Chapter 2 - A day in Riverbank

Riverbank may be a small village, but its name is very much quite known in Esteria for its prolific production of wood art such as statues, frames and furniture.

Then, one day they added yet another item to their roster that sold tremendously well: figurines.

It all began when Rio was sweeping the floors of the workshop after a day of tiring work. Since he knew little of woodworking he agreed to do the more menial tasks: picking up wood for people to use, cleaning the place, and even just paperwork. He wasn't being picky, well not like he could be picky anyways. However, after seeing the countless chisels strike several wooden logs and sandpaper grinding away at splinters, Rio managed to copy some of their work on a much smaller scale.

Using the tools provided, he used some small, broken bits of wood to carve out things. At first, it was pretty rough outlines, often just looking like a skinned potato rather than anything that the other artisans made. Over time though, Rio did get the hang of it, replacing the large chisels with the small ones, used to craft designs onto frames, so that he could manage the small scale projects he was undergoing. Then wrapping some sandpaper around a stick or chisel, he managed to make a file which he would then use to smoothen out the edges. Eventually, Rio managed to make his first successful figurine which was a simple miniature doll that was shaped like Russian nesting dolls. Not bad for his first project, but he knew this alone wouldn't sell.

Thinking of other ways to add detail to his figures Rio consulted their local smith who the boy hired to make some tools.

After some waiting, the outworlder managed to get his very own custom figure maker kit and wasted no time in making several figurines from scraps. From dolls to furniture, the boy made sure to practice with all sorts of items that he could find.

Then on one occasion during his break, the boss of the workshop, a muscular middle-aged man with dull blonde hair and moustache, managed to spot Rio playing around with his tools and the scraps. Checking up on what he was doing the boss' eyes nearly exploded out of their sockets when he laid eyes on what was in his employee's hands.

In Rio's hands, posing like a model was a small human statuette.

"What-What is that?!" the boss loudly questioned, his voice booming throughout the workshop.

Rio jolted so quickly that he nearly dropped the figure. He then shot his head behind him, and his eyes widened when he saw the boss leering over him with a shocked expression.

Thinking the worst, Rio quickly tried to hide the figure, but quickly stopped himself when he remembered he was already caught, so hiding it would only bring more suspicion.

"Rio, that thing in your hand, what is it?" the boss questioned.

Still thinking that he was in trouble, Rio babbled on about what he was doing. "It's not what you think boss, I used the scraps on the floor and the tools I bought from the smith."

"Just give it to me lad," the boss ordered.

That was it, he was going to get fired, so the boy just handed his figure to the boss with shaking hands. At least he managed to make some things, maybe he could sell those. Won't be much, but it could be worth a coin or two.

While Rio began to think of other jobs he could take on, the boss was focused on the little wooden art piece in his hand. He analysed the carvings from all angles, humming in approval at how well done they were despite being on such a miniature scale. The boss then rubbed his thumb all over the wood, feeling the tiny splinters pierce against his skin.

"Hmm, it has potential," the boss said, "but it still needs to be sanded down and gain some details."

Looking at his sweating employee, who was still lost in his own head. The boss gave out a small sigh and placed the figurine back into Rio's hand.

Seeing the wood carving on his again, Rio snapped out of his stupor and glanced at the boss. "I'm not getting fired?"

"What? No boy!" The boss sighed. "Look, this has the potential to be good merch, so take it, work on it and then come back to me so that way we can improve or sell it immediately."

Blinking in confusion, the boss' words slowly registered in Rio's mind. Took a moment, but eventually, a large smile crept onto his face. "Yes sir!"


After the workshop closed for the day, Rio told Sora about what happened and the girl giggled at how enthusiastic he was being.

"So how long will it take you to finish?" the idol questioned.

"Probably a week," Rio replied, "maybe two if I don't put a lot of time into it."

Sora chuckled at the boy's comment, it was a rare thing, him being excited. Even back on Earth, it was rare for him to become so enthralled by something. Reminiscing on times where the boy would do one thing one day and then change immediately the next day due to boredom. It happened so many times she lost count over the years they've been together.

After dinner, Rio locked himself in his room to work on his figurine while Sora decided to spend the rest of her time relaxing by gardening.

In front of their house the girl put up a long plantar with an array of different coloured flowers, ranging from darker coloured ones to light coloured ones, all of them lined up neatly in rows.

