Unstoppable force vs Immovable object

it(A/N): Hello everyone Author-san here, first of all I just want to give a huge thank to everyone who has been with me, every step of the way since the begging of this project, I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my fragile heart.


The earth beneath the two began to shake, as their mere presence alone causes the rocks on the ground to levitate, the clouds in the sky start to form dark clouds above them.

The mana that was once frozen was slowly resuming due to Lilith tapping into the power of her second form.

The two look at each other with a hatful glare, if looks could kill, you would have probably been dead countless times already, Dystopia [The Crimson Queen] and Lilith [The mother of thousand transgression] both had a serious bargain to pick with each other.

Dystopia angered by the almost imminent death of her son/best friend; meanwhile Lilith was angered by the clear one-sided beating that wounded her very pride.

It was clear that the only way out of this was until one of them could no longer continue to battle anymore, but who would give in first, only the future could tell.

Lilith was the first to attack as she instantly appears beside Dystopia right side, her fist clench tight as she sends a solid left toward her face, this caught Dystopia by surprised, so much so, she said with slight shock presence in her tone.

"W-W-When did she move?"

Dystopia sense her attack coming from the right, she moves so fast, she didn't even have time to react much less move a muscle.

So, in a last effort of redirecting her life-threatening attack she began opening a rim size portal using the eyes on her chest, which had the ability manipulate space time without needing any form of energy.

(A/N): Fun fact for those of you who doesn't know, or hasn't realize it yet, Dystopia character was inspired by SCP 001 the scarlet king, although I made my own version of it, so I don't get a copy right strike, but apart from that please enjoy the chapter.

The attack was sent to another dimension entirely, but just that one attack made Dystopia realize that Lilith has once again gained the upper hand in both speed and strength.

Luckily though with a portion of her true form manifested, she can soon launch a special attack that comes from one of her racial abilities.

Hence the reason she needs to buy enough time in order for it to charge up.

Or more like she needs to buy enough time to analyze her existence in both body, mind, and soul.

If she can do that she wins, beating her wasn't the priority, no saving Mercury was the main mission, if she can at least analyze her body, she can use a skill that can locks her very existence itself, in short, slavery or absolute obedience.

But just as she was thinking that, she felt a slight pain in her left arm and when she looked it was gone.

"When did she sp....

"Ha, when did I reach here."

Said Dystopia as shed notices that she been separated from Mercury lower body.

As her head was flying in the air, but as soon as she reaches a high altitude upward in the sky, she notices someone catching her.

Of course, the person who caught her was no other than Lilith, as she held her by Mercury hair, and began to spoke.

"Not a nice feeling, is it?"

Lilith asked with a smug voice as a way to mock Dystopia.

"Tsk don't get cocky because your speed increased, I will have you know I have more than one trick up my sleeve."

Upon saying that Lilith began using one of Mercury skills as she opened her mouth and fired one of Mercury rail gun attacks.

Of course, it did nothing to Lilith, but I did buy enough time for her to escape her grip by transforming Into liquid and reform her self back.

"This is pointless, you do know that right, just surrender already?"

Spoke Lilith who was already Infront of Dystopia who was taken by surprised due to her immense speed, but even so she need more time.

As the attack she was going to fire at Lilith take time to get a proper analysis on the targets existence.

So as way to get the upper hand she was going to do something that might require a lot of energy to get a proper analysis on the target.

But a tremendous amount of energy would be needed to do this, so much so, it will most likely shed a off millions of years off her current life span to produce it automatically.

"It is nothing but a small sacrifice to pay for something of much more importance."

"Ha what the hell are you even talking ab...

『True time stop』

Upon saying that the world that was once slowly resuming stop in it track once more.

Everything stop on place, everything except for Dystopia that is, but she didn't stop there.

As she began to spam countless attack at Lilith who was now pause in absolute time stop, as each of these attacks as so powerful an old one would find it impossible to escape.

『Denial barrier』

『Stagnation prison』

『Looping prison 』

After that Lilith was engulf by chains that were red in color they wrap around her like a egg, tightening the grip on her every passing seconds.

This was of course a skill called denial barrier that seal every aquire skill imaginable.

From there a spherical like barrier went around her which was the stagnation prison that would freeze her in that one point in time even her thought will not be spared.

And finally a pentagon barrier which was the looping prison this will make her go back into a state were she once seal if she somehow manage to break it.

With all three of her strongest barrier including true time stop now activated to suppress her, this will give Dystopia enough time hit her with a counter attack.

"Hahaha... I done it now, so much energy to suppress one brat, what the hell is this monster?"

"Either way I cant waste anymore time, let's get this over with, I have reach my limit with true time stop."

