Chapter 34

She did not know if it was her imagination, but Qiao Jing Jing felt that since that day they drank wine together, the way she and Yu Tu interacted was not the same as before.

She could not pinpoint where specifically was the difference. But for example, sometimes he would take the initiative to ask if he needed to bring her breakfast. Or for another example, when he was training her, the way he spoke to her seemed like his tongue was a little more sharp and poisonous.

The training for 3v3 was basically over. After battling 5v5 casual matches for a few days, Yu Tu asked Qiao Jing Jing, "You've played for so many days, which ones are your favourite heroes?"

Qiao Jing Jing mentioned a few, then expressed, "But I still like Zhuge Liang and Li Bai the most."

Because they were the most handsome ones in the game!

Heroes that have lots of different type of position shifting are not suitable for you." Yu Tu heartlessly dumped cold water on her. Qiao Jing Jing, the good-looks-obsessor, instantly wilted.

"You can just forget about playing jungle position. When you are playing in the exhibition match, go straight to selecting a professional player who is good at this position. The top solo has to be able to resist pressure, which is not suitable for you, so you should also give this position to your teammates. Hence the most suitable position for you is in the middle or bottom lane. Mage, marksman or support, go work hard in these three directions. For mage, you can consider Bian Que, Gan Jiang Mo Ye and Ying Zheng. Heroes with long reach are more suitable for you."

"How about Wang Zhaojun?" Although Yu Tu had said before that this hero was not good enough for competition, Qiao Jing Jing was still unwilling to give her up. After all, she was the first hero she had played well with.

"You wouldn't ask this question if you watched a few more professional matches." Yu Tu mercilessly shut her down.

"For support, you can consider Dong Huang Tai Yi, Zhang Fei, Bai Qi and Bull Demon. Sun Bin still can be considered. In addition, Su Lie and Meng Qi are very popular right now, so you need to get familiar with them."

"Zhang Fei?"

"His abilities are not difficult to use."

All right, then. Even though the first time she played Zhang Fei with A Guo, it had been really appalling. After being trained by Yu Tu for a while, it was actually not bad.

Yu Tu very authoritatively determined the heroes suitable for her for these two positions. When it came to marksman, he unexpectedly asked her, "For marksman, you like Consort Yu?"

Qiao Jing Jing nodded. "Because the third skill is very useful and the second skill can also be used to escape."

Yu Tu looked pensive. "You can escape really fast."

Qiao Jing Jing:

"….. That's a compliment?"

Yu Tu made a "hmm" sound. "You'd never sell out a random teammate and abandon him, but you've sold me without the slightest hesitation. I've always wanted to ask you what kind of thought process is that?"

"…Have I?" With a guilty conscience, Qiao Jing Jing wanted to justify her action, but under Yu Tu's condemning gaze, she was forced to face up to her rabbit-selling actions. "Probably it's because of … faith in you?"

"Thank you." Yu Tu did not look like he was impressed.

Qiao Jing Jing mulled over all the heroes that he had said, a little dispirited. "All these seem to be ones that aren't very suave or good-looking."

Yu Tu was speechless. Remembering that when she was resting, she liked to study which skin looked good or when she was just drinking wine, she would still need to set a flower on the table, he said helplessly, "If you want a good-looking marksman, you can consider another hero."

"Which one?" Qiao Jing Jing's eyes started to light up.

"Baili Shouyue."

Baili Shouyue is a new hero recently released by Honor of Kings. His special skill is ultra-long-range snipe. Qiao Jing Jing immediately started a casual match.

Twenty minutes later, she put down her mobile phone and stared at Yu Tu. "Are you sure that I can play well with him?"

"Your accuracy is really quite good. In fact, your hit rate for Consort Yu's first ability is very high."

Qiao Jing Jing thought for a while. That did seem to be true. But actually, she didn't really think about taking aim and relied completely on her intuition. Sometimes, she would purposely try to aim but would actually end up failing to hit the mark.

"You didn't play well in the match just a moment ago because firstly the teammates didn't give you currency and support, and secondly, you still aren't agile enough when it comes to positioning. Although Consort Yu and Baili Shouyue also require you to be able to position, their skill requirement in that is a little lower than with Sun Shangxiang and Marco Polo, so we can still rescue your chances with them. With those other two heroes, you're… I can't even describe it with words".

Your tongue is a little too sharp and poisonous, isn't it? Then remembering the phrases "the moth flies into the flame" and "young swallow throwing itself into the boiling pot" that he had used as his words of evaluation for her Nakoruru yesterday, Qiao Jing Jing practically wanted to beat someone.

"Besides positioning, what you lack most now is awareness, that is, those hundred thousand whys that you always ask when you're playing."


Yu Tu recounted with an expressionless face, "Where should I go? What should I do? Should I use ultimate ability?"

Qiao Jing Jing:


Yu Tu looked at the time and said, "So starting from today, we'll practice real battling for half a day and then watch professional tournaments for half a day."