"Wait! Wait! What do you mean by Husband?" Akira sits up from his laying position. The petite elf girl didn't let him go as smiles left.
The giggle stop as the elves turn to seriousness. The room's aura becomes intense; Akira, with the others, is slightly afraid except for Chihane and the elves. The elf girl didn't bother the intense atmosphere as she kept hugging the white-haired teen.
"Lhoris..." The black hair elf said as the white hair elf male nodded and moved in the blink of an eye as she summoned a blade. Akira saw that everything was slow-mo; Akira saw the blade aim at his neck with the elf girl hugging him.
Akira extends his right palm; he spins his body to cover the elf girls, Chihane hand changes to tiger hands, and she moves to Akira to save him. Everything is still in slow-mo. The blade is closer to Akira's neck, his right hand is still extended, then out of nowhere, Akira's weapon appears from the hospital windows, breaking the glass. The spear flies horizontally, blocking the blade in time from hitting his neck and making a spark from the contact.
As the spear reaches his right hand, time back to normal, Akira covers the elf girl in his grab.
Then they all heard a clapping sound from the black hair elf.
"Excellent... Now I know how you kill that Human bastard."
The others look at black hair elf. Akira still didn't lower his guard. Chihane sighed as her hands turns back to normal. Asuka is protecting her sister behind her. Milah also sighs in relief.
"Did you really need to test him here?!" Chihane said as she hit the black elf male on the head.
The elf woman giggled as she saw the black-hair elf male hold his head.
"I'm sorry, I just want to test his reaction that all." The black-hair elf said.
Asuka and Asagi didn't know what happening right now, more surely why they attacked Akira as soon, the girl said he was her husband.
"W-What happening here?" Asagi asks, her voice showing how scared is she.
The elves saw how scared the girls were, and the woman elf said.
"I'm sorry young one, we just want to test his reaction time." The woman said.
"You just want to test my reaction? If my spear didn't come in time, she and I would be killed by that prince looking here!" Akira yelled, the elf girl hugging him happily.
The prince-looking chuckled at his word as his blade disappeared and said.
"Well, I'm not prince-looking because I'm a prince itself." Akira's guard was down and confused.
"Prince?" Akira said in confusion. The elf girl broke the hug as she ran to the other elves.
"Pardon us. My name is Lhoris Venmenor. I am a Prince of Elves Kingdom." When Lhoris introduces himself, he puts his hand on the petite elf. "This is my sister Emilias Venmenor, Princess of Elves Kingdom."
"P-Princess?" Akira said as the other elf nodded.
"Yes, she is, young one." The elf woman said to the teen as she continued with her word. "My name is Esta Venmenor, Queen of Elves Kingdom, Mother of Lhoris Venmenor and Emelias Venmenor." Esta smiled as she walked toward Akira and gave him a warm hug.
"Thank you for saving my daughter, Sir Akira." Said Esta as light blush appeared on Akira's face.
"S-Sir?" Akira asks.
"Yes, you are strong, and you save our daughter's life." The elf black-hair elf said as walk closer to Akira and said, "I thank you for that, I, Lucas Venmenor, King of Elves Kingdom, Father of Lhoris Venmenor and Emelias Venmenor. Will glad to give the title of Sir Akira of Elves Kingdom." Akira's eyes wide open with shock
Asuka and Asagi have no idea that their elf friend is Princess, but mostly they are confused when the King claims he is King of the Elves Kingdom.
"I-I'm sorry, my King. I want to ask..." Asagi asked nervously.
"Sure." Lucas reply.
"D-Didn't Elves had many Kingdoms?" Asagi ask.
"It was, young one," Esta said as she looked at her husband as he nodded and told Asagi a story. "Well, long ago, when the wars are over. We elves decide to reunite our race to become one, and as you can see, I'm a Dark Elf, and my husband is a High Elf."
"I-I understand..." Asagi nod.
Chihane sighed as she said.
"Now, what is the real reason are doing here, Lord Lucas?"
"How many times, I have to tell you, no need to call me that, Master," Lucas said to his Master.
"WAIT-WAIT! what the underworld is going right now!?" Akira yells; he is so confused, and they look at him.
The Elf King looks at Akira with a smile as he says. "You seem so confused, Sir Akira. If you have a question, ask away."
"Okay, first thing, how Emelias, get kidnapped by that bastard, second how you freely said I was Sir in you Kingdom, third how you know Master-Chihane and last one how you can say I'm your son in law, you didn't even know me?!" Akira asks as he stabs his spear to the wooden floors.
"Alright then, if that's your question, I will answer it." The King answered as he petted his daughters.
"I lost... My Princess 3 years ago... Human King tried to reunite the Human and Elves Kingdom by marrying our daughter with their prince, but it didn't go well. We realize that the whole event is set up to kill us and kidnap our Princess. While we tried to fight them and escape, sadly, My Princess didn't manage to escape. For years I tried to keep my Princess safe, Even I have to command my Kight to serve under that bastard for undercover!" King said and gripped his fist tight.
"Then the elf maids that help us are? The maid you command is to protect Princess?" Asagi can't help to ask.
Lucas nodded and said. "Yes, First I only command them to protect my Princess, but then I notice. That Human King sent my Princess to the worse slavery place and put her under the top 10 of worse living things alive, and I can't believe it when a spy of mine told me there were many innocent Children who become a slave... Then I change the order to protect them all far as possible."
Then they all heard a collapse from Asuka and Asagi in worship pose as thank you.
"T-Thank you! My King! Because of your Undercover Knights, our life in there is getting better, even slightly! I can feed My sister more than two spoons every day in 3 years." Asuka's head is the glue to the floor, tears streaming down her face.
"I will forever be grateful for what your knight has done to us; even her mission is to protect the Princess..." Asagi said as her position is the same as her sister's.
They didn't notice Emelias walk toward them. The petite elf pulls them up and hugs them tightly as her tears also down to her face and says.
"N-No needs to 'thank you' Asuka, Asagi, because every time I or anyone did wrong, you two take the blame for us, you lost your leg because of me, you lost the eyes because of me." She said to Asagi. "And Y-You lost a voice because of me. I can't thank you enough for that... And I glad My Husband cure two of you."
Everyone sadly smiles at Asuka, Asagi, and Emelias except Akira, who is still confused.
The King coughed to grab everyone's attention.
"I will continue, the answer for Sir Akira... Then why I give you Sir's title is easy and straightforward. You are strong. Far stronger than my average knight, and you Brave, you didn't get scared of the consequence of your action, and mostly you aren't racist. You protect my Princess without a second thought. Even the attack is from her race, and that is enough reason for me to give you a High title." Lucas said that with gratitude.
"How I know, The Flame Tiger-Chihane is easy she is my Teacher from my childhood. She teaches me how to fight and stand on my own, and I also became King when I became the strongest Elf 300years ago. I thank Master for what she did to me." When Lucas said that, Chihane looked prideful, showing on her face.
"For your last question, I know who you are. You are Akira Nakamura, from Akuma Village. Son of Devil Princess Aria and former Angel commander Caim." Lucas said as Akira and the others were surprised.
•To Be Continue•