Chapter 7

Qiao Jing Jing reclined the chair to a fully flat sleeping position and began to sleep. All these years, she has been running all over the place, so she has long mastered the ability to sleep well on any type of transport. However, she did not know why she cannot sleep well today, drowsy, half-asleep and half-awake. She seemed like arriving at a classroom. In the dream, she quickly realized that this was a classroom in her senior high school. In a flash, she was taking an exam and looking at the exam question, asking how many calories in a bunch of strawberries.

This question was too difficult, probably all the students also will not know the answer. Qiao Jing Jing who cannot answer the question, experienced fear of failure. At this moment, suddenly the classroom started to shake with a voice shouting:

"Jing Jing, Jing Jing, did you play Honor of Kings?"