A Brothers Agonize...

"And… their off!

The first race of the 2008 Formula One season has begun!" Commentated Martin Brundle, as his voice echoed throughout the event grounds.

A comprehensive sound system was implemented throughout the event grounds so any sound that was played could be heard over the roaring engines of the cars.

Esmond and the others had all moved over to the VIP room with the executives from the Formula One Group.

Liam, the father of Jacob who called the ladies derogatory slurs, chose not to stay at the racing event and left with his son, heading directly to the hospital to have his son checked for bodily harm.

The other directors and executives warned Liam to do damage control especially after they understood their new boss was going to conduct a thorough investigation of the Formula One Group and its staff.

Only a few high-ranking individuals within the Group knew they were safe since they haven't abused their power yet, though they weren't far from doing such a thing.

At the end of the day, who doesn't want more power and control.

Some members were trying their best to get closer to Esmond and his entourage, however everyone that tried learnt quickly that they were just as deadly as the main boss.

Eddie would bring up financial problems and issues he found through a small investigation of the person who would try to talk with him.

Echo done the same thing; however, he would also investigate the family members of the person because it was likely they weren't any better than their family member.

Carter filled Esmond in on what was happening with the siblings, finding it hilarious and enjoyable to watch when the businessmen would be sweating profusely as the questions broke down their mentality, bit by bit.


"Just leave them be for now…

Let's relax and enjoy the race, Carter." Esmond sat back into the comfortable chair while sipping on a glass of champagne which he wasn't a fan of, considering the quality produced in the space far exceeded anything made on Earth.

Carter agreed and decided to relax, yet he moved away from Esmond since Amelia, May and Layla wished to be seat near him.

Even the A.I Spirit women had joined the girls and were chatting away happily about all sorts of things, such as fashion, cosmetics, health, and other topics.

Some of the topics piqued Esmond interest especially the fashion industry which he believed needed to be overturned and rebuilt from the scratch up.

Cosmetics was another industry he believed needed to be revamped, especially after he examined the labelling on one of his mother's make up items which contained some harmful toxins.

They were eradicated by the space once it was brought over by his mother, and Esmond never thought about it again.

However, after seeing the same cosmetic item being used by Amelia and Layla, Esmond became quite annoyed that the product was being sold, even with the blaring health concern.

The foundation cream used by the two girls contained metallic pigments to help achieve the shiny glint many users desired.

Esmonds own investigation found the cream was exported from Indonesia, with most of the materials coming from China, India, and Taiwan.

Because of certain regulations and laws, the company that sold the cream under their labelling were selling the cream for nearly 1000 percent mark-up.

Beauty Finesse, the brand that was selling the foundation cream under their label, had quietly paid off several lawsuits, with settlements ranging in the tens of millions when certain customers had severe reactions.

At first, Esmond thought about leaving them alone since his mother wasn't affected by the cream or anyone he knew, yet after learning the girls had the cream as well, Esmond reconsidered dealing with them immediately.

They weren't the only brand that annoyed Esmond since major companies like Nestle still used slave labour in parts of the world and acted without any regard of their effect on the environment.

Nike even had sweat shops where young children were working making sneakers and clothes to be exported overseas but were paid less than a dollar per day.

While Esmond didn't want to think of such issues at the Formula One racing event, seeing the foundation cream in Amelias handbag infuriated him.


"Whats wrong?" Esmond felt Mays gentle hand on his arm, and turned to see her face smile facing, however below that façade was real concern for him.

A part of Esmond was still concerned about the danger Mays background would bring him in the future since Carter couldn't find information concerning the Cai family from before the 1980s.

But he sensed real emotion and concern from May, especially since the Golden Sentry Serum and increased his strength and senses to a superhuman level.

"*Sigh* Those cosmetic brands Amelia and Layla use are quite harmful for the skin… and it's making me question who is allowing the items to be sold…"

May giggled slightly as she watched Esmonds face contort with anger and frustration.

She felt both happy to see him show concern for the two girls, but somewhat disheartened Esmonds attention wasn't focused on her.

But her heart nearly leaped out of her mouth when she noticed Esmond had grabbed a hold of her hand while they were sitting.

A small smile crept across her face before she asked Esmond what he wanted to do with the problem.

"I don't doubt that the brands either have a connection in the regulatory bodies or specific politicians in their pocket, but that doesn't stop you from doing the same thing…"

Esmond considered Mays words came from the belief he was looking to further his global brand, since she knew nothing about his ideas for worldwide control.

Though he never planned to tell the girls about his plans, Esmond knew one day they would be involved in his mess.

Thinking ahead for the future, Esmond made the decision right then to incorporate them in certain aspects of his business plans and ideas around the world.


