The unimaginable list...

"Argh… my head…" Esmond groaned while noticing his surroundings were of his spacious bedroom.

"What now…" with no idea what happened, Esmond checked the system notifications before realising the extent of the changes throughout his body.

Scanning his body with Psionic Energy running over him, Esmond realised the differences within his organs, muscles, blood vessels and so forth.

The Rian organism that previously coursed throughout his body had disappeared to be replaced with a rather dominate organism with its own agenda.

Trying to connect through Psionic Energy, the Xrian were forth coming with the controller and soul of the body, however every single Xrian Organism complained about the workload.

While the Rian were microscopic, the Xrian were simpler beings but with the ability to split and multiply, working much like nanites on steroids.

Also, the previous hive mind connection the Rian had was transformed so each Xrian was their own sentient organism, but it was still connected with the rest of its brethren.

Thinking the S-Cells might transform his body to give him a body similar to a Saiyan, Esmond learned the Xrian were far powerful since his dosage of Golden Sentry Serum changed the foundations of his body.

Right now, the Xrian were working to improve aspects they felt were lacking, placing a great deal of stress on Esmonds mind but they couldn't care.

In their minds, Esmond had been slacking.

The plasma form of the Arus Anima Star, while visually a plasma was in fact currently a gaseous state.

Xrians weren't a fan of that, a started breaking down the gas to form it into a liquid state without the need for a magic circle.

They had by passed one of the principles of magic foundation in Esmonds eyes, but the Xrian informed him that it was completely possible for him to continue with the magic circle with modifications and inscriptions to connect with other Energy sources.

Esmond slowly got out of bed and started heading towards the large full body length mirror to have a look at the changes to his body.

The first change Esmond noticed was his hairs length.

The sparkling platinum colour of Esmonds hair with the ruby sapphire colour tint, similar to his mothers, glistening over the strands of his long hair.

Easily reaching down to his waste, Esmond felt like cutting it, but his mind instantly flashed to a memory of his past when Vhet'Sihal, the barbarian warrior single-handedly fought against the fleets of four empires wanting his head.

"You look… like you… the true you… more an-" Carter lost track where he was going with his words once his eyes saw Esmonds appearance.

Only when Esmond cold voice entered Carters ears did he finally understand that he crossed the line.



You swore…

You fucking swore…

You would never bring it up…" Esmond gritted his teeth, clenched his fists to the point his nails dug into his hand, drawing blood.

'Mm… it still haunts him…


You're truly a monster…

A freak… like no other in existence…

My dear friend…

and brother…'

It took Esmond a little while before he settled down and let the anger and fear pass…

Carter stood by the exit to the room, watching Esmond closely while telling the others to prepare some breakfast for them.


"W-What happened to you…" Esmonds croaky and unstable voice called out to Carter, questioning the changes to appearances changes to the annoying A.I Spirit.

"Who me?!

Well… where should I begin?!" Carter smirked and dramatically flailed around before explaining all of the changes.

"Well… where should I start…

Ahh, I know!

All of Earth is in my control…" Carter smile with a charming spark in his eyes, staring at Esmond who felt like the pain he was experiencing before wasn't so bad.

"Please tell me… you have brought the fucking planet in the space…?"

"Ohh God no…

But I can… if I want to…

Anyway…" Carter decided to give Esmond a thorough explanation when he wasn't allowed to leave without answering the important questions.

The upgrade of Carters systems from Basic to Intermediate allowed Carter to completely map the entire planet within an instant.

With every passing second Carters mapping and control continued to expand, nearing closer and closer to the moon before expanding further on.

Carter expected that his influence continued to expand at roughly 5,000km per day automatically, but Carter had instantly figured out with his increased computing powers that using the communication network it was possible to fasten the process.

While it wouldn't be too much, Carter expected at least a growth to 10,000km or more per day.

Already planning to send out a flush of communication satellites and beacons, Carter had begun working on miniaturising the objects that would float on into space.

