Chapter 24

A long time later, Yu Tu regained his composure and said, "Long time no see."

Qiao Jing Jing nodded and also said: "Long time no see."

Yu Tu kept quiet for a moment, then suggested: "Let's go and see your air purifier?"

Qiao Jing Jing:


Qiao Jing Jing coughed. "I've been at home and haven't gone out for a few days. I'm a little dizzy and my eyes seem blurry. Why don't we go out for a walk first?"

Yu Tu raised his eyebrows.

"Aiya ~ it's like this." Qiao Jing Jing heaved a deep sigh, but her expression was actually very lively. "At first, I wanted to use 'the big ultimate move of telling you that there was no power. Who would have thought Ding Chao Qun would use it first? But looking at that lovely air purifier, I really felt a little reluctant to damage it … so it is working away on its job right now. "

Yu Tu looked a bit surprise but in the end, hesitatingly said, "It's very cold outside."

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised for a moment, then followed his gaze to look at her legs. Seeing Yu Tu quickly avert his gaze, she chuckled in her heart.

"Okay, I'll go up and change my clothes."

A few steps outside of Qiao Jing Jing's neighbourhood was Binjiang Avenue, which runs along the Huangpu River. Although separated from the Shanghai Bund by just that one river, there were a lot less people here.

Qiao Jing Jing put on a pair of trousers, let down her hair, and also added a hat, face mask, and flat lens glasses. She was completely covered so that one simply could not see her face clearly. But still, she had been a celebrity for a long time, so her every gesture naturally had a quality that drew attention. On top of that, the tall and remarkable Yu Tu in a windbreaker was beside her. With the two of them walking together, it inevitably attracted constant attention from passers-by.

Suddenly Qiao Jing Jing said: "I feel a little unsafe walking with you."

Yu Tu:

"… Shouldn't I be the one to say this?"

Shouldn't he be the person worried about being discovered by her fans at any time?

"No, I sometimes come out for walks with Xiao Zhu, the girl you saw just now, but there won't be that many people looking at us."

Qiao Jing Jing felt around in the huge pocket of the sweater, and, to her surprise, found a mask, which she handed to him: "Don't get me spotted, because it will make headlines."

Yu Tu was very doubtful. Wouldn't a grown man like him wearing a pink mask attract even more attention? Moreover, it just so happened that there was a mask in her pocket; wasn't this too coincidental?

Looking back on this while, where they had been playing games together and the experience of how he got deceived into coming over today...Yu Tu was very certain this was probably not coincidental. But the hand stretched out by Qiao Jing Jing's was too persistent, so Yu Tu could only take the mask from her and put it on.

Then he caught sight of Qiao Jing Jing's eyes smugly turn up ever so slightly. He also gave an inward smile. Indeed, he had not expected this high school classmate's idea of fun to be so… childlike?

After putting on the mask, the two walked a little further. Seeing Qiao Jing Jing looking so relaxed and comfortable, with no intention of speaking, Yu Tu had no better option but to start asking the question that had been puzzling him. "How did you end up playing games with me?"

"Ah?" Qiao Jing Jing seemed to be lost in thought. Hearing what was asked, she turned her head and blinked her eyes. "Didn't you invite me? You invited the wrong person; have you forgotten?"

Of course, Yu Tu had not forgotten, but "Why are you on my QQ friends list?"

Qiao Jing Jing was unhappy. Did she need to explain that she had secretly added him in QQ? She raised her eyebrows and asked in an imposing manner: "Do you've amnesia?"

Yu Tu immediately understood and could not help but felt a little embarrassed.

"Do you still want to ask me why I called you to come over today?" Sensing that their conversation was turning awkward, Qiao Jing Jing decided to get to the point quickly.

Yu Tu looked at her and quietly waited for her next move.

Qiao Jing Jing thought for a while and asked him: "Do you have Weibo?"

Yu Tu nodded, "Yes."

"Then you login and go to my Weibo to take a look."

