Necthea Institute After-Battle Conference: Part 2

"The construction site on Mars has finally finished, as have the plans to start terraforming the planet.

It'll take less time if we consider using the soil of the Space to help, but I suggest we only do so in the area we preside in, rather than inhabiting land we haven't explored or examined." A Veveliaan Scientist said as she took a sip of water from her exquisitely crafted glass cup.

"Venus, Mercury, the half a dozen moons, including our own have finally established small underground bunkers which are expanding.

In the case of our moon, we are taking in the Helium-3 and constructing an underground network city.

To keep people unaware of our tasks, the dark side of the moon is our playing field.

On Mercury we've set up another underground shelter and bunker but besides using the surface of the planet to absorb a great deal of energy from the sun, most of the work on the planet would focus on creating starships in the future.

Venus on the other hand has already started terraforming once we set up the reflecting shields in the orbit of the planet.

The heat on Venus has largely reduced already as we are bringing over the magma materials of Venus to the Space.

To be honest, even with the help of the Space, it'll take decades to complete Venus terraforming." The colleague of the Veveliaan scientist said, who was a Zadrisian scientist and husband to the Veveliaan scientist.

Esmond actually found their relationship to be a great example for the other people of the Space to mix with other species and to learn what sort of people they were.

Surprisingly, it happened more than Esmond knew, with more and more relationships being created everyday as more people mingled with each other.

"Well, now that we have a sprouted World Tree, hopefully we can ask for the Spirits help to deal with the terraforming any planet we wish to transform.

Currently we haven't finished connecting the Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring to the World Tree, but once its complete, I'm certain the Spirit can solve some of our problems in Outer Space." Esmond already noticed the large tree growing before his eyes that towered nearly a kilometre into the sky.

The stalk of the World Tree wasn't as defined or wide as Esmond first expected, but he knew that related to the time and age of the World Tree.

Only the Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring watered the World Tree, Esmond expected the Tree Spirit to awaken.

The land of the Spatial Ark Star World already helped increase the World Tree's growth rate, but it wasn't enough to awaken it.


Many scientists wondered what Esmond meant by the help of the World Tree since they'd only ever heard about the legends and tales pertaining to the World Tree.

After being nudged by Carter several times to speak up on the topic, Esmond decided to help the scientists understand what he meant by asking for the World Tree's help.

"The Spirit of the World Tree can help transform the plants of the Spatial Ark Star World evolve and increase production, but at the same time Plant Spirits can appear.

Dryads will also spawn and help enhance the nature and life within the Spatial Ark Star World, but more importantly with the capabilities of the Space we can help the roots of the World Tree appear any on Earth and Outer Space.

For example, if I were to open a portal to Mars, the roots of the World Tree could dig itself into the ground and begin transforming the planet into a hospitable state.

Of course, we would need to set up a pool of Universal Sentient Lifeform Essence Spring on Mars to help provide some extra help to the World Tree to quickly revitalise the planet.

But to be truthful, the roots of the World Tree could even inhabit starships and capital class ships within onboard gardens." Esmond's explanation left the scientists in the auditorium to lull themselves into silence.

Everyone couldn't help but feel the World Tree had taken away the work of the Terraforming Projects and teams.

Some of the scientists within those teams had participated in the meeting within the auditorium and felt furious a tree could completely make their work pointless but to their surprise, Esmond still required their work.

"To the teams focused on terraforming, do not feel that your work has been wasted.

The World Tree might help accelerate the process of terraforming, but your technology will be the defining factor to help solidified the progress and make sure nothing goes wrong if the World Tree cannot perform its duties.

By all means, the World Tree doesn't mean you can relax at all, rather you need to focus on adapting with the changes that'll come with the World Tree.

Anyway, we'll talk about it further in the future once the Spirit has awakened.

For now, can someone explain to me how the battle ended on Astelan and what has happened since then?

I do not want to head over to Astelan unless I need to." Esmond still felt some exhaustion from pushing himself too far in the battle against Kang Mu.

The Xrian Cells were screaming in pain after exerting themselves for the first time.

Esmond helped ease their pain by channelling his Internal Body Energy to heal any damages, but most of it was exhaustion than anything.

"Once you left, Rahzil and Liao Zhen found Kang Mu had actually saved the previous Inner Court Elders of the Sect.

Their disciples and students were all saved also, living underground in an Outer Wing of the Sect.

Since none of the students or Elders remained that supported the former exiled students of Liao Zhen, their unruly subordinates were all killed off once Rahzil purged the Inner Courts of the Sect.

Mortals who were harmed are being helped, whether that's physiological or physical damages, people are healing.