Carter's influence had also started to expand out from the space the planet Thazur had come from and the star system.


"Anything else?" Esmond asked, wondering how far Carter could control and manipulate things with his new strength.

"Honestly… I could send the planet into the stone age with a thought and permanently keep it there.

Controlling metals and materials down to a molecular level because of your dosage of golden syrup is totally possible and its fucking frightening." Carter had genuine concerns since he'd practised already with reinforcing the Leaning Tower of Pisa from continuing to fall.

Unfortunately, he'd secured it down to about several kilometres deep into the earth, completely making it unmoveable.

Carter figured out the elements registered with the space were affecting his abilities outside of the Spatial Ark Star World.

Going back to examine the Leaning Tower of Pisa, Carter discovered a mixture of radio waves and connection with the Earth Element enabled him to affect the planet and structure.

Esmond thought it was hilarious but warned Carter from making such massive changes without informing him first.


"Tell me… could you affect the atmosphere of a planet…?" Esmond wondered, before looking over at the cheeky Carter who had a grin wider than the grinch.

"If you're wondering about 'that'… then yes…

It's completely possible…' Carter spoke slowly like an evil mastermind.

His little test on the Tower had helped Carter understand the extent of his abilities and theorised it would be possible with his newfound control strength to terraform Mars or any of the other planets was possible.

However, it would drag a fair amount of his strength and energy, but Carter knew there was more than enough energy from Solis which could be utilised to power him up.

Of course, they would prefer terraforming technology which Carter said should quickly finish with his computing power, so with it working in conjunction with Carters powers would be a deadly mix.

For the time being Esmond asked Carter to ease the carbon emissions in the air on Earth and bring it over into the space to be eliminated or absorbed and compounded into a useable form.

Esmond wanted to keep Earth clean and healthy nice it was a dime in a dozen planet which was also his home.

Having Carter keep a close eye on it just meant another worry of his was dealt with, but Carter suggested the readings for the humans had to be affected to show greater numbers otherwise they wouldn't do anything to help reduce emissions.


Esmond wrapped up his hair into a bun before leaving the room, changing his hair colour to the jet black he preferred with the help of the Xrians.

Coming down the steps, Esmond saw everyone was present for breakfast in the morning, eating together as a family.

"Big Brother Esmond, do you know how bored we've all become now!

Can't you give us some other work?" Vaazakra complained, ignoring the icy cold stares of her siblings who were furious she'd spoken up about another's behaviour.

"What are you on about Vaazi?" Esmond enquired, curious as to why everyone gave the poor girl the look of death seconds before.

Carter seemed to have sheepishly ignored what was happening around him and began focusing on his food like it was the other thing in the world right now.

"Elder Brother Carter has taken all of our jobs!

All of us have nothing to do right now!!

It's so damn boring… Urgh…

Could you help out Big Brother…?" Vaazakra tried to act her cuties so Esmond would back her up, but unknown to her, Esmond was already curious about the matter of Carter taking over everything.

"How strong have you become…

Really… not bull shit."

"*Sigh* I can easily control all operations with the space and outside that the others are handling without any issue right now.

My powers also fuelled by the enormous sum of quantum computers within in my control, so computation is quite the simple process…" Carter further clarified that the efficiency had increased, but certain detail where the others were specialised hadn't improved all so much.

In the end to deal with the family squabble, Esmond ended up telling Carter to hand everyone back their work while maintaining an oversight role.

While this wasn't what Carter wanted, Esmond gave him other plans to focus on in the meantime with everything Carter had if he wanted to manage more tasks.


"You want me to build these…?" Carter looked over the designs, gobsmacked Esmond could have thought of such a wild project to be rebuilt within this lifetime.

"Yes, I want you to build them all…" Esmond had given Carter a list of unbelievable structures which would be vital in the future, however it wouldn't hurt to get ahead on the projects.