Chapter 81

In the end, the main activity at the cafe was still just checking her phone.

It must be because, after chatting for a while, Pei Pei started to play video games. Qiao Jing Jing irresponsibly pushed the responsibility onto her good friend.

While listening to the sound effects from Pei Pei's game, Qiao Jing Jing was bored and browsed though Moments and her public account. Then she accidentally opened Yu Tu's WeChat.

"Hey, you haven't replied to so many of Yu Tu's WeChat messages?"

There weren't "many", only one each in the morning, afternoon, and night.

Wait, something was wrong!

Qiao Jing Jing immediately switched off her mobile phone and pushed away the head that was right next to her. "What are you doing? Concentrate on playing your game."

"It's over."

Pei Pei grabbed her arm. "Let me see. Didn't I screenshot hundreds of chat records and send them to you when I was dating my husband?"

Qiao Jing Jing snapped, "Did I ask for it? And it took up my mobile phone memory, too!"

"So petty." Pei Pei sat back on her chair opposite Qiao Jing Jing. "Humph! Even if you don't say anything, I can still guess. I found Yu Tu's driver's license in your car just a little while ago."

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised.

Driver's license?

Oh, that's right. The night before yesterday, she had gone to sit in the front, but Yu Tu's driver's license had been left in the back seat. She had completely forgotten about it.

But why didn't Yu Tu remember to take it back either?

"I didn't mean to look at it. I saw it when I put my down jacket in the back seat. I thought it was yours, so I opened it and took a look. Aiya! I haven't seen the big godly student for a long time, but from the photo, he is still as handsome as before." She sighed, then changed the tone of her voice. "So, Miss Jing Jing, why were both of you in the same car together and what did both of you do in the back seat?"

Qiao Jing Jing:

"… We did nothing."

Yesterday, he drove the car to the front of her house and then left. Because her parents came out later and did not see the driver, they had been suspecting this whole time that she drove the car back herself.

But this reply obviously did not convince Pei Pei, who must have imagined other things. She grumbled, "Let it be. I won't force you."

"Actually, this feels rather awesome to me. When have you ever seen Godly Student Yu like this, huh? But Jing Jing, are you interested in him? If you are interested, don't always give him the cold shoulder. The godly student has his pride, too," Pei Pei warned her.

Qiao Jing Jing took a sip of fruit juice and thought, she did not always give him the cold shoulder. She merely intend to give him the cold shoulder for two months.

Since Pei Pei couldn't dig up any gossip, she played on her phone again.

The small private room was a bit quiet.

Qiao Jing Jing recalled how they had been like this during their school days too. During the holidays, they would find a place to do homework together, read novels together, and chat about those secrets and thoughts.

At that time, Pei Pei also liked a boy, but she later ended up marrying another person and living a happy and blessed life.

She also used to think that her life would never have Yu Tu in it again.

If she did not get together with Yu Tu, would she be happy?

Definitely yes. She would give herself a very good life.

But inevitably there would be somewhere that was just not same.

Pei Pei suddenly cried out in alarm, "I'm going to faint! Jing Jing, we were still discovered."

Qiao Jing Jing's mind came back to the present. "What?"

"It seems like a passerby took our photo and uploaded it to his Moments. Then it was forwarded around until it arrived in our class chat group. The people in the group are currently discussing you and have also @ me." She pushed the phone over to let her see.

Qiao Jing Jing bowed her head and took a look. The people in the senior high school class group chat were passing news back and forth at lightning speed.

"@PeiPei, are you with Qiao Jing Jing?"

"Where are you? Supposedly you were photographed in the underground car park at Dongjiu."

"@PeiPei, quite a lot of classmates are having a gathering and singing at the KTV. Tell Qiao Jing Jing and bring her along."

"Yes, yes, all of us haven't seen one another for more than a decade."

"Come on, the big star surely won't come."

Qiao Jing Jing flipped back through the chat to look at the list of people at the KTV gathering and then, unconcerned, returned the phone to Pei Pei.

Pei Pei took the phone and said firmly, "I've decided to play dead."

She idly played with her phone for a while. Suddenly, she had a thought and said, "Jing Jing, let me play with your Honor of Kings account for a while, ok? I want to experience the feeling of playing a high-level game."

Qiao Jing Jing:

"… Do you want to bring disaster on some poor people?"

Pei Pei disagreed, "I also play reasonably well, okay? It's just that I don't always play ranked match. So will you let me or not? ~~~"

Qiao Jing Jing was really worried that she would cause her to be reported, but looking at her pleading face, she had no choice but to start the game and hand her the phone. "If you're no match for them, remember to give me the mobile phone."

After saying this, she was dazed for a bit because this sentence was one often said to her by someone. Who would have thought it was her turn to say it to someone else today?

"Okay, got it." Pei Pei happily grabbed the phone.

In the end, her courage was all talk only. After looking at the start-up page of Qiao Jing Jing's account, she was scared. "Forget it, I'm still a little afraid."

She browsed around in Qiao Jing Jing's account and made some comments from time to time. "Your ID is really mystical. What the hell is pick cotton? … Wow, the win rate ranking is so high… Number ten in Shanghai for playing with Balli Shouyue … Hey, you also have two unique Pentakills."

Qiao Jing Jing was surprised. "What?"

"Unique Pentakill. You've forgotten what you achieved?"

Qiao Jing Jing was puzzled and took the phone back.

Listed under "Battle Information" is a player's overall statistics for each kind of battle data, and at the bottom, it will show the number of MVPs, triple kills, quadra kills, pentakills, and legendary kills achieved. Her other data was normal, but beside "unique pentakill," there really was "2."

This meant that she had achieved two unique Pentakills.

However, this number clearly had still been "0" before she took part in the exhibition match. And she had not played the game again since the exhibition match.

Where did these two Pentakill come from?

Something vaguely flashed through her mind. Qiao Jing Jing hastily opened her "Battle Record."

Then her gaze stilled.

"Jing Jing, Jing Jing?"

A few minutes later, Pei Pei saw that she was still staring at the game interface, and she couldn't help but waved her hand in front of Qiao Jing Jing.

Qiao Jing Jing lifted up her head. Her eyes seemed to gleam. "Are the classmates having a gathering in the KTV tonight?"

Pei Pei nodded. "Yes."

Qiao Jing Jing said, "I want to go now."

"Ah?" Pei Pei stared blankly at her.

"Give me your phone."

Expressionless, Pei Pei unlocked her phone and gave it to her. Qiao Jing Jing took the mobile phone, opened up the WeChat class group chat, and sent out a message.

Pei Pei:

Okay, I will bring her over immediately ^_^ @everyone.