The son of Darkness

(A/N): This will be a long chapter since it is a special.

How did I get here? how did this happen? why must this happen?

"These were the three question I have always ask myself time and time again because my life has never been linear, no if anything my life has been nothing but unsystematic."

Every time I try to save something that means so much to me, it always ends the same way, it either dies on me or it leaves me behind, in the end it was unavoidable from the very beginning.

Honestly this process constantly repeat itself over and over again, but I know to all my heart I can't fix anything, even with all the power I possess.

It for that very reason all I do with my life is wonder because wonder is all I can do, but even doing that couldn't last forever, because all thing has to come to an end, it doesn't matter if you are immortal, it doesn't matter if you are omnipotent, because with time even one state of being could be taken away or deteriorated over the course of time.

Thats unless you are time itself, because only then can you escape the inventible end knows as death, over and over again.

Sometime I wonder how I was born with such power, why was given such a curse, why must I suffer as such, I just want to die, why can't I die, has my immortality reach such a foolish level that even the aspect of time and true death couldn't kill me.

I burn myself in the sun, but I lived.

I vaporized my very being within a neutron star but I lived.

I tank a super nova, but I live.

I tank the big bang of multiple universes across multiple multiverses at a time even one that are at a higher dimension as well, but I live,

I throw myself into a singularity but it collapses before my presences and the end result was the same.

I even fought other time controlling entities that are omnipotent, but even they weren't able to kill me.

I went back in time to stop my own birth, but it just has the opposite effect, because every time I try to stop it, I was somehow born in this timeline, it was almost as if my birth was necessary.

I continue this process of wanting to die, over and over, again and again, but to no avail I could never die no matter how hard I try.

But every attempt till now has failed, eventually I just gave up and leave my destiny and fate to time itself, whatever happen I would accept it with open arms.

It was at that moment that I acknowledge my fate by accepting the fact that I can't beat nor surpass time in anyway whatsoever, and by accepting that something miraculous happen to me.

I enter my first hibernation, and it was the closest I have ever been to death, why did I fell asleep in almost death like coma, well that answer was beyond me, even I don't the reason why, but after I got up millions of years later, I notice some drastic changes in my very existence.

At first, I was nothing more than a giant and revolting looking bat creature but now I look far more beautiful, you see I was a part of an ancient alien race call the Ancestorial.

We were a H.I.V.E mind race that share emotions, feelings, and experience, it was because of this we were easily one of the strongest races to ever exist across multiple multiverses.

But just like I said before, with time everything must come to an end, we weren't wipe out by another alien race, nor did we kill ourselves, no as a hive mind race as soon as the first Ancestorial die so does every other Ancestorial behind the first.

It was an inescapable destiny, and the way we died was by natural causes, simply because we have just reached our lifespan, nothing more nothing less.

But even after the death of the first and everyone else behind him, I remained, this puzzled me why did I live, why did I survive, why was I the only one left.

Up to this day I am clueless why I was born so different from the rest, because all my life, I lived a normal life along with my parent and family, and to die by their side along with my brethren would have been an honor like no other, at least that way my life would have been meaningful.

But yet I remained, it was because of that despair that I notice I had an ability that can tamper with the very flow of time, by using my blood as catalyst.

So, I use it time and time again to save my race from it inescapable demised, but no matter how many times I try their fates where seal and set in stone, I save them from their fate of natural causes but something else more powerful than our great and powerful race always comes to destroy our hive.

I save them from the calamity that came to destroy us, but a supernova that was close by just come to wipe us out.

I decide to save the original and my parents, instead of the whole hive, but as I turn my back, they get into a serious dispute and decide to kill each other.

I repeated that day for a total of 123,453,133 times, but after failing time and time again my mind brake, and just give up, which caused me to did something that was unforgivable.

I ran away from it all, knowing they were going to die.

I ran away from it all, knowing that my parents were going to die.

I ran away from it all, because I was too selfish to carry on.

I ran away from it all, because I was too scared to watch them die in front of me.

I ran away from it all, because I too weak.

I ran away from it all, because I was a failure.

I ran away from it all, because I couldn't do anything for them.

Honestly speaking if there was an afterlife then they had all right to hate me, I had the power to reverse time but yet I failed them.

I had the power to prevent their deaths, but yet I failed them.

I had the power to save the life of many innocent Ancestorial, but yet I only saved my own selfish life.

"Haha how selfish can I be?"

"How impotent can I be?"

"How useless can I be?"

"How slothful can I be?"

It's for that very reason I abandon my birth name Paradox-Rory, I wasn't worthy of it in any way whatsoever, because my parent was kind enough to take care of me, to love me, to always be my side when I needed them the most.

But what do I do after they have given me so much, yeah you guess it I left them behind along with all my friends, co-workers, and people to suffer an inescapable and unavoidable death?

Truly I was the most slothful existence to exist, because by doing nothing it cost me everything.

So as time goes on, I travel the universe, still plagued by guilt, so I tried to help as many individuals as I can.

I stop the floods and natural disasters of many planets, saving the lives of many using my natural physical strength as Ancestorial.

I healed the diseases of many sickly beings by using my blood.

I protected an entire planet of Nekomatas from a rouge alien race that enslave other alien races for their selfish desires, I did this for 5678 years straight till I wipe them all from existence.

I adopted many children and raised them as my own, giving them all a meaningful life.

I help the poor however I can, in any way possible.

I gave many races alike a portion of my knowledge if they so covet it, if it can help them in any way possible, then I don't mind giving it to them if they need it more than me.

I feed the hungry, when they were starving, I even go as far as to feed many races with my own flesh when there was nothing around for them to eat, of course, I still feel the pain, but if my pain and suffering could ease their pain even if it was a little then so be it, it will just regenerate anyways.

I lead many nations and empire to war claiming many glories and victory to many alike.

I also stop many wars, creating world pieces between many nations, there was also a time I brought an entire galactic system to galactic peace.

I continue my days like this for as long as I could remember, day and night nonstop, I would aid those who were desperately in need, I would aid those who truly needed help, I would aid those who didn't ask for help.

I was well aware that been born from ancient and powerful vampiric race while possessing mysterious time defying powers along with many other abilities thank to experience sharing of the Ancestorial race, I was able to gain a total of 1,354,564,217 years' worth of battle experience, even up to their deaths I gain all their memories and knowledge, of the omniverse.

Although I don't know everything, I am confident enough to say I know a lot compare to others, more so than even many self-proclaim gods, honestly why is everyone so fix with the concepts that things like gods exist, if anything the strong exist but that all there is too it, there is simply stronger individual capable of destroying things at a universal level.

That was a saying my mother always told me, gods don't exist they never had and they never will be, but the strong yes, they exist in multiple universes.

Some are capable of destroying existence, some are capable of recreating it, some are even capable of keeping balance between the two, but it doesn't mean that they are gods, if anything to me the term God or Goddess is nothing more than a title one can earn by doing miraculous things before the weak, because they themself are not capable of doing it.

Just because they can't do what we can, doesn't mean we should be selfish enough and take their good grace and succumb to something call the divinity phenomena.

Which is basically an imaginary energy where the strong or even the weak can acquire by having some source of worship, with this thing called divinity it can create many miraculous outcomes for said individual, most of the time it can increased your power to non-sensical level.

But then and again it's not a bad thing, but I prefer not to have it, for the sole reason it hard to maintain, much less to keep in order for too long.

But even when I try so hard to avoid it, my kindness was my own downfall, every person that I have help, every universe and galaxy that know of my existence, every unfortunate soul that has succumb to my wrath, every person that I have killed, every person that I have help or punish in some shape, form, or way.

Many began to see me as an all-powerful Goddess who rule over life and death, some see me as a cruel god that torment the wicked and even the innocent if their hearts were impure.

While others see me as an honest loving and caring Goddess who walk in fire if it means I can ease their pain.

Millions, billions, trillions, nonillions, countless amount of individual all began to worship me in more way than one, eventually they all settle on one name and moniker for me, a nameless Ancestorial, and the name they chose for me, stuck with me for the rest of my life.

『Khahrahkaala』 Aka 『The Crimson-Scarlet』 Aka 『The Crimson Queen』

The bloodiest of the bloodiest, the cruelest of the cruelest, the fairest of the fairest, the omnipotent nihilistic demonic eldritch god of time and space.

These where the very nicknames that many refer to me in times of old, these were the name that were called when the bow and pray to me.

Of course, I answer all of their prays because they were suffering, but I have never answered any of them because I want them to worship me, no I never wanted nor have I ever wished to be worship, if anything this was the price I had to pay for my slothfulness.

By doing nothing, I end up with nothing, if people can smile, even at price of many; in order to save the mass majority then sacrifices could be made, and I will take all the responsibilities because their death was caused by me.

I am well aware I can't help everyone in creation, that why I hate it, that why I disgust the very concept of it, that why I wish to correct it, I don't seek the destruction of all things, no I seek the possible conclusion that lies within it for a better ending.

This has always been my mind set from ever since I failed my own kind, I don't like violence but I know it's needed to get results, I don't like to hurt people but I know if I don't the things that I love, or the things that I will soon come to love will be hurt, I don't like to be cruel to anyone if they don't deserve it in the first place.

But yet even after I tried so hard to repay for my sins by helping many people as much as I can, it always had the opposite effect, the divinity phenomena made it as such, to many of the old and new generation I was worship as caring god, but to my enemies I was seen as a destructive nihilistic demonic god, and since my enemies far surpass the ones that see me as caring, I was morph and reborn in such a way that my very existence could bring fort a definite dystopia if I was to ever manifest on a weaker plane of existence in a whole.

