




Inside a huge cave that was dripping nothing but mineral-rich water from above a short heightened longs hair, platinum hair boy was sleeping on a flat stone bed that was ironically formed due to natural causes in mother nature.

Of course, this young boy was no other than Mercury as he fell unconscious shortly after he use his Rapture skill to escape Lilith's underground dungeon and mysteriously landed somewhere in her domain.

Mercury at the moment was sleeping peacefully as his body was recharging the last bit of his almost empty mana capacity after using his ultimate escape skill as using [Rapture] requires a tremendous amount of mana to even cast on a single individual making it extremely draining on someone who has only enough to use it two times at full capacity.

But as Mercury was enjoying his nap it was cut short due to a series of Era notifications that for some reason seem to always sound off into his head when he is about to evolve.

[Notice. After many tries and failed the Mana portal inconvenience will attempt to fix itself]

[Now attempting to rebuild the Subject damage Mana portal due to Eternal evolution]

[The first attempt has failed now analyzing the body to see where the error lies]

[Analyzing complete anomalous error detected inside the host existence itself]

[Two extremely powerful mana portal has been found one damage and another sealed]

[One unregistered mana outlet has been found, due to the host been a reincarnated person, so the world Era shall build, rebuild, and fuse both the new upcoming mana portal and the already damage mana portal of the old owner of this body to create an even more powerful mana portal for the new owner]

[Now building a new unique Mana portal for the Subject Mercury Van Anguish]

[Notice. A new unique Mana portal has been created for the subject Mercury Van Anguish]

[Now distributing affinity]

[Affinity Fire]

[Affinity Darkness]

[Affinity Light]

[Affinity Enhancement]

[Unique Affinity Lightning]

[Unique Affinity Summoning]

[Unorthodox Affinity Ranklesss]

[Due to been exposed to Mayhem poison for an entire night absolute resistance to said poison has been acquired due to Eternal evolution]

[Due to exhausting your mana capacity without even having the assistant of a portal the unique skill [Mana recharge] has been acquired due to Eternal evolution]

[Due to the subject officially being a subject to the world of Erotica Era is now gifting you two Insintrict starting skills and one additional racial skill to start off with it in the world of Erotica]

[Congratulation the skill [Watchdog] has been gifted to you by the world]

[Congratulation the skill [Claymore] has been gifted to you by the world]

[Conngratulation the racial skill [Near death] has been gifted to you by the world]

[As a new subject of the world Erotica Era welcome's you]

Mercury been Mercury wake up as he held his head in annoyance as he said.

"Jesus fucking Christ Era this shit early in the morning god can't I have good morning sleep."

[Notice it is 12:52 in the afternoon]

"Wait are you serious, wait did you just replied am I hearing things."

[Notice. In this world they exist certain individual love by the world hence fort they are granted a unique privilege to request and ask anything of me if I find it suitable for it to be done or for it to be answered then it shall be so, for example, your predecessor Celesta was one that was also loved by the world, and in her last moments she requested an inheritance ceremony to pass her skills down to you before she died hence the reason you now have her skills]

When Mercury heard this he had a face of shock as he was finally getting some insight on how the world system works but the only thing that confused him was, why was he loved by Era what made him and the other so special, so he ask in hope of an answer from Era herself.

"Why am I loved by you though, what makes me and everyone else that is love by you so special?"

But sadly for Mercury for Era replied with.

[That question can not be answered]

"What *Sigh* I'm going to be real honest with you Era for some reason I just get the feeling like your hiding something big from me, and it's related to the previous question I ask you, and just for the recorded I already don't trust you."

Era didn't respond nor did she refuted Mercury words it was because of this silence Mercury already got his answer.

"You know been silence just makes you even more suspicious."

Era simply responds to Mercury's statement with.

[I was not created to answer that question please asked something that is within your reach]

"Yap your existence is definitely bad news, I don't even need to ask if I really wanted I could find out regardless if I put enough time into it, but enough of that I want to know where the hell am I?"

[The edge of the Artemis empire near the exit of the seal within the kingdom of Sloth]

"Wait what are you serious."


"I see so based on the cliche setting and little amount of common sense it would take to think of the obvious setting that playing out here, I can confidently say that the kingdom of Sloth is obviously connected to Sirus, hell she might even rule this place but if Sloth exists 6 more kingdoms should also exist and also been rule by their suspected individual sins such as Greed and Pride, and to sum thing up these 7 so-called Kingdom form the empire of Artemis am I right Era?"

