Chapter 11 - A lucky encounter

When morning came, the three made their way to the castle to meet with Noel. Sadly they couldn't just enter the place and had to request to see the lieutenant.

It took a bit of waiting outside the castle, but eventually, the three were greeted by a running knight.


Rushing over dripping in sweat was the silver-haired knight. She was completely out of breath by the time she reached the group. The guards were offering to get her some water, but Noel signalled them with an open palm.

Once she got her breath back she straightened herself up. "Sorry about this I was training the knights so I'm a bit…"

Trailing off, Noel stared at AZKi in shock. "AZKi-senpai, you're here."

"Yep, made my way here, but we'll chat later. Right now, there's something you need to hear."

Needing a more secluded place, Noel took the three behind the castle. There, they told the knight of the group of men that they stopped the night before.

Noel's initial reaction was that of exasperation. With a heavy sigh, Noel rubbed the back of her head as she explained that it was most likely the black market trying to find people to be sold.

"Is something wrong?" Rio asked. He was wondering why the mention of the black market would annoy the female knight so much.

"I'm fine, but we knights have been in our wits end trying to find these people. But we haven't had any solid leads of their whereabouts." The girl sighed again. "It's not just us either, other kingdoms have been on high alert as well and have yet to come up with anything. These people are good at hiding their tracks."

"This has been a problem huh?" Rio queried.

"Yes," Noel sighed. She then turned to her seniors and gave them a bow. "Thank you for reporting this Sora-senpai, AZKi-senpai. I'll make sure to get this to the higher-ups."


Walking down the streets, the three felt bad that they couldn't help Noel anymore, but since they knew very little of the black market that was the best they could do.

Though little did they know, an opportunity was about to fall into their laps. Well Rio's lap to be precise.

With the day needing to go on as normal, Rio headed to work. Though it wasn't like he had a busy day at the place since no one goes to an antique store that often. Even his boss tends to slack off and just go out, leaving him to watch the place.

Good news for Rio, during what would have another day of boredom was about to get more interesting when two customers entered his shop.

At first glance, the two men didn't seem suspicious. One tall, muscular bald man accompanied by a smaller, thinner man with a rather loud mouth. Classic pairing in a fantasy setting like Esteria.

Upon entering the store, the taller man asked if they had any tea sets for sale. Being an antique shop, there were many tea sets for sale, so Rio did his job and directed the two men to where they could find some.

Then the fun happened.

Since the shop was as empty as a vacuum, even the quietest whisper could be heard by Rio. Though it wasn't like he needed to hear whispers since the shorter man had the voice of a boombox.

"Damn those two women, next time I see them I'll drag them to the boss and get them sold in the black market."

"Keep your voice down you idiot."

"What it's just us here and I doubt that cashier is listening on us."

"I am," Rio thought while holding back a laugh.

After the tall man made a purchase, Rio closed the shop down and headed to the castle again. It was a good thing barely anybody went to the shop or else he would've gotten in trouble for leaving.

"That sure was kind of them." Rio then giggled in amusement. "Thank god for stupidity."

When he returned to the castle, Rio requested for Noel to come out again. Unfortunately, since she was now busy with her group, he had to wait for a little bit longer than before. To pass the time, Rio decided to play around with his magic; pointing his finger up, Rio let a small flame appear on the tip.

He kept doing this, swapping between different elements nonchalantly. While also being oblivious to the stares of the two guards beside him.

While playing around Rio remembered he needed to visit the craftsman for his staff. He's been feeling rather guilty that he couldn't help Sora more in earning money.

"Ah Rio."

Putting his flame out Rio then turned his head and locked eyes with Noel. "Noel, I was uh…"

"Playing with fire, I noticed. Even the guards did." Noel turned to the two sweating guards behind her. "Nevermind that though, is there something you need?"

"Oh yeah. Something that might help you get more info on the black market."

Rio proceeded to tell Noel of the two customers he had: their comments on how they wanted to sell AZKi and Sora, their looks and even what the tall man bought.

A long silence then befell the two and Noel fell to a squatting position. Due to the rudeness of this action, Rio went to kneel beside her but was quickly sent to fall onto his butt when Noel shot up like a rocket, fists in the air.

"Finally!" the knight bellowed. A huge smile plastered onto her face. "Oh Rio I could kiss you right now."

"Please don't," Rio immediately replied.

"That was quick," Noel said, acting a bit hurt. "But really I'm grateful. Now our investigation can advance."

Rio just flashed her smile before heading off back to the shop. His boss probably wasn't there, but he still had a duty as an employee, even if it bored him to hell. So he went back into the shop and finished his day there before properly closing up.


On the way home, Rio decided to check up on the craftsman to see if his staff was finished, but when he got there the place was quiet.

Looking around, the boy saw the scattered tools on the floors and shards of what he assumed was his magic stone.

"Guess it was a new experience," Rio thought as he walked through the forge.

A loud clanging noise then suddenly rang through the shop, sending a quick jolt down Rio's spine. Turning to a nearby door, Rio watched as several weapons flung out the room before middle aged woman wearing an apron and gloves walked out, with hair sticking out and dark circles underneath.

"Oh it's you!" the woman said chipper. "I was about to ask around for your address since you never came for your staff."

The woman then rummaged through some rubble, throwing pieces here and there as she talked to Rio.

"You know it was the first time I've been asked to make a staff and I got way too into it," she confessed. "So uh…"

Placing a case onto her crafting table, she then presented the staff inside. Its glimmering body shone like diamonds, and its beauty was mesmerising.

"I made the main crystal a crescent to match your girlfriend's star ornament." The lady then lifted the staff and pointed it at a wall.

Streaks of magic then swirled and gathered at the tip before the streaks slowly materialised into a condensed ball of water. The ball then darted towards the wall, crashing onto it and leaving behind a large splash mark.

"Wow, this baby really puts in work," the lady said.

"I should be the one thanking you, everyone I visited rejected me," Rio replied. "Also Sora isn't my girlfriend."

"She isn't? What a shame, she's quite the looker. She your sister then?" the woman asked.

"No we're just friends," Rio answered, "But anyway, thanks for this. I was honestly surprised you took it on."

"What craftsman wouldn't accept such a commission?! It's blasphemy!" The woman went on a rampage, screaming and complaining while tearing her hair out.

Not wanting to be a part of the woman's rant, Rio quietly slipped past her and out the door.

As he was walking away, Rio's mind replayed all the events that had just transpired recently around him and he couldn't help but let his lips curl upwards.

"Things sure are getting more interesting in my life… more than it already has."