From there all of Dystopia eyes open wide as they started to shoot a bright light towards her as if analyzing her.

Meanwhile Dystopia began chanting a language that couldn't be recognized at all.

"¥€cba bino mana losto quampir doe meano."

The way the language was set was almost as if it was a ritual of sorts, the giant eye that was high in the sky, began to glow a menacing red.

And as each second goes by the light grows brighter and brighter.

The eyes itself was staring directly at Lilith, and then a weird tattoo that took the shape of a serpent bitting it own tail started to slowly appear around her belly button.

The tattoo itself was glowing a golden aura around it.

But Dystopia didn't stop her chant at all, but when she was half way through, she notice something that should be impossible.

As she began hearing something like glass cracking, and when she look all her seal were slowly been destroyed by a weird purple aura.

When Dystopia saw this she could only think In her mind.

"No way! her aura could destroy all my seal like nothing, no it scarier to even think a creature that capable of freeing herself from my true time stop even exist that way more terrifying, I need to hurry I almost at my limit."

That was the last words Dystopia said as she put everything into the curse she about to place on Lilith to protect Mercury.

But meanwhile somewhere else, something amazing was happening inside Mercury subconscious space, to be honest it was so amazing that even he wasn't aware of what was going on, was this really his subconscious space or something else completely.

Chang of Pov.

"Ha where am I?"

Said Mercury who suddenly got up completely unaware of how he got her in the first place."

"How did I even get here?"

Said Mercury who had amnesia and forgot everything due to Dystopia possessing him.

"It's cold, really cold, too cold."

Mercury began to look around, and all he saw was nothing but an ice-cold terrain, but thankfully.

Eternal evolution worked in such a way that once it thinks its master is in danger illusion or not it will evolve in order to save him.

Because in a short time Mercury suddenly began to felt warmer as he heard a voice in his head, but it wasn't Era no it was him.

[Due to exposer to immense cold temperature, you have gained absolute cold immunity]

"That's weird, what happen to Era!? sigh there no use thinking about it now let's just see where this place is."

Mercury then began to walk the cold terrain.

If anything, this place was full of many old and medieval like buildings.

There were many humans around all full of tattoos, similar to his, some even had them covering their whole body.

And despite being extremely cold all of them were either shirtless or barley had no clothes at all, but Mercury didn't ponder about their existence, no! something else was calling him from ever since he got here.

He looks around the place, not only were there these weird humans who were filled with nothing but tattoos, there was also weird ice dragon flying and circling the kingdom.

And speaking of Kingdom, at the very center of the foreign place lies a giant castle that was floating on a separated Island.

The castle itself was made from iron-like material that was similar to iron, and honestly speaking he would have believed it was iron, if it wasn't for the fact that his eyes of chaos said otherwise.


. The strongest alloy in the entirety of Era, it was said to be so tough not even the Newman could dent it with their immense physical strength, but what made it so durable to begin with, is the fact that it absorbs mana at the speed of light to strengthen itself, so once inside in it doesn't matter if you are an old one or great sage you are useless if you use mana.

When Mercury saw this, he became extremely interested in this new and unknown mysterious alloy that practically makes magic users as useless as rubbish.

If he could somehow recreate this alloy then he might actually find a way to defeat most of his enemy's, hell despite all his God given skills Mercury has long accepted the fact he is not the strongest for now.

But regardless of that, their other means to kill Gods, proof to this was when he literally usurped Michael existence by punishing her in world.

By law Michael should be considered a multiverse level threat at best, despite the fact that she herself has not claimed that.

But seeing her deceitful nature she was probably lying about her true power as well, because in the last moments of her life she claims to control sunlight in multiple multiverses.

And that is the reason I place her power at such a high value, truly though this world is full of monsters in every direction, I wouldn't even be surprised if someone told me every one has the potential to become God like being.

Truly the Archion plane of existence is at a ridiculous level, so much so, I wonder if slime boy verse in the anime I used to watch can even compare, then and again, slime boy was just too op to begin with, if I compare my power with his I'm definitely stronger than him when he was in the cave and met Vel, and the weird thing is, he spent months there while I only spent two rough days here.

It safe to say I had it a little rougher than slime boy at the start of my adventure, but I blame my F-rank luck, but due to my body been in state of eternal evolution.

It opens up many new possibilities for me, so much so, I ask Era if there was any person Immune to Lilith poison.

I was shocked to find out that I'm the only person except for this so-called Archion character who also has absolute resistance to it.

It is safe to say that by the time this year is finished, I should be able to reach some level of omnipotence.

If anything, I'm already at a level where I can forcefully resurrect the dead, once their soul hasn't passed on that is.