"Seems like everything is in order." The girl wiped some sweat off her brow before admiring her handiwork.

While looking at the array of colours the girl's face slightly dropped when they began to remind her of her fellow members from Hololive. Recounting all the times they spent together, playing games, singing or messing around. She's been in Riverbank for some time now and there has been no sign that they could go home, every fleeting day only seemed to enforce the fact that there was no way back.

She loved Riverbank and all its people, but this wasn't where she was from; she was an alien wandering its streets, silently hoping to return home. Yet it seemed hopeless.

Tears began to well up in the corner of her eyes as her heart slowly sank in pain. Her thoughts flashing images of her friends, her family. Could she ever return to them?

While the girl was fixated with the dour pictures in her mind. Inside his bedroom, looking out the window was Rio.

From there boy knew she was holding back her melancholy. It had always been like this for as long as he had known her: from sorrows to fury, Sora would always push them back and move forward with a smile on her face. Her strength was loved by many, him included. Her strong will to push forth was something he could never replicate, he was always the lazy type after all. Letting the world row him in its waves of time like a boat never taking the reigns of his own life.

But Sora was different, from a young age she had a destination and with every storm that came her way, she managed to get through it stronger.

She even became more fired up when the rest of the Hololive members came into her life. Their existence was everything for Sora, despite the fact she could barely interact with them, she cared for them greatly and always smiled at their success, just as she frowned when they were suffering.

Rio knew this because he once peeked into her diary and found her accounts of an incident that befell a set of her juniors in Hololive. How she wanted people to just stop hurting her subordinate, how she felt bad for her new juniors when they couldn't be together as one anymore once the incident began to subside. How she felt afraid of what would happen to the others now that they decided to break the mould of an idol even more than they already have.

So many thoughts were swirling in her mind, yet none of them was about herself, it was always about the others. For Sora it was no longer just her dream, it was their dream and each of them was important to one another.

Rio wanted to comfort her, but what would he say? He was never good with words, and he never really had an end goal that he could understand her plight.

In the end, all the boy could do was watch her from a distance.


The next day, Rio went to work as per usual, sweeping the floor of any scraps and sawdust scattered across the floor.

"Hey Rio, someone's here for you!"

Going to the entrance, the boy was surprised to see Sora standing there waving at him.

At first confused, Rio wondered, why was she here? But after seeing a small box wrapped in cloth dangle from one of her hands he quickly realised she must've brought him lunch, which he only realised then and there, he forgot.

Reaching Sora, the boy whispered that she should've at least just waited outside since now everyone had eyes on them. Though he had a feeling that regardless of where the girl waited, the reactions of the people would've been the same.

"Well, if you didn't want me coming here then you should've remembered your lunch," Sora teased.

With a light dusting of pink spreading on his cheeks, the boy took the lunchbox off the girl's hand. "I'll keep that in mind, thanks."

With that done and over with, Rio was about to rush to the back so that he can drop off the lunchbox and go back to his work, ignoring any stares at the same time. But it seemed he wasn't able to do that peacefully when he heard a loud voice boom behind him.

"Hey, Sora!"

"Not this again," the boy complained. He turned his head back to the entrance only to witness Sora being hit on by one of the craftsmen in the workshop: Eric Blathes.

To many Eric was the epitome of a tool: arrogant, ignorant and boneheaded. Sure the guy was useful, knew how to hunt and was a good craftsman, but if there was anyone who talked more out of their rear end, it was Eric.

Rio watched as the man tried to flirt with the brunette, completely oblivious to the fact she really didn't like it.

The boy was contemplating walking over and dragging Sora out of there, regardless of the consequences. Though luckily he was saved the frustration when the boss walked over and told Eric to return to his station.

Of course, being an employee, Eric had to comply but he didn't do it as peacefully as one would think. No, while he walked back to his station he noticed Rio staring at him, so he glared at him before scoffing and placing himself back on his bench.

"Well, at least that's done and over with." Rio looked towards his boss who gave him a small nod.

Rio then looked back at the entrance and caught the end of Sora sighing in relief. Their eyes met to which Sora would then go on to give him a small smile and wave, it wasn't the smoothest of deliveries but at least it ended rather peacefully.

Although, Rio knew that their headaches with Eric wouldn't be ending anytime soon.