Chapter 37

Qiao Jing Jing was playing games at home.

Initially, she did not feel anything for Singles' Day. However, thinking that Yu Tu was eating and drinking with his friends right now, whereas she could only play games alone in a pitiful manner, she suddenly felt the sorrow of being single.

She did not know whether it was because all the experts had gone to celebrate the festival or all the singles were not able to muster up the energy, but her Wang Zhaojun actually carried the entire game,and she had very good results for a few consecutive matches.

So, she took a screenshot, pixelated out her info, and posted the picture on Weibo. Most people continuously liked and praised the goddess for being so awesome.

But there were also some rather special ones.

For example, this one —

Cute Little Wife Is Pouting:

My goddess is so beautiful, so rich and so thin, but still can only play games on Singles' Day ... I am not beautiful, and I'm also fat and have no money, but I have a husband ah

… This must be a true fan.

The so thin and so beautiful Qiao Jing Jing sullenly started a new match. The result was that when the team battle was using ultimate ability, Yu Tu unexpectedly called. Qiao Jing Jing immediately heartlessly rejected the call, waiting until the match was finished before she called back.

As soon as she got through, he said, "You are playing Wang Zhaojun again?"

"… You even have a surveillance camera?"

"I just took a quick look." There seemed to be sound of laughter from his side, and then he asked, "Do you want to go out to have fun?"

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised and stood up. "Where are you?"


Qiao Jing Jing happily ran downstairs.

Yu Tu saw that she was once again fully disguised. However, even the strands of her hair were radiating the joy of freedom and letting herself out for a break. He was amused at this, and at the same time, he himself actually felt a little relaxed.

Qiao Jing Jing excitedly asked, "Why did you come back? Your meeting place was nearby?"

Yu Tu also wanted to ask himself this question.

"More or less." Yu Tu said, "They wanted to go singing and I wasn't interested."

"Oh. Then where are we going?"

Yu Tu thought for a while. "To watch a movie?"

There was a cinema on the lower ground floor of the nearby shopping mall. The two of them walked there. While walking, they held their mobile phones to check what movies were showing.

"This one?" Yu Tu pointed to an artistic romance film. Girls should like to watch this one.

Qiao Jing Jing glanced at it. "No way. Did you do that on purpose? Everyone knows that I'm not on good terms with the lead actress."

Yu Tu:

"…I don't know much about your entertainment circle."

Yu Tu looked again and, on the safe side, chose a male movie. "How about this one?"

"Oh, this should be a good one. But the leading actor just broke up with his girlfriend. His girlfriend is a good friend of mine." No matter how good the movie was, one cannot betray one's good friend.

Yu Tu:


He shoved the phone to her. "You choose."

Qiao Jing Jing was already very familiar with Yu Tu's mobile phone. She swiped up and down, "Let's go and watch an animated film. There only have aisle seats left … Fingerprint please."

She had already selected their seats at lightning speed. Halting her footsteps, she held up the mobile phone to let Yu Tu press his fingerprint to pay. At that moment, she had actually forgotten that she could return the phone directly to Yu Tu.

To her surprise, Yu Tu also didn't take the phone. He only lowered his head and pressed lightly on the phone that she was holding.

Instantly, Qiao Jing Jing felt as somewhere in her had been pressed like that, too. Her heart quickened. She lifted her head and coincidentally ended up looking into Yu Tu's deep eyes.

It seemed a long time passed, or perhaps it was only a short while, and Yu Tu took his mobile phone back.

He looked at the time. "We've to walk faster because we've only fifteen minutes left."

The two of them did not speak again and went quietly to the cinema. After entering the mall, suddenly Yu Tu said, "We'll walk separately."

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised.

"Don't look behind. Someone is following us."

Then he quickly walked past her. After a while, Qiao Jing Jing received the QR code that he sent over through WeChat to get the tickets.

Yu Tu:

You get the ticket and go in first.

Jing Jing:

It seems that I've to get the two tickets together. Then how will you come in?

Yu Tu:

When we get to the cinema, I'll tell you.

Qiao Jing Jing felt that watching a movie was rather exciting. She took the tickets first and followed Yu Tu's instruction, putting one of the tickets on an empty table. Then she went in first. This was practically like a spy film that she had filmed before!

After entering the cinema hall, she had just taken a seat beside the aisle when the lights were switched off and advertisements began to appear on the big screen. The seat next to her was still empty. Qiao Jing Jing was a little anxious. Would the ticket get taken away by someone else?

She took out her mobile phone, lowered her head, and intended to send a WeChat message. Before she could send it, her line of sight was blocked and a figure appeared beside her. In total darkness, that person leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Is anyone sitting here? I picked up a movie ticket from the table."