Chapter 13

Once a decision had been made, big sister Ling handled the matters swiftly and decisively. They would wait until Qiao Jing Jing's filming wrapped up in Hengdian and then the team would immediately return to Shanghai and start the special training for Honor of Kings.

She prepared very thoroughly: a new online account, a dedicated mobile phone for the exhibition game, and even a coach who is her husband A Guo, had been found.

Big sister Ling and her husband were childhood sweethearts who got married. Initially, A Guo also had a pretty good job, but with big sister Ling flying around and not able to take care of the children, A Guo had no choice but to sacrifice his career and return to take care of the family. He used the extra time to play game, ranking pretty high and was the strongest King (highest rank in the game).

"Once bitten twice shy, so the less people who  know about it this time, the better. Thus I got A Guo to be your coach. If you're at his rank, you should not look too bad in the exhibition game."

While talking, big sister Ling pushed open the door of a small meeting room in the studio, where A Guo was already waiting inside. When he saw them coming in, he quickly stood up and greeted them.

"In the future, practice here. Xiao Zhu, you also follow to see and learn. Later, after Jing Jing knows a little, call Dan Dan along, since she also plays this game. Plus me, the five of us are just right to form a team to train together."

After big sister Ling finished the briefing, she went to get busy with her work. A Guo began to teach Qiao Jing Jing and Xiao Zhu, but before that, he set their mind at ease.

"This game is actually not difficult, just concentrate on mastering a few heroes in this one month time. You can definitely do well, otherwise other players would have all run away."

Qiao Jing jing listened very excitedly.

"I'll tell you some basic stuff first." He opened the game interface, "Do you know about casual match and ranked match? Casual match is where everyone plays casually, but if you want to have placing, you have to go through ranked match, ascending one star at a time."

Of course she knew this, so Qiao Jing Jing nodded.

"For casual match, there are 1v1, 3v3, 5v5 modes, but most are playing 5v5. For ranked match, only 5v5 is available."

"For diamond rank and below, the ranked and casual match are about the same, randomly and blindly picking a hero, but you certainly cannot be the same as your teammates. For placing above diamond rank, the game would be in Ban and Pick Phase. The difference is that at the beginning of Ban and Pick Phase, both sides can ban two heroes. Then both sides take turns to pick heroes, but you cannot pick the one chosen by the other side. Later, when you participate in the exhibition match, it will certainly also be like this. In the professional tournament, the ban is three heroes, as for your exhibition match, I reckon it is the same."

A Guo drank a mouthful of water, "But no matter how the game mode changes, it is also using this Antaris Battlefield map."

A Guo clicked open the training camp, to let both of them look at the map.

"Jing Jing, you've played before. Look at this map, dividing into top, mid and bot lanes. The common playing method is the mage taking the middle lane, the marksman with the support taking the bottom lane, and warrior or tank taking the top lane. Jungling is slaying the monsters at the jungle area."

After all, Qiao Jing Jing was the ambassador of this game, so she actually understood a lot of things. But she did not interrupt A Guo and continued to listen to him.

"A Ling told me about the intention of the gaming company. They are going to randomly pick five people from the players who signed up, plus Jing Jing, a total of six people. They will be divided into two teams, so that each side has three people. Then each team can freely choose two professional players to form a five-person team to compete."

"No matter how strong the players are, they also cannot be stronger than the professional players. Hence the two professional players will definitely want to take Carry positions, so Jing Jing only needs to practice as support or tank."

Qiao Jing Jing raised her hand to ask: "I understand about the Carry position, is there also a Carry position in the game?"

A Guo:

"There are usually five positions in the game, jungler, solo mid, marksman, side lanes, support. The first three positions can be considered Carry position."

Qiao Jing Jing who is used to the Carry position: "Can't I be in the Carry position?"

A Guo did not expect his own student wanted to become a Carry position hog before even learning how to play the game well. Hard to explain in a few words, he glanced at Qiao Jing Jing: "Do you want to win?"

Qiao Jing Jing nodded.

A Guo said in a very authoritative manner: "Then you be the support."