Remunerations are being handed out as well as setting up law and order but because the Sect still has rid itself of its name, people can't trust them." Carter relayed everything he knew about the Exalted Night Heavenly Sect which lost its way.

Liao Zhen had actually asked for Esmond to return and establish the new Sect but since Esmond didn't want to return right now, Carter thought of another way to help the Sect and the mortals around it.

"… Rename it the Primordial Sentry Creed.

It'll help the people understand we're different and also help create my own image in their minds.

Once the renovations are complete of the entire Mountainous Region, organise a huge festival where I can introduce myself.

Carter, you have the knowledge of my past cultivation methods and techniques so have them printed.

I know the Raibeelze Library can also help in this situation so have them set up throughout the region of the creed.

I'll help create an A.I Spirit to help deal with the work of the Creed on Astelan, even though I didn't expect such a large region to come under our control."

Esmond quickly sorted out the plan ahead for the newly established Creed which would help his people from the Space transform into enhanced beings beyond the mortal state.

Carter already sent out dozens and dozens of satellites to help examine the mountains for resources that could be harvested or mined.

That included setting up unique transportation network system that utilised cable cars but on high-speed rails to increase transportation between the Outer Wings and Inner Courts.

But before it could be set up, Rahzil was busy cleaning up the beasts that inhabited the deep valleys of the mountainous region.

Monsters as strong as Liao Zhen rested deep within the mountainous region but it wasn't anything compared to Rahzil whose strength continued to increase dramatically as more and more monsters died and joined the Undead Army.

Liao Zhen tried to create order with the help of the old Elders, with Wang Jie as a figurehead for now, but everyone knew of the man who'd ended their previous Sect Leader.

Carter explained to Esmond all of the Elders wished to meet him since he was the Leader of the Creed now, but that wasn't going to happen any time soon with Esmond not wanting to visit Astelan for the foreseeable future.


Once the topic moved past the troubles of Astelan, Vlorte an Aephaelian scientist couldn't help but bring up the progress they'd made adjusting the information of the species to help those of the Space.

"Sir, my staff has quickly adjusted our numbers with the A.I Systems of our Wristbands to understand we can help increase the intelligence, agility, dexterity, strength and concentration of people by a minimum of 300 percent.

The neural implants and spinal connections will help mental strength and memory retention to help with understanding information.

There are other bio-implants to help with muscle and bone development, but it depends on personal preference and the limits of the original body and mind of the individual."

Vlorte sounded quite excited to begin experimentation in the Virtual Labs but based of the calculations of the Virtual Intelligences connected to his Wristband, his work could set the people apart from any species they'd come across.

He'd also come across the information of the Transhuman Creation Program of the (Adeptus Custodes) which appeared crude in his eyes but seeing the improvements made by the scientists of the Institute made Vlorte understand he was in the company of like-minded people.

Some of the new projects Vlorte wanted to work on related to utilising the technology from the Transhuman Creation Program and use it to help the average person within the Space.

More and more people left to find somewhere to live throughout the Septum Aecors of Terra, which increased the urgency make the implants available to the people as soon as possible.

However, that wasn't what mattered to Esmond.

Instead, he wanted to know about the progress of the medical projects to help alleviate the diseases and viruses inflicting Earth.


"If you're wanting to know how the progress for Vita Primus BioTech is going, then I can assure you that we have made progress in dealing with Cancer, Heart Disease, HIV and AIDS.

Spinal Cord injuries and those to the brain including mental retardation could find some real answers and solutions within the next few weeks." Janet, a member of the scientists that managed the Institute decided to answer Esmond's question even though it was way too early to ask.

"How about substance abuse?" Esmond asked, quite delighted by the progress of the institute.

"We've already several solutions which can be ingested to help reduce the long-term effects of harmful substances people abuse.

We even create a permeant solution of sorts that can rid any short term and long-term effects within 24 hours but if it enters the market, it'll surely help abusers with maintaining their intoxication.

The decision has been made to apply these solutions in a minimal amount that is mixed with a clean solution to help dilute the effect.

In that case we can say our success is in fact guaranteed but over a long period of time.

By my rough estimations, 1 to 3 months is ideal for treating the patients." Janet sent the data said to Esmond's HUD Wristband.

After looking through the data, Esmond accepted their degree of their work and quickly moved onto the next topic that needed to be discussed.


"The Shipyard is a quarter of the way through being completed.

Going by the designs of the Kuat Drive Yard, Rosie and Archie have changed the world ring style of the dock to a spherical shape.

The internal part of the sphere will be 'hollowed' and accessible to vacuum space, but it can also be enclosed if required.

Honestly the new shipyard dock is more like a metal planet, since it is roughly 5,000km wide, we have already started increasing the production rate with more drones and droids finally created.