"Hey… May…

What if I make you the head of my cosmetic and fashion brands…

Do you think you will be able to manage it with the girls by your side?" Esmond asked nonchalantly, not deeply thinking into what he said.


You want me?!

… I-… I don't know…" Startled, May had no idea what to say as her mind was racing around trying to give her the perfect answer to Esmond question, yet nothing came to her mind.

"Hey, its ok…

Take a deep breath." Esmond focused on calming May after noticing her shocked expression and frantic mood.

"I'm not lumping such a large task onto you alone…

I think working side by side with Amelia and Layla, the three of you girls could absolutely revolutionise dozens of industries." Esmond gently squeezed Mays hand to reassure her he would be there to help them if things ever became too hard or difficult.

"Gabriel and the others would also help out and join in with you girls, so you wouldn't be shouldering all of the work alone…"

May looked at Esmond for a moment before turning her face away to stare out at the large number of people sitting in the grandstands.

Taking a little time to think over the proposition, May had some question she needed answered as soon as possible before she accepted.

There was also the discussion that needed to occur with Amelia and Layla, but since they were currently enjoying their time with Vaazakra, Isabelle and the others, May chose to not bother them right now.

"Even if I wanted to enter the cosmetic, fashion, or any other industry for that manner which accentuates one's appearance… where would I start?

Who or how am I going to create something new and different from what is already on the market.

I know and understand real estate since that's what my family has done back in Hong Kong yet going up against famous brands to create something new and fresh… is quite a difficult and arduous process."

May made some valid points that even Esmond felt were a worrying thought however he understood better than anyone that the space would be able to solve a large portion of these problems.

Research and development would mainly occur within the Virtual Labs; however, Esmond wasn't planning to leave everything to the Lab otherwise people would become suspicious no doubt.

"Well for the last few weeks or so, I've asked Eddie to set up another research facility which will focus specifically on any projects you or the other girls wish to run.

You can think of it like the research facilities for pharmaceutical companies, yet its main focus will be in the fields and industries you decide to compete in.

Regarding your worries about inside knowledge of the industries and where to start… that's easy…"

The sly grin across Esmond face made May worry a little, because for a second, she thought he might use underhanded means, however his answers to her question wasn't exactly what she thought in her mind.

"How will it be easy Esmond?"

"We will just pay to buy the very best people…

Headhunt for the top students in the respective fields and pay them a decent sum, where they don't feel taken advantage of."

Esmonds answer, while straight forward and simple, was rather a crude way to enter the luxurious goods industries, but May could piece together an idea on how to go about the business of personnel acquisition.



Meanwhile back inside the Spatial Ark Star World, several men were utterly exhausted by the strenuous work they were bombarded with on a daily manner.

"Urgh… when will this nonsense be over!

It's driving me insane!" a young man croaked loudly, as he was exhausted by the amount of information, he needed to understand every single day that went past.

"Gatimu… *Sigh*

Shut the hell up and keep focused on the work before you…or would you rather return back to the streets and squalor back in Kenya." Hayaans stern words were enough to scare Gatimu from continuing with his nonsensical cries.

The two weren't the only people within the study room that was created within the Virtual World.

Hayaan, Gatimu, Amadi, and several other African natives were the individuals chosen by Esmond to be the future leaders of their nations.

Amadi Djimon, the future leader of Ethiopia, was another member part of the study group currently being taught within the Virtual World at the Military Training Facilities established.

Since Esmond brought them over from Thailand with the rest of the recruits, they had been studying diligently within the Virtual World, learning about the basics needed to lead a nation and then eventually working on advance subjects, which was the reason for Gatimus complaint.

Currently the group was focused on civil and criminal law subjects, which were designed to help the future leaders understand where their nations judicial systems lacked behind.

Early on in their studies on the subject made them look over the justice system within the United States of America, which is considered by many to be a fair system, however the group learnt early on it was heavily designed to favour certain groups throughout the nation.

Hayaan even pointed out during their lecture times that the justice system had failed to adjust and adapt with the times, since the leadership of the nation as well as the government system, failed to address the common person.

Instead, it addressed the needs for the stronger and more influential person majority of the time.

There were plenty of cases throughout the history of Americas Justice System which saw children of wealthy families escape the clutches of the law while those less fortunate, in similar circumstances, were given ridiculous sentences at exceeded their lifetimes.

After learning about this, Hayaan immediately asked for his teachers to inform Anton to save his brother from moving to the United States of America after finishing his degree at the university of Cairo.

Nedric, the head of Esmonds personal Intelligence Agency, already took care of the issue and had people in place to help mentor and guide Hayaans younger brother.

Assassins and Templars were moved into place by Nedric to ensure Hayaans brothers' safety, as well as the other members who joined Esmonds crusade of Earth.