Why, why, why, all I wanted was to help people, all I want was to purge this false thing knowns as creation, by restarting everything and create a more peaceful universe where everyone can live as one.

But after been reborn in such a way, I couldn't help anyone anymore, as my mere presence bring fort nothing but destruction, I couldn't protect the weak like I use too, because I can drive them insane, I couldn't heal the injured anymore as my blood just taint them and turn them into corrupted creatures of the night.

I couldn't act as a beacon of peace, as my voice drive all those who were listing to it to the very brink of madness.

I couldn't give anymore forbidden knowledge to aid them in their struggles as it causes more war and unnecessary violence to be reborn into the world, which end in both sides dying a fool's death.

It was at that moment that I recognized that even by helping others I couldn't accomplish anything at all, I just make everything worst every time I tried to help.

So, was been slothful the answer to solve all my current predicament, so by doing nothing I can help countless life more than actually doing something to help, but by not doing anything many more will succumb to pain and suffering so what do I do?

That question plagued my mind for eons upon eons, but my nature to help others couldn't be quench so easily, I continue to help knowing that suffering would have been the end result.

I continue to give knowing destruction would have been the only outcomes.

I continue to aid knowing that pain was all they were going to get in the end.

But even so if they smile even if it was for a moment notice, then I can be happy, I could live with the fact that I didn't sit idly by and watch them suffer, of course the end result was nothing but dystopia or destruction.

In time I repeat these cycles despite my powerlessness of never truly helping anyone, till eventually I fall into my second hibernation phased, this time I slept for a vast amount of time.

But the next time I wake up, it would forever change my life in a whole, normally when I'm in my hibernation period, it mostly because my power had reach yet another threshold upon reaching a certain level of enlightenment, due to me going through an evolutionary change, which mean I was increasing in power yet again.

So, hearing prays was impossible once I was in this state, or so I thought, why you ask well its simple, for the first time in my long life I began to hear a pray with such desperation, with such melancholy, with such suffering.

It wakes me up automatically, and me being me, I had to help that weeping plea for help, it was so immense that I couldn't help myself, it was so immense that I actually felt the emotion even thought my true form is all the way in the 10 dimensions where I oversee everything.

So, I focus my mind over the dominance of time, as I stretch my sight all the way over to the weeping voice, and what I saw shocked me.

Apparently by some miracle the voice was coming all the way from the edge of the observable omniverse, and when I mean the edge, I literally mean it.

In one of the multiverse bubbles, lies a lonely universe that was so far away that the entire race was the only living creature that were alive.

Human was what they were called, honestly out of the many alien races I have seen they look the weirdest, if anything they look plane, each of them having only different pigmentation of their skin colors to show their different in ethnicity.

But despite that I wasn't someone to judge, because no one not even me could choose how and where they were born, so I just focuses on the weeping voice.

And that when I found the source of the weeping, somewhere in the slums of Neza-Chalco-Ixta of Mexico City, a lone woman lies in ancient underground ruin, where she was strip naked and skewered upon a cross with giant metal nails, each of them piercing her risk and a single one piercing her lower feet, her eyes seem to have bene pull out, her risk was bleeding, while her face had a clear expression terror and sadness.

She seems to be set upon an Alter where hundreds of these hooded figures where all chanting something which roughly translated to "Offer it to the most might, offer it to the Hunab-Ku."

They did this while placing a flaming crown made from nothing but sharp and pointy thorn, the crown stayed on the head of the woman till it burn to nothing, her screamed echoed throughout the underground, but to no avail, no one would nor could they hear her.

Her belly was huge, it was clear she was pregnant, the woman eventually died due to blood loss, but the way she died due to it was the fact that they cut out her heart and offered it to a statue.

The woman died but the last word she heard from her was this.

"God if not me, at least spare my unborn child."

Those, word echoed throughout my mind to the point, I shed tears almost as if I was feeling the emotion of loss and despair myself, what the hell was going on, was what I was thinking, how can a weaker creature emotion reach her when she was this far away to such an extent.

A 3rd Dimensional being was affecting and interacting with a 10-dimensional being such as herself.

But she didn't pay it any mind, she wanted to help the woman who somehow manage to reach her, but there was one problem although her evolution was only 99% percent complete at that time, and a universe that was so far away and so weak to the point that even if a portion of her true form were to manifest there, everything will cease to exist.

Much less her soul, so how could she help the poor soul crying for help, well after reaching such non-sensical level of power she did it the only way she could at the time.

She created a will and tried to weaken it as much as she can, but after she created the will, she can only make it planetary at best, and send it down to the lower plane of existence, to aid the weeping woman.

