Grey Wolves in action

"Holy fuck!

Never expected it to be this quick…"

Bart, a member of the squadron designated 'Grey Wolves', couldn't believe how little time it took to reach Corpus Christi, was which roughly 71 miles or 114 kilometres from their landing point.

It was supposed to take the average person roughly 23 hours or so to travel the 71 miles, but the Grey Wolves were able to make the whole distance in roughly an hour and 30 minutes.

Realising the speed at which they were able to cross such a distance, Bart began to wonder whether it was the technology that assisted them or was it the training and changes done to them.

Thomas and the others part of the group had the same thoughts while running along the shoreline to reach Corpus Christi.

They had gone through some body augmentation to strengthen their organs and body anatomy, with body coding done on their enhanced anatomy to allow for greater performance and conditioning.

Everything was replicated within the Virtual World, allowing them to experience the power they now possessed however it made normal life a straining task.

Learning to control the power and strength they possessed was difficult, but it came down to the how well they were able to control their strengths in combat.

Where it counted.

The group thought the armour suits named Ruyi Bang Armoured Suits, were giving them the extra push to be able to power along without being exhausted after constantly moving for so long.

Made out of technology used from the Ecumenes, the UNSC, Reaper, and much more, as well as the projects they'd produced within the space, the Ruyi Bang Armoured Suit was named after Sun Wukongs magical staff.

It was able to afford Sun Wukong all sorts of abilities from being unbreakable to enlarging to incredible sizes.

While the armoured suit wouldn't be able to give the wearer a growth spurt, it would shield them against all sorts of weapon fire.

The Hardlight Shielding System would fight off any and all attacking fire, including missiles based off current experiments within the Virtual Lab.

The suit also had the ability to function similar to the design ideas of the ODIN Powered Armour Suits which required nanites made of Hardlight to form a synthetic and organic material which could let the wearers adapt the suits appearance as needed.


What made the Grey Wolves question the Ruyi Bang Armoured Suits was its ability to stimulate their body anatomy to maintain the output of power their bodies could perform while also fuelling their strength as needed.

The armour was connected with their bodies during the changes happening in the Military Training & Modification Pods, which allowed the suit to directly connect with the body's health systems.

It was made to be the best friend of the soldier in battle and outside of it with them even getting their own Virtual Intelligence built in.

The Profiles of the Virtual Intelligences were built in the Virtual World like the rest of the Profiles for the Droids were created, however they had different missions where they might work alongside the Droid Profiles in combat or those generated by the Virtual World itself.

Esmond wanted the Virtual Profiles to beave similarly to Cortana in combat, who assisted the famed soldier Masterchief John-117.

Seeing this as a perfect opportunity for the Virtual Intelligence Profiles to get to know their future companions in battle, Kane had sent the Profiles along to help assist Bart and the others.


'-The Armoured Suits help you accelerate the power within your body that's been created from the augmentations and transformations that gives you the title 'Immortals' by our Lord-' Veri, the V.I Profile of Barts Armoured Suit informed him.

Veri could tell the soldiers didn't believe their own strength, believing to deeply into the powers of the technology they were surrounded with.

However, the suit was managing the body to perform at the peak while keeping all operations of the anatomy functioning efficiently.

Of course, there were certain extras built into the suits for them all, it was mainly depended on the Class they had within the squad.

In the case of Bart, he was the team Engineer and oversaw any problems that could affect their gear in the field or machines they found along the way.

Thomas was the team Medic and additionally carried the knowledge and equipment to perform all sorts of surgery within the field, whether that was for his men or strangers was up to the Medic.


"It's time to move Chris!

Take the lead the for the crossing Dwayne." Bart noticed Chris, one of his squad members, was currently looking out towards the city, Corpus Christi.

It was quite the luxurious city with its lovely beaches and marine life however it was about to be all interrupted.

Chris was leading part of the squad to shut down the power of the city and set up a city-wide communication barrier which would stop the leaders of the city to call out for help.

The other problem was trying to eliminate the response of the police and any SWAT units that might cause problem.

At first Bart had proposed affecting the water system of the city but it would take too long to affect everyone and by then the mission would be counted as a failure.

But they went with Calvins suggestion, the V.I Profile for Dylans Suit, that wanted to take out the network of the city, sealing it off from the rest of the United States of America.

Once Esmonds Construction Droids and drones had landed, the systems of the city would be changed to suit the Empires layout for the nation.


Dwayne on the other hand was leading the squad across the waters in between the mainland and the shore side island.

Using motored canoes that were stored within Capsule Pills, Dwayne quickly set the equipment up quickly before the squad of 12 changed to 4 heading into Corpus Christi and the rest charging for Port Aransas.

"Are you positive with this decision Dylan?"

"Positive Sir."

"Let's do this…" Timur, the former Russian Spetsnaz operative was leading the Grey Wolves team.

On his call the team crossed the small body of water with the help of the motorised canoes that made the 2.3-kilometre trip seem like a snail's pace in comparison to their earlier speeds.

