Chapter 31: Village Of Hope


On the next day, the newly chosen ten were to look at a particular person who stood right in front of them.

The chosen ten were in Chihane's principal room after Milah called them. But when they arrived, they couldn't help seeing two people inside the room with Chihane and Milah.

"What happens to both of you?" Riche asked when they saw Akira and Kyo, and they didn't look good.

Kyo and Akira have swelling faces and bruises all over their body.

"Are you okay?" Asuka asks with concern.

"I'm fine," Akira replied with a slight pain smile. Asuka shook her head as she walked closer to Akira and healed him.

"How is this happening?" Himawari asks her brother.

"There is a long story…..." Kyo laughs nervously while rubbing the back of his head.



Yesterday night. Akira was in a dorm room with Kyo, and the silver-haired teen was lying on his bed as Kyo was playing some games on his magical tablet device.