She knows she been selfish, to help someone that was so far away, to help someone that she can easily ignore, no matter how many eons pass, she can never change, she can't help anyone she knows this, since her aid only brings pain and suffering, but it's better than letting them die like that.

"Kakaka... I'm so powerless even in situation like these, this is all I can do for you right now little one, any more than this and I might ruin both your lives."

She sent down her will, if anything it was something akin to a persona, it was invisible if anything it was a second personality of hers, and right after she did that, her original self-went back into her hibernation.

After her second will reach the planet known as Earth, it instantly possesses the body of the woman and began using matter manipulation to heal the body of all its wounds, from there she began to cut, stab, and pierce killing all the cultist mercilessly leaving absolutely no one behind, with her sharp claws that was made from using matter manipulation.

After she did that, she notices something, she just got here and yet she was already fading from existence, why was she fading from existence, and that when it hit her, she was already too late, this person succumbs to her injuries before she got here.

And since this will or second persona of her, relies heavily on the life of the host to survive, she herself was dying, and to awaken her original self would be impossible since the original was deep in slumber in order to complete her evolution, and since she killed everyone here, she couldn't possess no one, so there was only one option left.

She looks at the woman pregnant belly, as she heard a small heartbeat from within it, the child was only 11 weeks old, and haven't even been born yet, it was innocent, hence fort it didn't had sin, for that very reason she had no right to deny it of its life.

If she doesn't do something quick, without a doubt this child was going to die here, but if she does do something this child life would without a doubt change for the good, but even that it will bring it great misfortune in the future.

But the result where the same as always, she wanted to help this child at least long enough to make it live, so she did something she shouldn't have done, she temporary fuse with the child subconscious, without tampering too much with his undeveloped brain, and leaving just enough space for it to have its own personality.

And after she did that, she made a link with the deceased body and living fetus within the woman stomach, from there she began to read the memories of the woman and what she found was very disturbing.

The woman's name was Eva Mildred, she was a 23-year-old Latina-Japanese woman, from ever since she has known herself, she has always been alone, she grows up in an orphanage but the living condition there were horrible.

So, at the age of thirteen she ran away from the orphanage along eight others, escaping from the place wasn't really that hard since the orphanage itself didn't even have enough to purchase a proper security.

And life in the most dangerous slums in the world wasn't easy, survival was a serious struggle, so much so, she survives the only way she knows how to, which was by resorting to prostitution, although illegal, it was the only way she knows how to.

This was how she lived her life in order to survive, till one day she got pregnant, and the saddest part is she doesn't even know who the father is.

Honestly speaking this didn't affect her at all, although a little disappointed in herself that she got pregnant despite the fact that she was using protection most likely faulty.

She was honestly happy that she can conceive a child that she can call her own, and since she been saving enough money for ten years straight, she can finally start a fresh and new life somewhere safe.

But just when things where finally going her way, she was suddenly kidnap by a group of men, and next thing she knew she became the sacrifice for a rather horrendous and sadistic ritual for a cult she had no knowledge of.

And that was the memory of woman who despair was so strong it manages to reach her all the way to the tenth dimension.

She then looks back at the belly, of the woman and decide that she will conceive this child no matter what, and right after that she will find a proper home for it so it can have a normal and peaceful life, and right after does that, she will go somewhere far away from it and fade away slowly, because after she help it the purpose of her existence will be complete.

The first thing she did, was fly to an isolated mountain that was located somewhere in the Himalayas Mountain, from there she uses her matter manipulation to create a giant castle, and that was the place she used to care for the woman unborn child for the remaining six and half months.

But in those six and half months, she bounded with that child almost as if it was her own, she would read it stories her parents use to hell her when she was just a pup.

(A/N): Bats youngling are referred to as pups.

But it didn't stop there, she would sing the child lullabies as well, of course she was watching the health of this body she was temporary possessing.

Although the child wasn't born, she spends every second with it, giving it the love and affection, it needed.

In all her life she had never felt this much joy and happiness from since she was a little pup, because in this warm and cozy castle upon a cold and unforgiving landscape it was only them.

But that happiness would not last forever, because she was soon going into labor were she conceive the child herself.

A right after she did that, she gave birth to a baby boy, although not hers biologically, the child still had some deep connection towards her very being in a whole.

But she knows that, if she stays with him any longer it will just cause trouble for him in the future, so right after she did that, she left out to find a family that could care for him.

And so, she did, as she manipulate fate in such a way that he was eventually adopted by the Mercury family.

But even after she said all those things about dying somewhere far away from him, it was harder than she originally thought, reason be she has already grown to attach to the child.

Whenever the child was hungry and the maids didn't tend to him in time, she would sneak in to breast feed him.

Whenever the child would cry because he needs to be change, she would sneak in to change him.

Whenever the child would cry because it wanted comfort or it was cold, she would sneak in to cuddle him to sleep.

This process of taking care of the child behind the scene continue till it could take care of itself, which wasn't long, for some strange reason the child itself was extremely abnormal, she partially blames herself for that.

For one Allen could walk properly at the mere age of three months after his birth, at the age of six months Allen could talk almost like an eight years old child, his language was so fluent it was shocking to even believed that he was born just six months ago.

At the age of one Allen could have already read perfectly, the Mercury family was shocked beyond belief how can a mere child be blessed with such supernatural intelligence to the point he makes most teacher question their carrier.

At the age of one he was already given the moniker the baby king, but what made him to be rub wrongly with a lot of people was his pervertedness, because at the age of one he already confesses to all maid staff, asking them for their hand in marriage.

He even asks all of them to bear his children, of course all of them reject him because none of them want to go to prison, he even asks his adopted mother to make love to him right before his father, of course he got ransack in the mouth right away.

At the age of two Allen had already profound his love to over 235 different women, but all rejected his offer, and at the age of three he started kinder garden and graduated the next day, of course not without flipping all the teachers dress as he proceed to memorize all the glorious thighs and colors they were wearing.

At the age of four he went to get his I.Q check and the result shocked the very world itself, a mere 4-year-old I.Q was already at monstrous level which was 390 almost reaching 400, and it was just increasing by his age.

At the age of five Allen completely rewritten Einstein theory of general relativity, which took the world by surprised, but it was because of the child inhumane intelligent he views me as nothing more than an imaginary friend, he couldn't understand my existence, the general theory he could come up with was the fact that I was the imaginary manifestation of his superior mental capabilities.

Since I was probably the only one in the entire world he doesn't view as an idiot, he could never beat me in imaginary chest, he could never beat me in a game we called human calculator, he could never beat me in anything, it was the very reason I came up with the catch phrased "Kakaka... acknowledge me."

But something happens to Allen one day, I found him dripping in a pool of his own blood he was bleeding from both his eyes, and nose non-stop, I had never been so scared in my life, I eventually found out that his enhance knowledge was the cause reason be by him inheriting my enhanced memory trait.

That was basically near perfect memory that will continue to progress as he ages, and so does his knowledge, as it will increase at a drastic rate so much so, in ten years or so he could have turned this planet into a type one civilization.

But there was one problem, he might have super intelligent and near perfect memory, but his human brain can't keep up with the huge immense knowledge which was basically a giant archive of knowledge.

So, I had to do something that would forever change his life for the worst, I erase his memories at least 95% of it, I only keep the ones which were important.

Which were the one with his family, apart from that I deleted everything else, except the ones that were important, Allen could speak 143 different languages, Allen can memorize an entire encyclopedia and describe its content with great details with his eyes close, he was probably the only human who had a general idea of how to at least get started on building a time machine.

But to save him, I had permanently deleted all the memories we share together, yes, I only appear to him spiritually because I disregard the mother body out of respect and buried it somewhere with a beautiful view where she can see the beautiful rising sun from her grave.

And to make sure he doesn't overload again; I sealed his enhance memory, so it will only stop at 130 I.Q.

And because of this he became an average boy with above average level intelligent, it's because of this he became an otaku, it was the very reason I was bless with the name Dystopia-Andromeda-Thorn-Ruin-Blood, and I gladly accept it.

But the saddest thing is though, it was because of this he slowly grows out of his imagination friend phase which cause my existence to become null.

So, from since then a piece of me has always been asleep within his subconscious space, I vowed to protect this boy and yet I failed like I always do, I raised him like a son, but the Allen I once knew was no more.

It hurts, it really hurts, but just staying by his side like this gives my life a new meaning, it's for that very reason, I'm sure as hell isn't going to sit idly by and watch a psychotic woman from a different world, who barley knows anything about him, erase his existence, while erasing the memories we share with each other for her entertainment.

"Fuck me."

Mercury watches as Lilith current attack that can erase him from existence was nearing him, it was too fast, there was absolutely no way he could dodge that.

He was going to die, and it hasn't even been two days since he arrived here, he barley live a life worth mentioning in this world, and now he was going to be deleted.

"I-I-I don't want to die."

The attack, began to slow down as his life flash before his very eyes, he couldn't respond quick enough, he couldn't think of a solution to counter this, everything he has plan was going to end right here.

"I don't want to be forgotten."

Those five words where the only words he could remember saying before he lost consciousness, as an all too familiar voice rang in his head.

"Kakaka... as if I would let you die, how foolish can you be, who and what do you take me for you idiot, do you honestly think I was going to make this delinquent brat... kill my own son and best friend right before my very eyes, kaka... how foolish, take a brake Al let me take control of the situation and teach this godamn brat a lesson, but for me to do that I will need to take full control."




Upon those words Something snaps within Mercury head, and shortly after he passed out.

Mercury was no longer in control of his body as Dystopia was now in control, as the arrow head was inches away from touching her, but right before it did something Miraculous happen.

"Before me, time is my servant."

『Stagnation void』


Upon those mere words, a red like aura instantly shoot out of Mercury snake like body at an immeasurable speed.

And when the arrow head was exactly 1cm away from her, everything was put to a stop, as everything was frozen in place.

Even Lilith, but it didn't end there, even Era, Archion, and the many Robs that were watching the battle from another dimension was put to a complete stop.

But no, it didn't end their either, when I say everything was put to a complete stop, I literally mean everything within her reach of current power was put to a stop, the universe, multiverse, megaverse, and even the gigaverse was put to a complete stop.

No one was spared from this time stop, the bird stop flying, mana stop flowing, even sound seem to be frozen, proof of this was when Dystopia transform back to the current Mercury human form.

Not a single sound was made, but yet despite that, only Dystopia voice could be heard as she spoke while looking at all the dangerous erasure arrows.

『I am Nihility』

After saying those three words she places three fingers towards each and every arrow slowly dragging it across the air, each time her finger passes a wave of arrows each and everyone them disappear almost as if they were all truly been erased from existent in a whole.

But right after she did that, something began to happen to her, well Mercury body, as she suddenly spit out a lot blood which she catches with his hands.

"Tsk... Just as I thought, this body is too weak to properly house a portion of my power, much less control Nihility, sigh I'm not sure if this plane of existence can handle my true form for long, but what I'm also worry about, is the fact of the very name Archion, could it really be him, if it's really that monster then my count has truly been reborn in such an unforgiving world."

"Kakaka... never the less as long we don't attack him head on, and all the Mercury clone at least reach my current level of power we might stand a chance, Archion Haha... destroyer of robs haaaa... kakak... what a pain in the ass this turn out to be, I'm just lucky I can escape him with my time manipulation as I'm confident it far surpasses his."

"But nevertheless, I shouldn't strain this body too much, I should only stick to my battle experience, shared strength, matter and cell manipulation."

"Kakaka...Well then, I should at least resume her time, I'm feeling kind of piss right now."


After doing that Lilith was resume as she said, still thinking if Mercury could survive her flames of oblivion as she spoke.

"Entertain me b..

"Egh... what the hell is this?"

Lilith began to look around her surroundings, as she notices everything around her was frozen in place, he even the flow of mana was cut off, the same could be said about her Miasma, even her arrows were gone.

She then looks toward the direction she sends the first arrow at, only to see that Mercury wasn't in his giant snake form anymore and was just floating there, right away she asked, sending a telepathic message since he was at least 15 miles away from her.

"Is this you're doing?"

But as she said that she saw the boy slowly smile, revealing two sharp vampire like fangs, and what happen next actually send immense wave of shock up her spine as she heard a voice behind her.

"Kakaka... should you be worrying if this was my doing or not little girl, if anything what you should be worrying about at this point and time is the fact if you're going to walk properly after I'm finish with you, I have five minutes to play with you, so let's make our time together worthwhile shall we."

Dystopia said all this while instantly appearing behind Lilith undetected to the point their backs touch as she proceeds to bend her head on her shoulder while slowly caressing her face with so much gentleness, as a way to mock her.

Right away Lilith began to sweat beads for the first time in eons, by Mercury sudden movement, and react instantly by sending a sideway kick at the speed of light.


But as she sends that left swinging kick toward him, Dystopia instantly respond by lifting her right arm forward which cause half of her left leg to fly off, while being crush by the mere impact.

Blue blood fly everywhere, as it sprayed mercilessly like a jet.

She looks at this in surprised, but she didn't think about it for too long as she instantly regenerate and head back to attack him.

She flies towards Mercury as she began throwing heavy and precise blow this time it was two times faster than the speed of light.

With this much force and speed she was confident she can shatter the moon to bits upon impact, but something insane happen Mercury stop it with one finger as his hands were extended out.

"What the hell is going, how the hell am I been overpowered?"

Lilith watches as the devastating blow she sends towards Mercury was instantly stop by a mere finger, and what made it even more shocking was the fact he didn't move at all, his left hand was behind his back as he made a smug smile.

If Lilith could see his eyes, she was sure it would be one of mocking, almost as he was looking down on her, this actually piss her off a little as she began to rush toward him with clear frustration to this sudden turn of events.

As she began using another supreme skill that increased her attack power and speed by 99999x, as she sends multiple punches and kicks toward Mercury that was so fast and so powerful both speed and strength has long reach immeasurable.

But even after increasing her attack and speed to this level he remained unmoving just smiling smugly blocking each and every one of her attacks with a single right arm.

A total of thirty seconds has already pass but in that mere thirty seconds a total of 785,231,342,123,458 devasting blow where send perfectly towards Mercury, but all of them was perfectly fend off with one hand with relative ease as he didn't even move his body, not even one bit.


