Gbargada is a name of a river where all the people of Karhel community fetched water for drinking- it was naturally cleaned and good for drinking. Children also like to be swimming and playing in this river and whenever they swim to the demarcated point they stopped. The demarcation were put by the elders of the community so that children would not be messing up the whole water. At least, part of the river should be reserved and assigned for drinking only not for bathing. Gbargada river had a mystery . She accommodates as many as children and adults who would swim but one thing she disliked was uncleanliness. Whenever the children were playing rough in this river, they also had it in the back of their mind that snakes would come out once the water is too dirty. The river had snakes though they do not bite but they would only tie themselves to people's leg, which child would like to play with life snake? All of them would run away and once the water is cleared again the snake would disappeared.
It was on Saturday morning, children were sent for fetching drinking water from the Gbargada river. A sheet of paper was hanging on a peg which has the written"BADMUS AND DAMMY YUKE-YUKE, meaning that Badmus and Dammy were caught having sex". They were all bursted out with laugh. Who wrote this....? That is not a question one should be asking, it's usual character at karhel community. If there was any incident that occurred which has not been written on a paper and posted at Gbargada road, that means it has not. Gbargada road is like a radio station where headlines of news were read daily among Karhel youths.
The information got to Dammy by her close friend that saw the post and narrated it to her. Mama Dammy, Mrs Florence Albert was preparing for market on that day.She was a trade and had a store among the stores which were built by their formal governor, Dr David Dave eight years ago at Igotako market- Igbotako market was very popular in the Geriana state. People came from different state to buy cassava flour-Pupuru, yam and palm oil in large quantities. Mama Dammy was on her way to the market and left Dammy and her young brother at home.
Dammy who had been feeling uncomfortable in the house since she had that her secrets were exposed, She quickly seized the opportunity to sneaked out for the removal of the post which contains her secret affairs with Badmus and left her four years younger brother all alone- "the absence of cat, rat bocomes the house owner"- they say. Mr Rotama was working in his kolarnut farm along Gbargada river, he was swelting like Christmas goat and hydriated. when he saw Dammy from afar, he thought it was an opportunity for him to ask her to fetch two litre of water for him. He brought his small container close.
Well done sir. Dammy greeted. How are you, please are you going to river? No, I have seen what I was looking for and I will be going back from here- Dammy said - with boldness because she knew that even if Mr Rotama had saw the paper she came for, for the fact that he cannot read book he wouldn't know its content- she walked like fifteen feet away from Mr Rotama's farm, and picked the paper on the peg and tore it and flings it into the bush. She turned back and left after she had accomplished her mission.
Mr Fagbemi Adegbenro- one of the chiefs at Karhel, he was once a councillor. He had one old Nissan painted in white colour. He could have digged a bowl hole for them during his tenure as karhel councillor but some powerful members of the society ganged up against him. They did not asked for anything other than his disposal, his seat as the Councillor was duly hot for him. He had bought about eight big GP for the water project before his removal from the office. What was his offense? They said he mismanage government money. There was no clear evidence however he was sacked because his opponents were more closer to the governor. He was on his way to Sergeant Omukoro's house when his car got spoilt in the front of Dammy's house. He came down from the car and opened the bonnet to check if he would be able to fix the car by himself.
Dammy arrived home. As she was passing by, she did not even greet Mr Fagbemi who was busy check his car engine. Hello girl! How are you? I'm fine sir. She replied. Please it seems you lives here right? Yes sir. She replied. OK , please can you get me a cup of water? Ok sir- Dammy entered into the house and found her younger brother has slept off. Thank God. She said. She took a cup and fetch a cup of water- take sir. Oh! Thank you- Mr Fagbemi said with smiles. You're welcome sir. Actually I just want to top up my water tank- he opened the water tank and poured it and returned the cup to Dammy. Dammy was about going. Hello please don't go yet, what's your name? My name is Dammy sir. Dammy! Oh! He nods his head.As Mr Fagbemi was about to start the car again, Dammy benddown as if she wanted to kill mosquito on her leg- to call his attention that she's about to leave. OK , you can leave now.Mr Fagbemi said. When the car refused to start, he took a motorbike and left the car there
It was 4:30pm, mama Dammy arrived home, the taxi driver helped her carried her basket which contains yam and some ripped plantain and dropped it at mama Dammy's e entrance her house and zoomed off. Thank you so much - she waved her hand. Dammy was in the parlor with her little brother. Dammy - ma! She answered. She quickly opened the door and greet her mother. Carry that basket and put it in the kitchen- yes ma. She answered. Junior see mama is back, Dammy told her little brother. He quickly dropped his biscuit and ran to his mother. As a little child, mama Dammy opened her bag and gave her chin-chin, he was very happy. About an hour dinner was prepared and all of them ate for the day. Goodnight! - Goodnight