Chapter 46

The private room instantly turned very quiet.

Various kinds of emotions appeared on Professor Zhang's face, finally settled as deep disappointment. But he did not say anything harsh. All of a sudden, he merely seemed to have lost his vigor.

"I understand since many people left in the past few years. I also understand the choices made by each of them. I'm just a little disappointed….." The old professor said he understood several times but in the end he did not refrain from saying this to his student who he has placed the most high hopes.

"Yu Tu, you greatly disappoint me."

"You are my favorite student. I thought….." He sighed deeply, "Don't talk about the older generation in aerospace who were impoverished and have to start from scratch. I'll just talk about your colleague, Guan Zai who gave up his high salary job in the United States and returned home. I have always thought that you are like him, who also have your own beliefs and persistence."

Yu Tu did not refute any of his words. His eyes were fixated on the white tablecloths in front of him and he remained silent.

Suddenly, Qiao Jing Jing felt sad.

"But Yu Tu had also given up a high salary job." She blurted out.

Unexpectedly, Yu Tu lifted up his eyes and the two professors looked at her in surprise.

"I think that Yu Tu and his colleague are also top talents so they deserve the best treatment. If there is no pressure and they are most willing to do it, of course there is no problem. But if you've to use belief and dream to ask them to do it, isn't it a little ..." A word flashed through her mind, she did not think deeply, "Like hijacking?"

"Jing Jing!" Yu Tu shouted at her to stop.

Qiao Jing Jing stopped and felt a little regretful. She seemed too impulsive.

"I'm sorry." She immediately apologized.

The private room became quiet again.

Yu Tu stood up: "Teacher, I'm sorry. We'll not disturb you and your wife eat dinner."

This time the old couple did not urge them to stay. Qiao Jing Jing followed closely behind Yu Tu and quickly got out of the restaurant.

When the night breeze blew, Yu Tu calmed down. He halted his footsteps and his tone somewhat helpless. "You are enjoying the biggest privileges in this society so you should not say such a thing to teacher."

What did he mean?

Qiao Jing Jing was already feeling regretful, now her heart seemed to be pricked with a needle once more. She looked at Yu Tu. "What do you mean? If I am not Qiao Jing Jing, not a star, then I can say it?"

She opened her eyes wide to stare at him. "I just wanted to help you to speak up. I…."

She finally could not help but say: "I hope you will continue to be an aerospace designer, more than anyone else!"

Yu Tu was stunned and stared at her: "Why?"


Because when you looked up at the starry sky, you were the most luminous and best looking.

Because at that moment I fell in love with you, you talked about the mysteries of the universe that I simply did not understand.

Because I have had so many fantasies and in every fantasy, you were an aerospace designer and not something else.

Because you like it!

Qiao Jing Jing suddenly felt very aggrieved.

Moreover it has been a very long time since she had felt this kind of grievance.

The artist management company's car stopped beside them. Xiao Zhu lowered the car window and waved. "Jing Jing and teacher Yu, why are both of you outside?"

Qiao Jing Jing's fingers moved a little. She turned her head and did not look at Yu Tu anymore. Instead, she directly pulled open the car door and got into the car.

Xiao Zhu felt something was not quite right, so she looked back and forth, "Huh, teacher Yu?"

Qiao Jing Jing closed the car door and commanded: "Start the car."

The car disappeared at the intersection.

Yu Tu stood at the roadside, subconsciously wanted to search for a cigarette in his pocket because at that moment, he had forgotten that he actually did not have the habit of smoking, but only occasionally freeload a cigarette or two from friends.

He felt a little flustered.

However, it seemed that it was not entirely due to feeling flustered. It was the blood circulating. It was the heart throbbing. It was an out of control intuition, like an early warning of derailment.

A strange surging suddenly swept through the body, charging around violently in his usually calm brain. He probably knew what it was, but he had never experienced it nor planned it. He did not expect that it would suddenly arise at this moment, making all his self-control turned into ashes.

He was unprepared and caught off guard.

It was all because of that pair of stubborn, grievance and teary eyes.