"Ha blood, where did it come from?"

Upon saying those word Lilith notice blood came spilling out of her mouth, and when she looks, she notices a fist size hole was in her chest, perfectly between her bosom, while multiple of her organ where liquidize by some unknown attack.

And that when she began to hear his voice again.

"Kakaka... I see that my attack is finally catching up to you, out of the nine heart you possess six are ruptured, three kidneys are splattered, and both Lungs are tattered, and a single liver has burst."

"H-H-How!? is this even possible."

Lillith said in absolute shock, but the next words he said hurt her pride a whole ton.

"Kaka what are you expecting your kind of weak after all."

"Ha weak, I'm weak, how can I be weak... don't get cocky with me you shitty brat I'm going to wipe that smug look right off your face you hear me!"

Said Lilith as she made a rageful face and release her full power in her base form as she rushes towards Mercury with all her speed and strength.

"Haaa... isn't this the kingdom of wrath how the hell did I reach here?"


Upon those word Lilith began to vomit more blood on the ground, and that when she notices it a lot of the Fallen died, due to her, how you ask well its simple Dystopia head flick her so fast that she couldn't even comprehend her speed at all, and a giant crater has already form with her at the center.

Causing a vast majority of the people in the kingdom of Wrath to be killed, and the sudden pain she felt was her head being bash towards the ground itself with such unbelievable speed at that.

But before she could even compose herself, she felt something sitting on her back, and when she looks, she saw Mercury filing his sharp claw like nails as he said.

"I see your finally finish fighting my after image, I must say your pretty slow little girl kakaka... or maybe I'm just too fast for you to even comprehend."

Lilith for the first time in her life felt something foreign to her, what was this, and that was when she notices, this was what was many called inferiority.

"That was an after image the whole time, impossible."

"Kakaka... did I hurt your pitiful pride, well then live with it, because nothing is impossible, as a matter of fact you still haven't notice haven't you?"

"Notice wha.. agh..

"Eh... How... did... I... reach... above... the... clouds...


Lilith then landed on something and that's when she notices her current situation, she felt someone yanking her hair and that when she realized that Mercury was high in the sky holding her by nothing but her hair.

"You ba...


But before Lilith could even say anything she was suddenly taken by surprised by a sudden kiss to the lips as the boy began French kissing her and constantly biting her tongue and right after Dystopia then said while licking her lips.

"Not bad you have the 5th greatest blood I ever have tasted in my life."

"You- you- bastard!"

Scream Lilith, as she was about coat her fist with the flames of Oblivion and punch Mercury in the face, but that when she notices something yet again.

Her eyes slowly look down towards her body, and that when she saw her current state, her entire body was gone, she was perfectly beheaded, decapitated, decollated like an animal, her eyes slowly look towards the enemy as she spoke trying to keep her calm.

"What the hell are you?"

"No who the hell are, you're not that Mercury kid aren't you."

The Mercury imposter smile at Lilith word as he slightly throws her head in front of him which she instantly took the chance to regenerate, even her clothes where regenerated.

She then raised her tone more.

"Answer me who the hell are you."

The Mercury imposter began to slowly laugh as she held his face, almost as if amused by the whole situation.

"Kakaka... agh... what I am or who I am doesn't matter, but if you must insist on a name, you can refer to me as the Crimson Queen, by your world definitive I am what you all would call an old one."

"An old one you say, if that the case, I'm guessing that child your host?"

"A host, I guess you can call it that, if anything this child is my vessel and family, and it's for that very reason I won't allow you to hurt him to the point of erasure, the memory I have left of him is all I have left, it's the only thing I have in this life that can bring me some form of happiness and meaning to it, and when you threaten those memory, you instantly pick a bone with me, and honestly speaking I won't be happy till I bash your face in a couple more times."

"A potential Newman been possessed by an old-one capable of moving at a speed that is too fast for my base form hahaha.... what a fun day, well then, I guess you're the boy vessel lord."

"Vessel lord what the hell is that?"

"Ha!? how do you not know what a vessel lord is?"

Ask Lilith with a confused face, and was completely bias about the fact that Mercury and Dystopia are from completely different worlds.


Dystopia look at Lilith with a genuine confusion on her face, which was kind of weird since she a vast amount of knowledge.

"A vessel lord is a title that is given to those who borrow power from an outside source or a stronger existence than themselves, in the boys case, you are his vessel lord because your existence relies heavily on him, if he dies you die, it's basically the merging of two separate existence, it would make sense why he was capable of taking Sirus by surprised not once but twice."

"I see."

"Well then, I'm quite excited it been a while since someone force me to revert back to my second form."

Upon saying those words, Lilith entire new regenerated body started to be coated by a dark aura that surrounded the entirety of her body, the sound of bones could be heard cracking, she grew from her 6'4 to 8'8, upon her head where her horns but two times the size with the left one having a weird black halo hovering around it.

