Chapter 75

"I have a question."

After remaining silent for a while, Qiao Jing Jing said.

"Ask away." Su Ye was suave and gentlemanly.

"Did you really feel apologetic to me that your girlfriend put my video online? Why do I feel that, on the contrary, you are a little pleased? Pleased that, for you, someone got jealous to this degree over a love rival?" Qiao Jing Jing gently swayed the colored liquid in the cocktail glass "Oh, maybe it can't be called 'pleased.' You were just very interested to stand as a bystander and watch how I coped?"

"You said you went to see me that day to apologize, but at that time, half a month had already passed since the incident happened? Thus, you probably just happened to pass by and was in the mood, so you conveniently came to apologize?"

"Also, I did win the exhibition match. But what if I had lost? If I had lost very badly? If I was ridiculed by all those online, would you still be standing here today and saying these words to me?"

Qiao Jing Jing's bright eyes were staring intently at him.

Su Ye was immediately at a loss for words.

What Qiao Jing Jing said was true. That day that he went to her home, he had indeed done it on a whim as he was passing by. Even going to the venue to watch the exhibition match had been done on a spur of the moment. Through the entire matter, as it unfolded, he indeed had kept a kind of bystander mentality, watching to see how she would respond.

However, he had not expect Qiao Jing Jing to resolve everything so beautifully.

In the VIP lounge that day, he had watched how, on the stage, she had wittily and craftily controlled the rhythm of everything, watched her during the match nimbly position herself and skillful control her play. To his surprise, he had totally been unable to take his eyes off her.

He knew clearly that she did not know how to play at all. In less than two months, she had actually improved so much?

By the time she obtained three consecutive kills at the end and the audience burst out with cries of astonishment, he too had been unable to restrain his emotions and had stood up, surprising the staff member who was accompanying him.

That moment, she had hugged and celebrated on the stage with another man, her smile like a blossom, while he, in the VIP lounge, had looked on from a distance, his chest palpitating. It seemed that a fire had rekindled in his heart, burning even more fiercely than before. He thought it simply a ripple in his emotions that was brought on by the atmosphere of the venue that day. However, after going abroad for two months, not only did that ripple not calm, it became more and more turbulent.

If that was the case, there was no need to restrain himself.

He had always been proactive.

However, he had not anticipated that Qiao Jing Jing would be so sharp as to actually guess his mentality so accurately. Even though Su Ye had always played the game well, able to manipulate things, and was eloquent in words, he still momentarily did not know what to say to recover from this.

Qiao Jing Jing got her answer from his expression.

"I'll answer your question from before. When I was together with you, I was very serious, and therefore our breakup had nothing to do with other people. The reason for it, have you forgotten?"

"Actually, I have always been very curious." Qiao Jing Jing tilted her head cutely. "When you suggested that I give up my career, were you really ready to spend a lifetime with me? No, right? But you had still mentioned it so lightly. At that time, I had already realized that you never put me at an equal position with you, and it seems that nothing has changed now."

"You always act so high and mighty." Qiao Jing Jing smiled sweetly and said, "I can't stand it. Mr. Su, we're two persons who walk different paths, so we cannot make plans together."

The news in this circle has always spread very fast. Qiao Jing Jing flew back to Shanghai three days later, and it was already ten o'clock at night when she arrived home. Big sister Ling was actually waiting eagerly for her in the lobby downstairs of her house.

When she saw her getting out of the car, the first sentence was "Su Ye came to disturb you again?"

Qiao Jing Jing:


Spreading at the speed of light?

Speechless, she walked inside, and big sister Ling kept pace with her. "You better not be deceived by his graceful words and flowery speech. That person….Anyway, he is not even one ten-thousandth as good as teacher Yu."

Speaking of Yu Tu, big sister Ling remembered something. "Hey, Jing Jing, have you still been keeping in contact with teacher Yu recently? Why didn't he come to the celebratory hotpot that day?"

Qiao Jing Jing looked very calm. "You've been holding my mobile phone most of the time. Did you see any contact between us?"

Big sister Ling thought about it. "That is true. You almost don't have time to sleep."

Qiao Jing Jing, as peaceful as still water, pressed the elevator button, feeling that her acting skills in real life were like that of a movie queen. It had been more than two months since that night, but no one around her had noticed any peculiarity in her. Even the driver who drove the car that day didn't know what happened.

Probably because her reaction was too calm.

"Then, in these next two days when you're free, you should treat him to a meal. How could you get such good results without him teaching you? But today is already the twenty-ninth day of the last lunar month. He probably has gone back to celebrate the Chinese New Year. So wait until after the New Year?" While still talking, she clapped her hands. "Oh, both of you are from the same hometown! You can treat him in your hometown! You're going back on Chinese New Year's Day, right, after you've finished performing your program?"

Qiao Jing Jing interrupted her, "You waited for me into the middle of the night just to say this?"

Big sister Ling was forced to find a proper business excuse. "No, I want to go through the details of Shanghai Dragon TV's New Year's Gala with you."

This excuse was too insincere.

The elevator arrived. When Qiao Jing Jing stepped in and turned around, she realized that Xiao Zhu, who had been following her, was missing.

She pressed the door open button. "Where is she?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhu dashed over holding a pile of letters. "I went to open the mailbox. There are quite a lot of letters."

Qiao Jing Jing did not ask further. Mail that came here generally were only some bank statements and such, and she never concerned herself with these trivial matters.

As the elevator was going up, big sister Ling started to complain endlessly about Su Ye. Xiao Zhu, flipping the letters, however, suddenly said, "Eh?" and exclaimed, "Jing Jing."

She said with surprise, "Someone actually wrote to you, what's more, there are quite a few letters."

Qiao Jing Jing looked absent-mindedly at the letters in her hand. In the next second, her gaze suddenly froze.

The elevator made a ding sound to indicate the arrival at her floor. However she did not move and only reached out to pick up the letter on the very top.

She had actually not seen the clean, free and fluid handwriting on the envelope for a long time already, but she could still recognize it in just a glance.

To Miss Qiao.

And the name signed, sure enough, was—Yu.