Chapter 58

The camera followed her gaze closely and accurately closed in on the approximate vicinity. Then, the camera surprisingly locked in on Yu Tu. A tall, upright figure immediately appeared on the big screen.

A commotion went through the audience. Some people were vaguely heard saying, "Very handsome ah," and "Is he also a celebrity?"

Surprise flashed across Yu Tu's eyes, but they soon became calm, as usual. He met the gaze of the most-dazzling person on the stage. That person smiled sweetly at him, with a familiar quick-wittedness and mischievousness.

The host on the stage did not stop talking. "Wait a minute, Big Brother Camera Operator. How do you know that it is this handsome guy? Are you also judging by the face?"

"Handsome guy, please answer me, is it actually you?"

So, Yu Tu also smiled and answered him through his actions. He calmly got up, set the overcoat that had originally been on his lap onto the seat, and walked away from the seat.

The clamor got even louder.

For a moment, everyone was looking at him. Some people even immediately picked up their phones to take photos. The camera stayed even more in hot pursuit of him, not letting him out of sight. He, however, seemed undisturbed by all these, staying calm and collected the whole time, his eyes bright and clear. Homing in on the stage, he calmly walked on that path leading to the stage, not showing any traces of being ill at ease.

From a distance, Qiao Jing Jing watched him approach, step by step. Suddenly, a trace of pride ignited in her heart.

Yes, from childhood to adulthood, Teacher Yu had always been God's favored child. What types of circumstances of settings had he not seen? Of course he wouldn't get stage fright?

But back then, she had mostly watched him from the audience.

Now, they could finally stand on the same stage together. He was walking towards her.

Welcome, Mr. Yu, Qiao Jing Jing smiled and thought, welcome to my stage.

Yu Tu strode up the flight of steps. Only then did Qiao Jing Jing notice that he seemed to have deliberately dressed up a bit today. To her surprise, he for once was wearing a black suit, but not as formal as with a tie. The collar of the white shirt inside was slightly opened, making him look exceptionally handsome, with an air that made him stand out from the crowd.

From far, Qiao Jing Jing blinked at him. As soon as he walked to her side, she turned off her microphone and whispered, "Looking a little handsome today."

Yu Tu halted his footsteps and bowed his head slightly. "A little?"

Qiao Jing Jing could not help laughing.

The host beside him felt that his eyes were going to go blind.

Hey, hey, hey, both of you, this is a stage, okay? The audience cannot hear, but still, is it proper for you two to brazenly "flirt" like this? You want to land me on 'hot search' with you two?

He quickly stepped forward to make his presence felt.

"Come, come. Come here. Handsome guy, stand on my side." He pulled Yu Tu to his side and then couldn't help asking excitedly, "Let me guess, is this handsome guy also from the entertainment circle?"

"No." Yu Tu answered, "I am Jing Jing's senior high school classmate."

"Senior high school classmate?" The host was a bit surprised.

Qiao Jing Jing added, "Actually we were already schoolmates in junior high school."

"Very deep fate between you two, ah. Junior high schoolmates, senior high classmates. Then, for university…"

Qiao Jing Jing smiled, "Not in the same university, since, after all, I was not admitted to Tsinghua University."

"Wow, Tsinghua." The host exclaimed in exaggerated admiration. "Oh, a student of great ability. Now I believe that you must also play games very well. So then, you and our goddess are friends of many years?"

Yu Tu was a bit taken aback, but Qiao Jing Jing jumped in first to reply, "No, we lost contact for many years and only became reacquainted when we played Honor of Kings together a while back."

"There are many similar instances of this." The host said, "Honor of Kings has really closed the distance between many people. People who were originally casual acquaintances get to know each other better while playing the game, and some even get married… Hey! I am not taking about you two. I am not starting a rumor about you!"

The audience burst into loud laughter. Qiao Jing Jing also cannot help laughing: "If by any chance I get onto the 'hot search' list, I'll come after you."

Speaking of Weibo "hot search", an incident suddenly flashed through Qiao Jing Jing's mind —— that senior high school classmate's post with the explosive allegations.

She had brought Yu Tu up onto the stage this time and also revealed some key information about him. After today, there was a hundred percent chance that netizens would dig up that post and do a point-by-point comparison. This was something she had not considered a moment ago. That post had even mentioned the relationship between Yu Tu and Xia Qing. If, for some reason, people mistakenly believed that she had intruded into their relationship, then that would not be good at all. Even though it would be very easy to explain, still, an explanation after was never as good as acting first and getting the upper hand.

Qiao Jing Jing's thoughts turned at lightning speed, and she thought through everything thoroughly. However, the expression on her face did not change at all. Smilingly she elaborated, "Actually, you are right. Honor of Kings is really a game that can allow people to step across the time barrier to revive a friendship. I ran into a lot of my former classmates and friends in the game. We had not been in contact for a long time, but after forming a pre-made team, we seemed like we were well-acquainted again. However, most of those old classmates are busy with family and career now, and our time spent playing together is comparatively little. Only Classmate Yu has been a single dog for a long time and also on vacation recently, so we played together the most. That is why just now I thought of asking him to come and play the exhibition match together."

Her remarks sounded natural and were very in line with her position as the game ambassador. Outsiders of course did not feel there was anything odd in the slightest. However, Yu Tu clearly knew that Miss Qiao did not have any other old friends in the game, apart from him. Then the purpose for saying those words was to emphasize that he had been single for many years?


His eyes moved slightly. In an instant, he recalled that post from more than a month ago with the explosive allegation.

The host was in the midst of making a fuss about this. "It can't be. So handsome and so learned, yet a single dog for many years?"

In her heart, Qiao Jing Jing gave him 10,000 likes, but verbally she condemned him in a righteous manner. "You're going off topic." Then she smilingly teased, "But it is really very strange la, and what's more, he can play game so well, too."

Since she had achieved her purpose, she did not want to say more. When she was about to change the topic, Yu Tu unexpectedly smiled at her this time. He continued the topic by saying, "It's not strange. You are one, too."

Qiao Jing Jing:
