[Hidden Function Activated!]

It didn't take the drones long before the whole mansion, including the overgrown backyard was all swept up clean.

There was nothing but dirt in the expansive backyard of the mansion however Esmond knew it wouldn't take long for it to all change into a beautiful garden that could take one's breath away…

They also found the mainframe to the Manager System was down in the basement of the mansion, where they also found a large crystal that was linked up the with system.

Carter, nor Echo could make sense of the layout, so they followed along with Esmonds plans to take it all to the Spatial Ark Land.




[Spatial Core has been added to the Spatial Ark Land!]

[Spatial Core Management System Mainframe has been modified, improved, and added to the Spatial Ark Land!



[Hidden Function Activated!]

[Ark Point - Spatial Ark Land

- Ark Point allows a constant connection between the Spatial Ark Land and the Spatial Cores produced within the Spatial Ark Land.

- Ark Points can be set in various places, where the Host desires, however the of Ark Points are based on various factors based on Hosts Status]


While the drones had emptied the whole mansion, including the study Esmond was in, once they took away the crystal or Spatial Core that was connected to the mainframe, Esmond was expelled from the mansion and appeared on the square where he first appeared as he was entering the Retail Market.

Esmond had a splitting headache for a moment being thrown back to the square so harshly and quickly.

His wristwatch was beeping, alerting him that an asset of his was destroyed.

He assumed it must have been connected with the Spatial Core and mainframe somehow, but for now he exited the square, returning back to the cabin within the Spatial Ark Land.


Having returned to the cabin he got comfortable as he appeared in the lounge but unlike earlier, Carter and Echo weren't around, instead they were elsewhere in the space, dealing with the goods from the mansion.

They were also working on mainframe from the mansion, even though it was improved by the space, they wanted to see how it performed now as well as gathering all the information from it too.

Leaving him alone in the cabin, Esmond thought about sitting down and playing one of his games that he hadn't got around to playing.

He planned to drink the Universal Essence once Carter was free just in case, he passed out or was affected as well.

Echo had to be involved as well because of the upgrade, not sure if he could be affected as well, so Esmond instead chose to play one of his games while waiting for Carter and Echo to return.

Only a handful of hours had past while Esmond was away in the Retail Market, so he had plenty of time left in the day, so he decided to play Assassins Creed.

However, he suddenly remembered something incredibly important and left the cabin immediately.



[Summoning Square]

[Level – 0]


- 0/1000 tons of Ogryx (Zadris Upgrade)

- 0/100 Successful Missions (Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans)]

- 0/100 New Skills developed through training (Veveliaan)

[Genetic Codes Available:

- Zadris

- Genetically Augmented Enhanced Humans

- Veveliaan]

[Summoning Capability:

- 100 (Zadris) - (300 Daily Limit)

- 100 (G.A.E Humans) - (300 Daily Limit)

- 100 (Veveliaan) - (300 Daily Limit)]


[Summon Veveliaans]

[Ratio: Predetermined – Locked]

[Summoning Amount: 100x3]

[Does Host accept?]



Esmond summoned the Veveliaans, and with a group of the residents currently nearby, they stopped and helped Esmond manage the people as they appeared within the space.

He wanted to stay and chat with the Veveliaans, as Esmond was fascinated by all the various colours of hair that were present among all 300 Veveliaans.

Everyone seemed to hit the mark with their colour, matching perfectly and visually improve the quality of their image.

It was breath taking at times.

However, Esmond thought about the Cosmic Sail Star profile he was gifted for the number of sales with the Retail Market and planned to get in contact.

He remembered something from his past life while he was studying as a young prince within the Astrok Empire.

His father was the crown prince in the lifetime, and as his first son, Esmond had a mountain of pressure on his shoulders from the second he was born, but at point, Esmond had already relived countless lives that he was used to the routine.

Within no time he became the excellent child that would be ideal to succeed his father, however he was too good…

Soon he had to escape the palace and left among a scavenger's ship with his nanny and a handful of guards.

After that he became a quiet but deadly scavenger through space, making a name for himself, though it was said in hush tones.

Eventually he came across news about earth, learning about the demise of humanity in 2025.

He never thought he would find news about earth but hearing that a scout ship from his own empire came across his planet and found it in devastated state both hurt him and healed the part of him that needed answers.

Most of all, it allowed Esmond to roughly figure out the timelines of his past lives, according to the various empires that were in same universe he was rapidly reborn in.

One of those empires was the Great Imperial Xoplis Empire, which was far too long away from earth to every come in contact with one another, but what mattered to Esmond was the history of those lifetimes he could align together.


The reason he wanted to get in touch with the Cosmic Sail Star Group was to ask for their help to get him in touch with an alien species.

They were a unique alien race that progressed through the evolutionary track and progressed from a similar species to humans with certain emotional traits that gave them great control over their behaviour and led them to progress scientifically and politically at a shockingly wild rate.

While they never left the bounds of the solar system as they saw no value travelling further into space, other citizens of the galactic space would get in touch with them from time to time for help.

Esmond was crazily happy that he remembered his memory of Xoplis history because the alien species, Thazukraans would be enslaved by the Empire to be gifted to the Royal Family.

They caught the attention of a certain Counts family who'd done business with the Thazukraans recently.

Because of their unique body feature where parts of their body would light up while they were utilising those areas of their body.

The highlighted parts of their body would be improved beyond normal capabilities.

Most of their kind used it to utilise their minds and over time it eventually became the evolutionary point for them to evolve, where the light would now change colour based on strength and control over their natural ability.

Because it was solely focused on their minds at this point, after generations, they weren't the most competent people when it came to warfare, replying on their machines and political savvy to protect their kind and way of life.

Eventually it faces up against an empire it couldn't overcome through their strengths, leaving them to become the puppets and dolls of the Royal Family who couldn't care less about them.

They all died off by the time Esmond was born as a Prince of the Xoplis Empire, however he was glad that he paid attention during those days, because now he wanted to seize the Thazukraans for himself.

Also, at this very moment they were working on an important project that the Thazukraans believed would be their saving grace against any foe in the future as well solidifying their position in the Galactic web of Empires, Kingdoms and much more.

Esmond wanted to get his hold on the project before news got out and they were captured for recreating a warring race through their cloning technology.

It was his desire back as the crown prince of the Xoplis Empire that he thought it could be finally possible to create clone troopers however with their death, the technology was lost and the Thazukraans had also left failsafe's which destroyed all their files on the matter as well.


Returning back to the cabin after leaving some instructions with some of the residents to ask the Veveliaans, while he got in touch with the Cosmic Sail Star Group.

He would be connected through his bracelet with a customer service representative before being connected with the Veveliaans however he wasn't too sure on how to convince the Veveliaans just yet.

With his bracelet also linked with his improved iPhone, Esmond scrolled through his contact list and selected Cosmic Sail Star Group.

"Hello, this is the Cosmic Sail Star Merchant Group, Celia speaking…

How can I be of service sir?

I would also like to inform you that your profile seems to have some additional information that's been written up.

Would you like to know of the updates?"

Esmond was surprised to learn there were updates though it was the first time he got in contact with the group.

He asked the sweet voice from the other side of the call for the information regarding the updates.

To his surprise, the information update was mainly concerning a number of credits that were added to his account as well as information on Gebrion.


"Celia, if I wanted access to the planet or have it moved per say… would the Group help out?"

"Of course, sir, we offer those services for a price, however since your profile is VIP rated the cost is vastly reduced, also we offer other deals that can help make the experience comfortable and easy."

"For now, could you get me in touch with Tulluan of the planet Thazur, please?"

"Not a problem, please wait for a moment…"

Esmond couldn't believe the capabilities of the Cosmic Sail Star Group, always believing they were a medium sized group, even in his past life he wondered why the group never increased in size and power.

But because he never got in contact with them back then, he never found out that they were much larger and influential than he knew.

Just knowing they could transport planets around the Galactic space wasn't a simple feat, especially since many Empires didn't have the capability themselves either.


֍ Far, far away… ֍


"Sir, if we continue with the design plans of the project, we might find some method to improve the cloning technology… please, I implore you to stop with the project."

One of the Thazukraan scientists by the name of Snow, was trying to relay his worries on the matter of the cloning tech.

Snow felt while it would help their kind feel more secure and protected against invasion or attack, there was a possibility they might not be able to control the powerful races that were wiped out into extinction.

"Snow, I can understand your worries, however it's important for our race and people that we focus on protecting our kind and it's safety.

Believe me when I say this, but I use to think just like you when we first started this project, but as time passed, we've come to know more coming to our borders, seeking our help, but it won't be long before someone powerful comes…"

The one talking with Snow was an important figure within the Thazukraan race who had deep connections with the political aspect of the race as well as the technological side.

Snow wanted to rebuttal and argue with his superior but before Snow could say anything, he'd long walked away, concerned with news of another matter.


"The Cosmic Sail Star Group called?"

"Yes sir, they said a particular member has gotten in touch so they could personally discuss some matters with you."

"… fine, please tell them I will answer their call shortly.

I'll make my way to the office immediately then."

The short call with his secretary was a little worrying, seemingly like his words to Snows might come true sooner than later.

He rushed to his office so there would be no one to interfere his call with whomever the member of the Merchant Group was.

Considering till now, any call from the group when someone wanted to get in touch with their race would be described as clients, so to hear a 'member' had called, it began to worry the Senior Thazukraan official.

Arriving in his luxurious office which overlooked the working scientist below, he ran for his office chair and sat down before activating the comms on his desk, which brought up a screen to show the other caller, as well as himself.


"Hello, this is Tulluan of the Thazukraan species, how may I help you?"

Tulluan was an older Thazukraan whose influence within the specie was greater than the powers which governed them as he oversaw a majority of the races ground-breaking projects which helped them overcome many obstacles within the borders of the space they controlled.