Chapter 21

During bedtime at night, Qiao Jing Jing took out the video of the fifth match to watch. From the other team's Wang Zhaojun's angle, she watched how she made her way into the underbrush to hide from people and how she positioned herself in a team battle. She felt she actually got quite a bit out of it.

Of course, she had to work hard to forget that the clumsy pig opponent was herself.

Aiya ~ ~ ~ Who would have thought? When she was studying acting, she had repeatedly scrutinized the videos of the veteran in the field, and now, she also had to watch videos, too, for playing games. When God created her, he must have given her too much beauty so that consequently he had to cut back a little on all the other different talents, right? Qiao Jing Jing quite logically took pity on herself.

After watching the video of the fifth match twice, she still did not feel sleepy. Hence she clicked open and watched the casual match where she and Yu Tu had teamed up a few days ago. She switched it to watch from Yu Tu's angle. Yu Tu had used Zhuge Liang, and as always, he had showed off everywhere and in everything. After eight minutes into the match, Zhuge Liang who had only little HP remaining, was being chased and targeted to kill by the other team's marksman, who still had one-third of HP left. He had continuously used abilities and flicker talent to escape. Seeing that he had already fled, the other team's marksman was at ease, jungling in his own jungle area. Who would have imagined that Zhuge Liang had quietly come back to hide in the underbrush? When the marksman passed by, an ability plus an ultimate ability directly cut his head off.

Qiao Jing Jing remembered how the other team's marksman had flown into a rage at that time, criticizing Zhuge Liang for being too sly and underhanded. She couldn't help falling into some contemplation.

She quickly come to a conclusion — I also want to be a little sly and underhanded. The reason why she has not been able to defeat others was because she was too upright!

With playing games, you actually need epiphanies, too. Qiao Jing Jing suddenly understood the true essence of being sneaky, and this resulted in her playing skills moving up an entire level. When she played with School Is Starting I'm So Panicked and the others again, she finally did not drag down the team so severely. One time, her luck was extremely good and she froze three low-HP players. Nervously, she quickly used her ultimate ability, unexpectedly getting the first "three consecutive kills" in her life.

School Is Starting I'm So Panicked and the team typed over "666" to her and gave her a wave of praises. Qiao Jing Jing also felt very proud of herself, and she recorded the video to admire herself.

When she replayed it alone in the dead of night, she discovered that Yu Tu had been off to the side when she made her triple kill, standing there and not engaging.

This triple kill was actually given to her by Yu Tu?

She unhappily clicked open QQ, lying on the bed typing: "Did you deliberately let me have my triple kill?"

She did not expect Yu Tu to be actually online. After a few minutes, he replied to her: "I've enough currencies. It is more appropriate for you to get head count."

Qiao Jing Jing held up her face with both hands and easily changed the name. She also waited for a few minutes before replying to him.

Hand Can Pick Cotton: Thank you ^_^

When big sister Ling finally remembered that her artist had actually requested time off and had not gone into the studio for several days already, she immediately went to her house. After the door opened, before she had the chance to say anything, she heard the Honor of Kings sound effects coming from the mobile phone in Qiao Jing Jing's hand.

This seemed like she was not being lazy?

Qiao Jing Jing did not even lift up her head and turned around to walk back into the house. Big sister Ling quickly ran after her, and then stared blankly as Qiao Jing Jing used Wang Zhaojun to take the MVP, accomplishing eight attacks and three deaths. She was simply stunned.

"Are you doing man and machine?"

"You're the one doing man and machine!" Qiao Jing Jing threw her a glare. "Solo queue ranked, okay?"

Ever since the triple kill increased her self-confidence, Qiao Jing Jing had secretly gone to play ranked matches by herself. At the beginning, she was very nervous, but then she found out that it was quite easy to play at the bronze level and the others.

At this time, big sister Ling was really startled, "It's incredible. You actually have the courage to go and play ranked match alone?"

"I am already Gold IV rank. Climbed all the way up through playing solo queue ranked."

"What medicine did you eat to become so awesome?"

Qiao Jing Jing was immensely proud of herself: "Talent!"

Big sister Ling cheered on: "Awesome. A Guo did not teach you this, right? Did you practice by yourself?"

"Hee hee." Qiao Jing Jing could not help but show off, "In fact, I found a gaming expert and had him take me along. I feel that he is a lot more awesome than A Guo."

Big sister Ling, who was dedicated to her work, was a bit worried: "Is he reliable. He won't reveal anything to the media?"

"Rest assured. He doesn't know who I am."

"Online friend? Then how does he teach you?"

"We switch on the voice chat. He tells me how to use the abilities, how to position myself, and what I ought to do."

"Hey, I'm going to drink water." She was too engrossed in playing games and it had made her thirsty. Qiao Jing Jing handed the mobile phone to big sister Ling, "He is that Jade Rabbit Pounds Medicine in my friend list. By clicking on his avatar, you can see his accomplishment."

Big sister Ling took the mobile phone and curiously clicked on the avatar to look at the battle data. After just a glance, she was left speechless in amazement. Let's not even mention his high winning rate. The overall performance ratio was so high it was scary. She look further at his most-played heroes. Zhuge Liang's win rate was surprisingly high, at more than 90%. She was totally convinced.

"He is more awesome than my A Guo." Big sister Ling returned the mobile phone to her, feeling reassured as well as regretful. "Oh, if there were such a reliable person who can play so well to teach you directly face to face in the real world, you'd improve even faster."

Big sister Ling had no real meaning when she said this, but Qiao Jing Jing's heart was stirred — Yu Tu ... was actually a person in the real world. If he were to teach her directly, what would it be like?

Speaking of which, it was strange. Several days had passed already but his vacation seemed like it was not over yet? Moreover he had been playing games every day. He was spending the vacation like this?

What was he doing now? The feeling was that he did not seem like he was part of the financial circle.

After big sister Ling left, Qiao Jing Jing poked Yu Tu's QQ.

Hand Can Pick Cotton:

Rabbit God, you're spending your vacation playing games at home?

Yu Tu did not give her a reply.

The more Qiao Jing Jing thought about it, the more curious she became. She could not wait for Yu Tu to reply, so she also went to poke Pei Pei's WeChat.

She asked very skillfully.

Jing Jing:

"Pei Pei, are there any classmates from our class who are working in an awesome job now?"

Pei Pei:

"Isn't that you?"

Jing Jing:

"I meant those who used to perform exceptionally well academically. What are they all doing?"

Pei Pei:

"Oh, them ah. Qi Qi is the chief editor in a book company. Wang Jiang is the vice president of a top 500 company."

Jing Jing:

"Who else?"

Pei Pei:

"Sun Xiu is working in the mayor's secretary office."

Pei Pei:

"There is also Du Jia who seems to be working in Alibaba Group. Very high income."

Qiao Jing Jing:


Three minutes later.

Jing Jing:

"How about Yu Tu?"