Chapter 67

It was a long while before Shen Jing recovered her composure. Yu Tu handed a tissue to her, and she wiped her tears. "Sorry, for making you listen to my complaints every day. I am actually not really blaming him."

"What I admired about him is his very committed and serious manner. But I thought we still had a lot of time, that when we're old, we'll have a lot of time. But now we don't have that."

Only at this time did Yu Tu say one sentence. "The doctor said the hope of curing it is very high."

Shen Jing shook her head: "You don't understand."

She didn't continue any more. She looked at her phone, stood up, and said, "Guan Zhu said he's picked up and brought the child home, and he will come over in a moment. Tonight, he'll stay here through the night. It's been tiring for you this last while."

Guan Zhu was the younger brother of Guan Zai and a freelance photographer. He had previously been abroad, running around everywhere, and had just returned yesterday.

Yu Tu also stood up, "You're most welcome."

When Guan Zai woke up, there was no sound in the room. Yu Tu was standing against the wall across the bed, head down, thinking about something.

The patient in the next bed had been discharged from the hospital this morning. Guan Zai usually complained that person was too noisy, but now he discovered that the room was better with a little activity. He coughed. Yu Tu raised his head and said, "You woke up?"

"Yes. You still have not gone back? Where is A Jing?"

"Your wife went home to take care of the child. Guan Zhu has not arrived yet, so I am waiting for him to get here before I leave." Yu Tu adjusted the bed a little higher and poured a glass of warm water for him.

Guan Zai slowly took a few drinks. "After I dozed off just now, did my wife cry again?"

Yu Tu took the glass and put it back on the table, not answering.

Guan Zai sighed. "The rim of her eyes are always red, but she still pretends in front of me. So silly."

"You are not silly? You dragged your illness out until now."

There was a trace of regret on Guan Zai's face. "Normally it was just some minor illnesses and pains. I didn't know it is so serious, otherwise I would have come earlier." He looked at Yu Tu. "Can you not be like this? Nowadays, cancer is not a terminal illness. I've researched it. There's a high hope of being cured for this type of cancer that I have. My willpower will definitely be able to overcome it."

Yu Tu nodded. "Okay. I've faith in you."

"Did you officially go back to work today?"


"Not resigning any more?"


"Because of me?"

"Don't think so highly of yourself."

Guan Zai gave a smile, "In the future, don't come to the hospital too often. You're going to be so busy you could die. Ah, no, ptooey! I mean, you're going to be so busy your head buzzes."

When this topic was mentioned, he started to explain some work issues and then reminded again, "Don't tell the people in the work unit about my condition. It is enough that Hu Suo knows about it. I don't want to deal with Xiao Meng and the others right now."

"I know."

"I can't work for at least two years. I'll be handing them all over to you anyway."

Yu Tu gave a "hmm" sound and said very flatly, "Don't worry."

When he got home, it was almost eleven o'clock. Yu Tu walked to the sofa and sat down. He felt an exhaustion that came from the bottom of his heart. Zhai Liang happened to be coming out of the bathroom with his mobile phone. When he saw him, he gave a strange cry and bounced over to stand in front of him.

"You are finally back? Why didn't you reply my WeChat message?" He hurriedly clicked open a video on his mobile phone and handed it to Yu Tu. "It was posted in the class group chat just a moment ago. Everyone is discussing it enthusiastically. What's going on?"

Yu Tu's eyes slowly moved to the mobile phone. In the video, he and Qiao Jing Jing were standing on KPL stage and getting interviewed by the host.

Zhai Liang squatted on the edge of the sofa and sized him up. "I pondered for a bit. Could this be what you meant by… 'can be seen everywhere on the street?'"

Yu Tu involuntarily took the mobile phone. When his eyes fell on the screen, it happened that the video was showing a close-up of Qiao Jing Jing as she looked at the camera and smiled sweetly.

Hence he also curved up the corner of his mouth. He put the phone onto the coffee table, stood up, and said, "Won't be able to see her anymore."