Yu Tu glanced at her, took out his mobile phone, and logged in to Weibo. He found Qiao Jing Jing's Weibo page and then saw her latest Weibo post.

Qiao Jing Jing:

Just bought a super cute rabbit air purifier. Super useful. The key thing, it's super cute, don't you think so?

Below, there was even a selfie of her with the air purifier, where two of her fingers were raised in a "V," like rabbit ears, with the air purifier.

His eyes stayed on the picture for a moment, then he swiped down to open the comments. She had posted it not long ago, but there were already more than 50,000 comments and that number was still continuing to rise. Most commented that the goddess was super cute and that they would buy the air purifier recommended by the goddess, or similar kinds of comments.

At precisely this moment, a WeChat message popped up on the mobile phone screen.

Mu Yi:

Wah, we are so rich now? To the extent of inviting a female star to advertise for us?

Yu Tu clicked to go into WeChat. The research institute's large work group was currently discussing this in full swing, and about three or four people had simultaneously posted a screenshot of Qiao Jing Jing's Weibo post.

Wang Chun:

Qiao Jing Jing is so popular. How much do we need to pay to get her to post this ah? @Xie Yue Yi Lun, isn't your husband working in that partnering company? Go and ask.

Xie Yue Yi Lun:

I've already asked. He said they did not hire her! They asked a less well-known star before and the charge was three hundred thousand for a post, so how would they even dare consider Qiao Jing Jing?

Xie Yue Yi Lun:

My husband said they're sold out in the shops on Taobao, and there are still a lot of orders. They had too little stock because they did not expect this kind of thing would happen.

Li Lun:

Thinking back, the only advertising we did before was that all employees were to post about it in their Moments, right? This time, then, is just crazily awesome!

Yu Tu put away the mobile phone and lifted his head to look at Qiao Jing Jing.


Qiao Jing Jing's eyes wandered around: "Anyway, I don't have this kind of endorsement, so there is no conflict. I posted to support the motherland's aerospace industry."

Yu Tu stared at her for a short period of time, then suddenly gave a smirk. "Thank you."

After he stated that, he continued striding away.

Qiao Jing Jing was struck dumb: "… wait!"

Only after she caught up with him did she discover that the corner of Yu Tu's mouth was actually curved slightly upwards. Suddenly Qiao Jing Jing felt cheated and a little angry. "You're too dishonest."

"I thought dishonest is deceiving me by saying that you've to play in a Honor of Kings competition at your workplace."

Qiao Jing Jing felt a little guilty, but very quickly she said righteously and confidently, "I did not really deceive you, because I'm really going to play in a Honor of Kings competition."

Yu Tu raised his eyebrows slightly, expressing a trace of doubt.

"Do you know that I am the ambassador for Honor of Kings?"

Yu Tu nodded: "There was a period of time where, whenever I opened up the game, there would be a campaign of you giving out arcana."

"Oh ~ In short, in almost a month, I'm going to compete with some professional players." Qiao Jing Jing did not bother to explain further. "You'll know more when you look through the earlier posts in my Weibo."

Three minutes later, Yu Tu finished searching through Weibo. "… So you are going to compete in the KPL (King Pro League) live match next month? With some lucky players randomly drawn?"

"Five lucky players plus me, so six people. There will still be four professional players, which has not been announced yet."

Yu Tu remained silent.

Qiao Jing Jing nervously asked Yu Tu: "What do you think of my gaming skill? If I go and play in a competition ..."

Yu Tu mulled over this for a moment and politely assessed, "Even if you get one additional player like you onto the team, I reckon you still cannot win."

"..." Qiao Jing Jing unhappily glared at him.

"So," Yu Tu pondered for a moment, "you want me to teach you?"

Speaking with smart people sure saves effort. Qiao Jing Jing pretended to be indifferent: "Will you? Not like that kind we did online before, because that's a bit ineffective ... The best is on the spot, face to face teaching. Anyway you're on vacation, so it should not affect your work …"

Qiao Jing Jing suddenly felt a little shy. Of course, she showed none of it on her face at all and looked very much normal and at ease.