Chapter 31

The two sat back at their previous positions. Yu Tu told Qiao Jing Jing to use Bian Que to play a 3v3 casual match with some random players. He watched the game from the side. After playing a few games, he also let her try to use Mai Shiranui. When Qiao Jing Jing saw School Is Starting I'm So Panicked  online, she invited him into the room.

After entering the game, School Is Starting I'm So Panicked complained: "Why play 3v3 ah, boring?"

"Practicing small-scale team battles."

"Very hardworking, but ~~" School Is Starting I'm So Panicked dragged out his syllables in an exaggerated manner. "Little Cotton, do you want to consider switching to have me as your teacher?"

Qiao Jing Jing was puzzled. "Why?"

School Is Starting I'm So Panicked:

"Because your Rabbit God is going to be taken soon."

Qiao Jing Jing:


She looked at Yu Tu.

School Is Starting I'm So Panicked started to gossip. "Recently, he has been leaving early and returning late. I'd been wondering what he is up to, until I heard from Slime Package today that there's something going on. I cannot reveal the details. In short, you better follow me around in the future. He probably won't have time to bring you along."

You've already revealed too much…

Qiao Jing Jing's beautiful eyes were twinkling, and with a sly grin, she answered, "Oh really? He's already leaving early and returning late and not satisfied with who he has at home? …"

Slender fingers suddenly brushed across her hair as they switched off the speaker on her mobile phone screen and shut down the chat window. The atmosphere immediately became quiet.

Yu Tu's deep and low voice was heard. "Concentrate."

He withdrew his hand, there was still a faint feeling, like it was still there at the ends of her hair. Qiao Jing Jing suddenly felt that her one cheek was a little numb. Mai Shiranui, whom she was using to play right now, inexplicably decided to give up on attacking the low-HP enemy and ran to the jungle.

She moved her body to the side at once to prevent Yu Tu from seeing her haphazard playing. Fortunately, the doorbell rang at this moment so Qiao Jing Jing cleared her throat and said, "It is probably Xiao Zhu delivering dinner over."

"I'll get it."

Yu Tu got up and went to open the door. When the door was opened, it was not Xiao Zhu who was standing outside, but an unknown man who was almost as tall as him.

That man was wearing a well-ironed suit, and a surprised look appeared on his handsome face. Then he glanced across Yu Tu and looked into the room. Yu Tu did not know his intention in coming, so he moved his body slightly to block the way.

3v3 is more fast-paced, so Qiao Jing Jing quickly ended this match, put down the mobile phone, and walked towards the door. "Xiao Zhu, the yogurt I asked you to bring….."

Her voice cut off when she saw the man outside the door. At the same time, she was also surprised.

What was happening? Why is he here?

That man gave a glance over Qiao Jing Jing's disheveled hair, casual homewear and bare feet in slippers. Finally, he nodded and said, "When I drove by, I saw the light on, so… Sorry to disturb you."

Then he left gracefully.

Qiao Jing Jing:


Yu Tu looked at Qiao Jing Jing: "No need to explain to him?"

"Who bothers explaining to an ex-boyfriend whom she broke up with two years ago?" And moreover, one who was pretentious ~ But what day is it today? Ex-boyfriend and ex-girlfriend showing up on the same day. Was it International Nostalgia Day?

Xiao Zhu, who came late, dashed out of the elevator. "Jing Jing, Jing Jing, why did I see downstairs…uh, Teacher Yu."

When she saw Yu Tu, she immediately stopped talking.

Qiao Jing jing was just about to look for her. "How did he manage to come up? Wasn't his fingerprint for the elevator deleted?"

Xiao Zhu:

"But you can still use the password to get up. Originally, the password was also changed, but you always forgot the new one so I had to change it back."

"You go to the property management office to change it again. Change it to 1316. Go now," Qiao Jing Jing urged her.

"What is that?"

"My best record so far, 13-1-6." While recalling this, Qiao Jing Jing was proud of herself. "You can rest assured that I'll definitely not forget it."

Xiao Zhu was hurried out to go change the password. Qiao Jing Jing and Yu Tu were sitting face to face on the floor in front of the floor-to-ceiling window and eating dinner. As usual, Yu Tu's three dishes and one soup were full of calories. As for Qiao Jing Jing, they were those foods that made life not worth living for: fruit, vegetable and egg white. The contrast between the two meals was so sad; she definitely needed to chat about something to increase the nutrition of hers.

Qiao Jing Jing felt that she and Yu Tu were both rather embarrassed today, so two embarrassments cancelled each other out and no one needed to feel embarrassed. Anyway, since Yu Tu had seen everything, Qiao Jing Jing couldn't help but complain.

"We dated for more than half a year. One day he suddenly told me that his family members are quite conservative and may not like my occupation. He wanted me to leave the entertainment industry first, then he would go and tell his family members."

"Then I said, 'My family also don't like those in business, because they feel that it is too risky and you can go bankrupt easily. How about you resign first? Otherwise my family will also not agree to our relationship.'"

Yu Tu smiled, "Mr. Su is actually very talented and has a very good reputation."

Qiao Jing Jing was a little surprised. "You know him?"

"I studied finance in university, so I'll still pay attention to news in this field."

"Oh ~~~ Then you surely did not know that he is also very narcissistic." It had been two years, after all, and Qiao Jing Jing was no longer angry, but she still was a little extra forceful when cutting the fruit, "What about you?"


"Why did you and Xia Qing break up?"

Yu Tu looked up at her. Qiao Jing Jing's eyes were full of curiosity.

"I heard from Pei Pei that both of you started to date in the third year of university. Oh, Pei Pei often gossips about the classmates with me." Qiao Jing Jing betrayed her best friend without the slightest hesitation. "If it's inconvenient to tell me, then treat it as I didn't ask."

She playfully pressed the chopsticks over her lips.

Actually, there really was nothing that could not be spoken about. In fact, the reason was fairly similar to hers. When he graduated from undergrad, he had several high-paying job offers. However, he had still wanted to go study in that dream field of his that had been vetoed by his parents. He and Xia Qing had started dating when they were in their third year of university. At that time, he had already been in the midst of preparing for the postgraduate study exam. He thought that she had already accepted this. She thought that he could change. But in the end, no one changed anyone.

"Due to work, after graduation, I left Beijing and chose to do postgraduate studies in aerospace." Yu Tu put it simply.

So it was because they were living in different places. Qiao Jing Jing turned her curiosity to other matters. "Actually, I was very surprised that you applied for finance in the college entrance examination application. I've always remembered that your dream is the stars and the sea. How come you suddenly went to study finance?"

Something shifted in Yu Tu's eyes. He was a little surprised about how she knew this. But then he remembered something, and a trace of a bizarre understanding crossed his heart.

"When I was filling in the application form, my parents did not agree to my ambition. But I felt that I could handle both. Back then, I was rather young and frivolous ."

"But you really managed it. Later, you even did your postgraduate study. Indeed, the godly student of our class." Qiao Jing Jing became exhilarated: "Then how did you get such a long vacation? Shouldn't you be very busy doing scientific research?"

"Because," Yu Tu paused before saying, "I'm going to give up the ​stars and the sea."