Sergeant Omukoro voice was as sharp like as thunder. What's the matter? Why sudden change? - many questions were running through the mind of Mama Desmond. She entered the kitchen however, was not comfortable. She managed to turn semo Vita and warmed the remaining soup for the family to eat when the food was done she did the dishing - My love food is ready. She went straight to her husband and sat beside him and hold his hand gently to suppress his anger. Baby I love you. Sergeant Omukoro reluctantly sat right and both of them ate.
The clock rang for 6 o'clock alarm. Mama Desmond was coming from the kitchen carrying a stood with one hand while the other hand she use to hold her rapper. Sergeant Omukoro was turning his old radio to channel for 6 o'clock news, suddenly he switched it off. Mama Desmond please come. Mama Desmond dropped her stood and tied her loosed rapper and move towards Sergeant Omukoro. Have your seat. He said- mama Desmond carefully sat on the chair beside him to hear the matter. Mama Desmond- honey, she answered. Sergent Omukoro quickly move his back from the relaxation and sat properly to show seriousness on the matter he's about to discuss - See, keep baby aside for now and answer all my questions I'm about to ask you. Which work Desmond is doing? Mama Desmond felt remorsed, she scratched her hair and she was speaking stutteredly- en en en no n n n nothing. She comported herself again- nothing at least , he's our child and he's schooling. Darling, this question sounds very strange. What is happening? She asked. Ask yourself what kind of person are you? Your child is growing waywardly as a result of your failure to take a good responsibility as mother. Did you even listened to yourself? Just a simple question I asked now, you became a stutterer. Shame on you Mama Desmond. He stood up with annoyance and went straight to his room. Baba Desmond! Baba Desmond!! Honey- she was called (Sergeant Omukoro) but he denied
Mama Desmond was perambulating in the parlour, she was show confused about which action should be taken to appease her husband. She puts one finger in her mouth and use the other hand to hold her waist. Suddenly Desmond entered the house, it was exactly 6:55pm. Knock! Knock!! Mama- He called. Mama Desmond went closer to the door with misgiving that the house will either hot if not for violent. She knew that his son belong to a secret society "Curt " though Desmond never told her with his mouth but people secretly told her and the kind of move he took at times is enough evidence to prove that. However instead of her to call a space, a space she kept pampering him because Desmond was her only son. Mama Desmond finally opened the door and Desmond entered and went straight to the kitchen because he was an hungered- Mama what did you cooked? Mama Desmond sat on the chair and she did not answer Desmond. Suddenly Desmond came out of the kitchen with a tray containing food, he placed the tray on the table and he was eating. He realized that his mother was unusual mood- mama what happened to you and where is daddy?. Desmond, where are you coming from? She asked. Coming from?- I went to my friend house to do my assignment. He quickly framed up a lies.
Sergeant Omukoro was boiling with anger and he couldn't contends his anger again, he stood up on the bed and came to the parlour. Where did you say you're coming from? Desmond was shocked, sir?- Desmond was confused. Are you deaf? I said where are you coming from? Enn en en, I went to my friend place to write my assignment. He answered. Which of your friends? Ayo sir. Which assignment do they give you? Our Math teacher gave us assignment. He replied. Mama Desmond folded her hands and was looking melancholy. Now let me see the bag you brought in just now. "That statement made by his father was already deepen his hands in oil" - they were some cigarettes in the bag and he knows that once he's caught in this act life might not be easy for him again . Desmond could've brought another bag instead but no other way to for him at this time. He was washing his hand slowly and he was thinking of how he could ran out of the house. Baba Desmond stood up and locked the door with padlock and kept the key in his pocket. I repeat, give me the bag you brought inside just now-scolded at him. As Desmond stood up to bring the bag, Sergeant Omukoro also stood up and snatched the bag from him and pour all the content of the bag on the floor for proper checked up. Suddenly some cigarettes and 40 naira notes were falling. Mama Desmond was surprised, she couldn't remember when she shouted "ye eeee!" Are you not aware of the before? Why shouting now? Train your child so that he can gives you rest is not what our elders have said?. Sergeant Omukoro pointed at his wife - you're nothing but a useless mother. Are you not aware that your son is a Curt member? A secondary school student who stays with his mother, are you not a shame of yourself?. Anyways, your case will be treated later.
Desmond couldn't belief how his father got to know all these secret. He was surprised and he was in great fear, he knew his father very well that is a man of his word and he doesn't tolerates matter like this. Many thought were just running in his mind. Lie down there, foolish son. Baba Desmond scolded at him. He purstrated immediately and he was trembling. Daddy I'm sorry, I won't do it again- he was pleading . Sergeant Omukoro bought out his police bet - you have choose to be criminal and I must treat you like one of them too. He said. He did not even consider that beating a child with police bet as thick as that will cause injury on him, he threw six strokes on his back "Poi! Poi!! Poi!!...." Mama Desmond could not contended, she went to her kneels and held baba Desmond's leg and began begging- honey I'm very sorry!. Desmond clothes were tore into pieces and spotted with blood stain.He was just lamenting in the floor. I don't care if you die, it's better than people's name to be spoilt. See, you haven't serve any punishment yet. Tomorrow morning you will be taking to 19 battalions, the soldier barrack at Opa, there you will understand what life is all about. Nonsense child, criminal, idiot. Mama Desmond burst out with cry and tear.