Her eyes change from Silver to a menacing purple, she grew two more draconic like tails, making her have a total of three, her C-string turn into a G-string, on her back was four pair of raven black angelic wings, each of them having a giant mouth on them with rows of sharp teeth's.

Her skin went from crimson red to Vanta black, her hair turns from platinum to purple, around all her limbs where a strange black ring, that was releasing a lot or pressure, so much so, Dystopia herself was been very weary of them.

On her face was, was a face mask that was covering half of her lower faces, she grew another pair of eyes right under her current pair they were also purple.

And after that massive change in her current form, Dystopia heard a really distorted voice coming from Lilith as she said.

"Behold the second of my six transformations, in this form everything my aura touches cease to exist, and my strength is multiplied at least 666,666x, and that doesn't mean only my physical strength and speed, no all my skills and stats reap the benefit of 666,666x multiplier, even my control and experience over them are multiply by 666,666x"

Dystopia look at Lilith in slight worry, how can someone this stupidly overpowered exist, was what she was thinking, and then she felt something affecting her time stop in this area alone, and that's when she heard it.


"I see so it just starting to take effect now ha... I must say though, your quite strong normally this take effect instantly upon released, but it actually took about ten seconds before my aura adapted to your time stop."

Dystopia then look around her and almost everything, within Lilith's domain was cracking and when the glass reaches the ground the domain time began to resume slowly.

This actually shocked her, reason be this was the first time she met someone capable of resisting her time stop, what kind of monster was this woman, her ability to stop time was so absolute it can stop entities within their own time stop capabilities.

It can stop concepts as well evidence to this was when she stops Lilith erasure arrows and if you were touch by them in that state, it would have done nothing, but as soon as she released her second form, the very concept of absolution seems to be rendered null.

But what she notices nevertheless though, that these weird phenomena only extend as far as the seal, which made her think that the seal itself was not only suppressing her power but also blocking her range, so how much stronger is she without it.

This puzzle her greatly, reason be she has killed countless multiverse level beings with little to no effort at all, but despite all that this woman named Lilith, was far from full power, Michael has claimed that Lilith base form is planetary, but from that early interaction where the two clash it out with one another, she has deducted that her base from is at least star level with the seal weaking her to such an extent, now her second form which was also been weaken to some extent is still capable of deleting her absolution of time itself.

"Kakaka... truly what the hell is this monster, her base form suppress was at least C3 in cosmic tiering level, her current form is no less than C1 while being suppress, kakaka I should have known this was never going to be easy in the first place, sigh I didn't want to push this body over the limits, because I don't trust the effects of eternal evolution, can it really evolve pass it current limits to counter the damage his body will received if I use any more power than I'm currently using now."

"Sigh It would appear that I am left with no choice but to summon a tiny portion my true form to this plane of existence."

After those words were spoken by Dystopia, Lilith began to notice something, the entire world as she knows it was literally engulfed by a sudden red light, and when she looks up, she was taken by surprised and slight fear by a giant object that suddenly appeared.

It shocked her, so much so, she completely forgot to breathe, the giant object was so large she began to question if the so called [Crimson queen] was really even an entity from this plane of existence in a whole, as she said with a mumbling voice.

"W-W-What... the hell I-I-Is that thing."

Before Lilith, was a giant red eye, with billions of mouths with countless rows of teeth coming from each and every one of them, it was at least seven times bigger than the sun itself, just looking at it was enough to drive a person mad.

But the next words that Dystopia said was what make her question if she was some kind of outer God.

"Kakaka... behold one of my trillion of eyes on my body, don't let size fool you girl that thing is far bigger than you think it is, because its exactly 100,789 Galaxy away, just far enough to not destroy all life in this one and countless other."

"What the hell are you really?"

Lilith asked with actual curiosity to this thing before her, how could she not, she has fought countless old one with the ability to destroy the universe or maybe even beyond that but this thing was different in more ways than one.

Dystopia then began to transform Mercury body into a form that was more fit for combat as his long hair that reaches his knees went from platinum-blond to full crimson, as it began curling upward that made it had the appearance of a red demonic horns.

his upper clothes dissipate into literal nothingness, and on his chest three giant eyes that suddenly appear, the gauntlet on his arm turn into a full black full arm gauntlet with a mouth at each palm.

And behind him was a portal that was at least twenty meters long and was shape like an eye socket as it suddenly appears, and inside was nothing but blackness or so Lilith thought because withing the portal countless eyes slowly started to open up all red in color.

And after they open up, the mouth on some of the eyes, started to open up as, well as shadow like hands emerge from them.

Dystopia then said.

"When this battle is over you will be force to acknowledge me."

To be continued

Next time: Unstoppable force vs immovable object.