I began to think all these thoughts in my head, reason be I have only been here for two days and I confident I total entire kingdom with Lucifer alone.

"Talk about extremely fast growth rate, hahaha... nevertheless though I'm confident enough that I can stay alive even if I was beheaded, of course [Self-supremacy] is my trump card in that field."

But just as I was thinking this, I was taken out of my though as heard the people around me began speaking in great excitement.

I look towards woman she she in a bikini armor she had grey eyes and several tattoo across her hole body, his skin was dark and her hair was grey.

She look no more than 23, I watch her as she began to rile up a crowd as she began to talk.

"Hey, hey it about to start, the traitor execution is about to start, justice to Romania at last."

Said the woman in great excitement.

Meanwhile the people around began to gather as they all cheered to the top of their lungs.

"Hell yeah another beheading ha."

"Fufu do you think a mere beheading is enough to kill the spawn of the witch."

"Yea your right, after all sir Seth before his treason against this great country could survive even a fatal blow the divine Lagnus that king Adam weird himself."

"Haha so the king really is going to kill his son, what a tragic fate for a boy so young, he hasn't even reach of age yet, I believe he would be 18 this year on the 2nd moon on the 14 shift ."

"That boy kill his sister for the throne, and also gave away the sacred flame to the world serpent, we might be Newman but even king Adam would have hard time fighting the world serpent."

"Regardless I think the king is doing the right thing, we can't allow Seth to roam free not after what he did."

The girl that started this all, then began to continue as she said.

"Everyone gather up the traitor coming."


Upon those words, everyone cheered in glee as they all run to the main road, but what Mercury notice was that the were picking up stones on the ground meanwhile other were selling projectile.

"Get your bread here, get your Matos here, 3 each for for one bronze."

"What the hell is going on here? who been is the person been sentence to death?"

Mercury ask as he watch as thousands of Newman bundle up together throwing stone and other projectiles at something.

So to see what was going on, he then began began the phase through since this seem to be some kind of weird dream.

"Who the hell are they even stoning, and what the hell is going on?"

"What's all the commotion ab...

But as soon as he reach the front and finish what he wanted to say he paused at the horrific sight before him.

The world became silent, as all the hate talk, and loud cheers became deaf to him as the shock he received was so immense he didn't even realize his body was moving to the this these people were stoning.

"Die you filthy traitor."

"Feed him to the pigs."

"Perish in hell you filthy bastard."

"Because of you my mother died that day."

"Burn him to the stake."

"Pull out his other eyes."

"Cut him to pieces, and give it to the orc slaves as nutrients."

All these insults were heard by Mercury, but due to the immense shock cursing through his very being he ignore them.

Mercury was now face to face with the person who was sentence to death as people were stoning him with rock, fruits, glass, knives, and much more.

Mercury finally found the courage to speak, but his word were very limited due to the shock, as he look up in disbelief his hand trembling with fear.

As the words that escape his mouth were.

"W-W.... Why?"

"Burn him to the stake."


"Tear him limb from limb."

"Why, why, why?"

"Torture him so more, punish him for his crime, he can't be allowed to live."

"Why am I been put to death, is this some joke."

Yes before Mercury, was someone that look exactly like him, the only difference was that, that his hair was shorter, and only to his shoulders.

His left eye was missing, while his right eye was full blow even the sclera was full blue but the boy had analog clock design within his eyes.

He look exactly like me, a childish appearance despite him been 17 at the time.

He was chain up to a stake, he was bruise and cut in every direction, his his legs were broken so bad it was beyond words to describe.

And to make things worse they had him standing on hot burning coal, which was slowly burning his feet.

On his head was a crown made from broken swords, nail, and other sharp objects.

He was completely naked, he was trembling most likely due to the immense cold temperature that this place had.

Blood was every were, his toenail were gone and also his finger nails were also gone, his lips were getting paler by the second.

But despite all that, this person wasn't screaming in pain nor was he crying in despair, nor did he had a miserable face to show his regrets at all no.

It was the opposite of despair and sadness because this person that was the spitting image of his current self, wasn't frowning nor crying no he was smiling.

And it wasn't just any ordinary smile, no Mercury himself has seen this smile before, it wasn't a smile of happiness no it was a smile of self-satisfaction, the smile of someone who got something greater in the end of hard trial.

It was the smile of someone who has lost the battle but has won the war a hundred time over in short a victorious smile.

And the person who hold such a grand smile despite his current state was no other than the previous owner of the body that Mercury now possess, Seth of Romania, the youngest son an the bastard child of king Adam and the witch of space and time Lilim, and the person who led the Newman to their inescapable end.