Era couldn't refute nor could she find a hole where she can slip in and show a little bit of her knowledge to one of her subjects as Mercury pretty much solve the kingdom set up thing all by himself for a moment Era calculated that Mercury's knowledge would cause some drawback in the world system itself if he digs too deep into the forbidden, but then and again there is nothing she can do about it so she just said the most obvious reply that could be given.


Mercury has been the type that doesn't stick on a topic for too long if it is not necessary so he began to observe his surrounding areas as he said to himself.

"Where exactly am I thought I know I'm in the kingdom of Sloth, but where the hell is this."

Mercury began to get up as he began to look around appraising everything around him as he found a couple of useful things inside this cave many of which can be useful to him as the first that caught his attention was the mysterious red liquid draining from the cave upper ceilings.

*Neon Venom*

The venom of the Crimson Serpent Race is so potent it could kill a grown man in less than a minute, but their venom is also used for many useful things in alchemy for example it is one of the many ingredients needed to make the highest grade healing potion that can heal any and all injuries normally these snakes resides in caves as they have a small pool of Neon venom stash in small or lingering crates ot hold as they keep their eggs in it to keep them warm, so most likely there is one close and right above us.

"Haha, I can already sense a storm that is approaching."

"But then and again this one interests me more."

*Mana fragments*

These fragmented crystals each hold some capacity of mana they are naturally formed in cave-like these if you break them your body naturally absorb the stored mana to refill your portal capacity.

"These little rainbow-like crystals are perfect to have with you when things get tough in a battle especially if your one that uses mana to fight."

"But now that I think about it I did hear Era talk about this Mana portal thing when I was still half asleep what the hell is a mana portal is something like a storage space where one inner mana is kept."

And just when Mercury was coming up with some theories of what a Mana portal is Era was the one to answer his question.

[A Mana portal is like a gateway to your soul or your path every living being in Erotica has one even if magic isn't accessible to them, you see each portal has a limit on how much it can take in, and if you try to force more than what your body can handle you will end crippling your own self that why it is better to make your gate naturally grow, and evolve on it own, for example, I had to build yours since your is new to my world]

"I see so that why I feel like I could control and circulate the mana in my body a hundred times better than before."

[Affirmative before I finish making yours you were just using, and controlling mana all by yourself without the assistance of a gate which is extremely abnormal which comes to show just how much talent you have for magic alone]

Mercury began to think as he wanted to test something out as he ask Era.

"Is there a basic spell you can instantly teach me I just want to see how proficient I am with this type of energy called Mana?"

[Now gifting Mercury the basic fire type spell called [Fire ball] please note that this will be taken as a favor from the world and most be repaid in time]

"So your basically a loan shark now ha... how troublesome a lone this will be."

Mercury said as he began to feel a lot of unknown knowledge came into his head flooding his mind with huge amount of advance other worldly information he has never seen or heard before.

After taking in all the information for a simple fire ball spell Mercury put his hand up to a random wall in the cave, and a huge ten-meter magic circle was formed as it started to produce an immense heat, as Mercury said.

[Fire ball]


With those words, a giant fireball was formed, and fired at extremely high speed towards the wall, and exploded causing a huge shock wave creating a new entry to the cave as an entire wall was disintegrated and never to be seen again.

After Mercury watch as his first spell was already changing the terrain he smiled inwardly as he said with a blank expression on his face as he look at his hand then to the wall then back at his hand just to make sure he isn't seeing things.

"Damn that was a basic spell."

[Of course not obviously that is you after I rebuild your gate your mana capacity has grown almost ten times larger than before as your gate has a special power to slowly increase the quality of mana when it enters it, hence the reason why it is so destructive]

"Hahah my MC privilege is taking effect already but then and again this isn't enough I still need more power to survive in this world, but enough of that for now my time shall come when I am on top of the food chain.

From there Mercury began stretching as he said.

"Hhmm that was a good stretch why don't we start with introduction isn't that right little one after all you've been watching me for quite a while now, at least when you hide your presence don't breath so loudly I can literally hear you from a mile away."

Mercury said as he look to his left, as he heard something a while ago as a scared voice went off as and a pink-colored boy just pop up into existence and prostate before Mercury begging for his life as he said.

"Ahh don't hurt me strong one I didn't mean to spy on you without your permission please don't kill me like you did that wall."

Said the Mysterious boy who was trembling in fear of Mercury power as tears of fear started to leak from his eyes.