[Fett ‘R’ Us…]

"God… that was a fucking exhausting day…" Esmond groaned to Reigos after dropping Amelia home.

May had been with the Esmond all day and honestly, her mysterious charm was something new and refreshing for Esmond, however it didn't seem to be acceptable for Amelia.

When she returned from her last class in the day to find Esmond and May relaxing at the Campus bar, Amelia felt like smashing her heels on Esmonds head for being such a moron.

There was a limit to how dim one could be to romantic advances, and Amelia believed Esmond had gone beyond that limit.

Amelia let Esmond know when they were driving home and asked him if he liked the May girl.

Esmond didn't lie and told Amelia that she'd caught his eye, but he still was all for her, which didn't seem to ease the anxiousness in Amelias heart.

To assure her, Esmond asked Amelia out for a date.

They hadn't spent time together for quite a while and who obviously liked her, so Esmond wanted to show her some affection.

A part of his mind though was curious to find out who exactly was May though…


Having returned to the space, Carter appeared before Esmond and dragged him straight over towards the cloning centre.

When Esmond arrived inside, he saw the layers upon layers of Pods filled with humans in liquids, currently aging at various levels.

Not knowing exactly how many Pods there were, Esmond estimated that more and more Cloning Pods were built and set up every minute than he could imagine at this point.

It was clear everything was automatic, with drones looking over all operations in the sections Carter showed him.

In the following part they arrived in, large clear windows showed Esmond the hundreds of thousands of clones currently performing training sessions.

"All of these clones and more have been released today…

From the age of 18 and on, the first stage Clones developed have the genomes of Agent 47, Super Soldier Serum, Body Coding and Augmentation from various programs, including the Improved SPARTAN Program.

Also, many had awakened their Mutant Code through Body Augmentation and Coding.

I still can't believe the number of clones that were supposed to come out dead or disabled had been eliminated.

Thanks to the damn serums being affected by the space and the Bio-nano particle organism stuff in the liquid really helped strengthened their bodies."

Carter told him the current group of clones out were supposed to come out a few days ago but because of certain material arriving within the space, the scientists leading the project decided to wait and make some adjustments.

Thankfully their wait had paid off when the AllSpark discharged and let them make a discovery within the liquid the clones would birth in.

The liquid was a bio-nano particle substance which could absorb another substance and form it into the body of the clone on direction from a computer.

It was the breakthrough the scientists were working towards and once they had the liquid, some changes were made before the clones were released.


"They added the Primordium Alloy you created out of that wild combo of Adamantium, Ogryx, Phrik, Vibranium, and steel.

While I thought it was a little much, based on everything we learnt from the SPARTAN Program meant it was possible and the Primordium happened to connect the best with the body."

Apparently, some of the scientists proposed to use the method of the SPARTAN Program, merged with the Super Soldier Serum to continue as the base for the clones going ahead.

Thankfully the changes to Carter and certain acquired goods of late to the space had helped them change the outcome of the first generation of clones who were far beyond anything they first expected.

Everyone had a unique experience and were of both female and male genders on appearance, which all seemed to be an effect of the space.

With equal numbers of both sexes, Esmond continued with his tour of the last underground facility until they arrived in front of a large section were some of the clones were suited up in the CE-01 armour.

Some were taking shots, while others were taking tests to see their skill levels.

Since all of the Clones had technically lived long lives within the Virtual World with their other brothers and sisters around them, they were technically living the next stage of their lives.

Everyone seemed to transport over the skills from the Virtual World into the real world and far exceeded Esmonds expectations who watched on from a distance.

Amazed at the sight of his future forces, Esmond asked Carter to have all of their information recorded and uploaded into the database as residents, giving them full access to all facilities as people of the space, limited to their authority of course.

"What do you think, dear friend…?

It seems your old dream has finally come true…" Nedric walked over to Esmonds side once he noticed Esmonds arrival at the facility.

"… Close… but not complete… just yet…" there was something still bugging him deep down to get the genetic coding of the clones from Star Wars.

Esmond wanted their code to be added to the current clone code within the space and see what he could achieve with them also included in his forces.


Nedric actually understood what Esmond wanted to include since he'd seen Star Wars under the constant badgering of Esmond and his juniors at the Agency.

He always thought it was pointless to be connected with a culture which might disappear one day, but Nedric soon realised his mistake and started to take an interest.

From that day forward, Nedric was enamoured by the culture and art of Earth.

His house was filled with various pieces of paintings that were remade within the space but still displayed the artistry and beauty.

There were video games and other equipment throughout Nedrics home, all to satisfy his curiosity.

"You're looking to add the Clone genes from Star Wars…

Seems funny that you've finally accomplished something you've long desired… but even then, it isn't complete…" Nedric said while walking to Esmonds side.

"Haha… It's funny…

I remember complaining the past that I might never see one of my dreams come true yet seeing it now… it feels incomplete…" Esmond laughed when he realised Nedric had arrived.

The two of them discussed films, modern literature, and art most days.

It'd given them time to talk about Star Wars and other things that Esmond wanted to recreate.