The plan was to cross the Padre Island using the help of the cloaking technology to pass through the crowded area.

There was the option to blow apart the John F Kennedy Memorial Causeway bridge since it would disconnect the island from the mainland but Calvin and the other V.I were against the idea.

They had the plans that were being constantly developed and improved by Kane and Vaazakra who planned to showcase the might of the Tertius Fleet when it was time to take over the western nation.

It was entirely possible to lead an attack on the United States in a years' time, but it would be far to brash in chaotic.

The number of citizens that would die from the crossfire was far too many for Esmonds liking so he preferred the long game since it would be quite some time before the end of the world events in 2025.


Within the next 30 minutes, the small team of four led by Chris had shut down the city power, leaving hospitals and other emergency buildings to rely on their generators.

They met little resistance until the squad split up and set up traps to disable vehicles and communication.

The remaining eight under Timurs leadership had charged into a Port Terminal which seemed to be practically deserted.

To their surprise, the area wasn't overly protected other than the small crossings in between the small islands.

The main crossing that closed off the entrance to the port for the larger ships in Corpus Christi had the most guards, but they were quickly knocked out and locked up safely while Timur called in with the other team.

"Everything cleared?"

"All done sir…" Chris replied while heading in the direction of the Naval bases which was in need of a serious update.

They were didn't have the largest number of people on base since the equipment wasn't the most advance nor did the area seem to be a viable area to invade in the United States governments mind.

"Alright, I'm going to call it in.

Start the attack, we will be there as soon as possible."

Timur sent 6 members of his team to leave on the canoes while he stayed back with another 2 members of the squad.


Landing has been successful, and operation has been accomplished." Timur said while connecting with the Tertius Fleet heading in from the satellite imaging which was shown on his HUD.


"The recruits seem to be doing better than I first thought." Rex was watching over the various teams that were moving all over the world in the Virtual World.

He was dived into the Virtual World and was currently at the military academy where Fox was conducting the training of the new recruits with his brothers.

"They are pushing the limit their bodies can take..." Prudii, one of the Null-Class ARC troopers that survived earlier Kaminoan cloning process creation.

He was one of the Skirata brothers that were protected by Kal Skirata, a Mandalorian instructor who trained clones commandos for the Grand Army of the Republic.

Along with his Skirata brothers, Prudii also arrived in the space with the rest of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Like the rest of his brothers, he joined the Armed Forces of the Lord and was given the role as one of the lead trainers.

They were also watching over the clone recruits whose base was made from Agent 47, which really concerned Rex, Prudii, Wolffe, and several other instructors since they outperformed most of the teams.

The Grey Wolves were given a B Minus score since they went in guns blazing to attack the Naval Base once they entrance from the sea to the ports was seized.

Also, the split up to quickly perform the basic disturbances to stop the police and other infrastructure set in place to disable incoming forces.

In the same scenario that was taking place at the same time but with a team filled out by clones with the genetic template of Agent 47 were able to score an S grade.

It could be counted as impossible to achieve, but the clone trainers were watching the playback of the team code named Cerberus do what no other could possibly achieve.

They made a plan before hand in the air and landed in various parts of the Corpus Christi city and his surroundings.

One member quickly took over the Aransas Pass with another team member taking charge of disabling the police for in the area.

Another member had done the unthinkable and went to the distribution break where the power was split for the region.

Planting some explosives around the site, they blasted the station, leaving a wide landmass around Corpus Christi without power.

Several had attacked the Naval Base and called in the Air Force to land which quickly helped flood the base with infantry of the Armed Forces.

The Cerberus team completely broke all expectations their trainers had for them.

They weren't the only team as the other Agent 47 Clone Template teams were receiving high grades, with the lowest being A, and the highest being S plus.


"Didn't I hear they are merging the Clone Template of Jango Fett with… Agent 47s…

Can I know who that is?" Rex asked the others, looking around for answers as he hadn't been as informed as some of the others on their abilities.

"Those Clones… are made from the genetic template of a powerful assassin that was known for his deadly and silent actions.

Without leaving a mark, he was more than able to escape all situations he would be forced into." Colt, a clone similar to Rex and the others, had entered the monitoring room where they had various screens showing all the teams performing out their mission parameters.

Colt explained to his brothers grouped around that the squads needed to be mixed up from their current basic set up.

Integrating a mixture of members into a squad that comprised of both Clones and recruited soldiers would be the ideal way to go ahead from Colt's point of view.

Even the others had to agree with Colt who tired to point out a couple issues in the current training procedures in place.

He was shifted over to the Military Academy in the Virtual Lab instead of his original desire to be fighting with the rest of the soldiers, Colt was told to wait by Cody who was in charge of the Fett Clones.

While the trainers started making changes to the squads to see how the teams would do in the same or different situations, Esmond had returned back to the cabin and was trying to understand what was to be done next.

But first he wanted to make sure everything was clear with Rahzil about the magic he used.