was very striking, he had long wavy but yet spikey platinum blonde hair reaching to the back of his knees.

He had a very handsome but cute face in short he was cute in a wild way as his skin color was pale white, but what cough the interest of many there was that he had tattoos on many parts of his body the most prominent been the snake-like one on his right arm swirling around it like a half sleeve.

While on his left hand was a garden of roses and torn going up like a half sleeve as well even going to his chest while on his back was a giant cross tattoo with a giant black snake swirling around it bitting what appears to be a heart.

He had black chains on his hands like he was shackled before been trap in that coffin but his most striking features were his eyes as they were golden it was almost like you were looking directly in the sun itself but in his eyes were pupils was supposed to be, a purple chaos star symbol replaces it in both eyes.

He also has a yaeba if you look past his smile he was doing which was believed in this world as only those love by the goddess of beauty could posses.

Lilith looks at this boy with great interest, not for his look but because of his tattoos as she knows where it is from as she said to Sirus.

"Can you see the aura of the symbol"?

"Yes it gives off an ancient aura but it's definitely on Romania's origins".

"So he is a child from the long last city or Romania hmmm but that city perishes 50,000 years ago how interesting get him for me Sirus".

"Right way sister".