Nedric knew Esmond would go do something about it now that he'd seen the first generation of clones active and moving outside of their Pods.


"We've set up all of the accommodation for the clones to take part of the First City, as well as a separate section I've created for active Agents that will stay there before the start of a mission." Carter said as the three looked out at the clones conducting firing drills.

Others were busy taking part in little missions within the hub that was build fort he clones to train and practise.

"Their skills and abilities exceed the base form of Agent 47.

Especially with the work done to their bodies within the Cloning Pods, each of the clones could be considered at the very least to be capable operatives of the Shadow Intelligence Agency…"

When Nedric heard Carter mention his Agency, his eyes began to re-examine the clones in another light.

Just as he thought of a way to utilise them within the Agency, he heard Esmonds voice, "Prepare them all for the Agency.

Any further clones that are ready will also go there.

Once I'm satisfied with the genetic make up of the clones, only then will I begin to accept them into the Armed Forces." While it sounded like Esmond was discarding the clones, he in fact left close to a dozen clones that were currently in their pods and soon to spawn in Nedrics care.

Nedric smiled and graciously left Esmond and Carter while going away to prepare for the huge influx of operatives that could be utilised.

They would be all necessary to be deployed through Earth, but also vital for Esmonds infiltration into the Galactic Society.




[Scanning surroundings… Analysed!]

[Quest activated in conjunction with Spectral Consciousness Ability]


[Please select difficulty…]

[Easy] [Normal] [Hard] [Hardcore] [Nightmare] [Hell]

[Hardcore] [Accepted!]


[Media: Film]

[Name: Star Wars II: Attack of the Clones]

[Year of release: 2002]

[Fett 'R' Us…]

[In a far far away galaxy where chaos reigned uncontrolled as the Galactic Senate and its powers began to fail the people.

Due to the gathering of individuals led by Count Dooku has started the development of a droid army, the Jedi Councils Obi-Wan is tasked to find who is in control and running things.

While chasing a lead, Obi-Wan spooked Jango Fett, a legendary bounty hunter in escaping from Kamino, however in doing so, he'd left a nice surprise behind that would harm the facilities on the planet and its inhabitants]



[Due to certain attributes of Hosts have reached certain thresholds,


[Host needs to:

- 0/56 Save Kaminoan Scientists from explosive blast

- 0/10 Remove planted explosives

- 0/4 Save Genetic matter vials of Jango Fett

- Alter the programming of Order 66 & 99]


- 1,065,000,000 Credit

- 1,012,000,000 Exp

- Kaminoan Cloning Facilities – Mortal Grade

o Including Jango Fett Genetic Template – Uncommon Grade

- Kuat Drive Yards Manufacturing database – Mortal Grade]


[Any other Rewards are based off evaluation]


[Time to complete: 6 Minutes]




'Shut the fuck up and get your shit together!

You're being too damn loud!'

"My bad…" Esmond was far too lost in his joy to realise he'd appeared within the Kamino planet facilities, currently overlooking a large heap of Clone troopers.

Equipping his armour, Esmond let out some drones who quickly flew off to alter the programming for the Contingency Orders of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Carter started giving Esmond directions of the 10 planted explosives on his HUD system while warning him of the surroundings.

Busting his ass, Esmond using every bit of energy and power he had to move as fast as he could through the facilities.

Activating the cloaking function of the armour, Esmond flew through the air, trying his best to not hit into anyone.

He quickly came across four of the explosives within no time, however the last six seemed to be in a restricted part of the facilities which Carter hadn't accessed just yet.


Time passed and Esmond was left with only 3 minutes.


Are you fucking kidding me bro?!

Hurry up and open the door!!"

'I'm fucking trying!!

That piece of shit Jango left some harmful shit behind…

Honestly, did not expect it one bit at all…' Carter moaned about Jango leaving behind a virus within the systems that would affect the development of the clones.

In the end, Esmond was left with only one minute and still had a great deal of work left to do.

Screaming in his mind, Esmond left a small shockwave through the air as he sped around the facility, capturing all of the explosives and then saved the genetic coding of Jango Fett before they were affected by a virus set up by the Mandalorian.




[Fett 'R' Us…] [Hardcore]

[Host needs to:

- (Completed) 56/56 Save Kaminoan Scientists from explosive blast

- (Completed) 10/10 Remove planted explosives

- (Completed) 4/4 Save Genetic matter vials of Jango Fett

- (Completed) Alter the programming of Order 66 & 99]


- 1,065,000,000 Credit

- 1,012,000,000 Exp

- Kaminoan Cloning Facilities – Mortal Grade

o Including Jango Fett Genetic Template – Uncommon Grade

- Kuat Drive Yards Manufacturing database – Mortal Grade]


[Evaluation: S]


[Rewards based off Evaluation:

- 1,115,000,000 Credit

- 1,121,000,000 Exp

- Kaminoan Genetic Code (Summoning Square to Spawn) - Uncommon Grade

- The Grand Army of the Republic – Common Grade

o First Generation – 3 million Clone troopers (Including Equipment)