Your ship has also been created as well, a unique version of an improved SSV Normandy Space Vehicle.

Taking data from the UNSC database, the Citadel, Kuat Drive Yard, Federation Starfleet Service and what each species has brought to the Space, we've built the most advance Starship named Rath Ark Class.

Taking inspiration from your tamed Peregrine Falcon, the Starship takes the sleek design of the beast into consideration with the ships wings made into the warp nacelles.

The needle and sharp forward appearance of the Starship makes it look ahead of its time, even if we aren't a space faring civilisation." David, one of the lead scientists in charge of creating Starships in service of the future Empire.

He'd also included the Chariot System into the Rath Ark Class Starship to help with maintaining energy and fuel onboard the space vehicle but its automatic connection with the Space already gave it better chances and abilities than any other vehicle within the Star Sector.

Esmond saw the hologram appearance of his ship and instantly felt the need to take it for a spin, but he was told to hold off since David and the other scientists wanted to conduct some more tests.

According to Carter, the new A.I Esmond personally built, Celeste, whose job would be to manage the Starships of the Empire and docks, already found some issues with Esmond's personal Starship.

Based on the simulations it'd played through within the Stellar Wars game within the Virtual World, Celeste believed the Starship needed better weaponry and defences.

This included a small stealth fleet that would accompany Esmond through deep space, but that plan was immediately denied.

Esmond knew his Starship would easily dominate any space vehicle without a problem, before involving his own strength into mix.

But he understood the thought process behind Celeste's worries since deep space wasn't a place for anyone naive enough to believe people would spare others.

"What's the capacity like?"

"Well, we've incorporated Spatial Stones into the ships design to create ample are for living quarters and spare area to relax and enjoy.

You could say a minimum of 200 are required but you could have as many as 1,000 people onboard.

Keep in mind, you can use these staff on board to rotate efficiently without ever having to worry about team exhaustion.

We will also take the World Tree into account if you want to connect the root through to your Starship." David answered.

"Very well, once its ready I want to be told so I can prepare a small journey out towards a certain planet." With that said, Esmond left the auditorium as the rest of the information wasn't necessary for him to know about.

Heading out of the Necthea Institute, Esmond went straight home, leaving Carter and the others to gather the data before sending it his way later.


The rest of month past pretty quickly for everyone within the Space and outside of it as both prepared to unleash world shattering news.

Gabriel had already prepared herself to showcase the ability of her new company by making a statement on their progress of stem-cell research.

Especially its ability to help deal with genetic issues and problems many people faced in the world.

Along with Gabriel's announcement, Esmond would be unveiling both Zathra Motors and Manston Engines to the world with a press conference held in Adelaide to specifically introduce the local company.

Other businesses such as Recharge would be a fuel station that'd sell diesel, unleaded and premium fuels.

But more importantly the announcement of the supercharged battery charging station would help sell people on purchasing the battery version of the Zathra car models.

All this would be happening at the same time a war would be starting and finishing within Somalia.

With all the soldiers freed from their Military Educational Training Pods, they were taking part in the training facilities around the military bases until they were called for battle.

Even the captains of the ships who were taken in by Esmond into the Spatial Ark Star World were prepared to lead the warships and make landfall.

Everyone awaited Esmond's call, however the man in question was currently visiting Stovi, sitting across from a man dressed in bejewelled fabric with a great crown atop his head.

Compared to the bland Esmond who wore a sharp tailored suit with dark tone and a light shirt, the Emperor's men could tell their Majesty had already lost the battle when it came to appearances.

Nothing could compare with Esmond's chiselled appearance and stoic expression that even make the Emperor of the Trika Empire feel as if he was before his grandfather.

In his past, the Trika Emperor could never face his grandfather without fearing the worst, but right now wasn't the time to let old fears trump his heart and mind.


Having to face the extravagance of the region already, the Emperor found it hard to believe the Vaadan Region could sustain such a high level of life fulfilment.

Seeing the beaming smiles on the faces of the citizens and their rosy cheeks full of life and good health made the Emperor wonder where his Empire had gone wrong.

Every single noble that joined the Emperor felt similarly awkward and confused that their journey would show them greater disparities between their backward Empire and a first class region.

The Emperor got to enjoy the railway system of the Vaadan region, making him wonder if such a machine ever be utilised throughout his Empire.

Unfortunately, it became obvious to him after seeing Esmond that the meeting wouldn't go his way.

Whereas he brought dozens of nobles along with him to help with the discussions, Esmond sat with two others beside him.

One being Angela and the former Viscount Baxter, who'd received the title of Strategos Preston Baxter.

Carleton Byrde was asked to join the meeting instead of Angela, but the new Commander of the reserve forces were out hunting beside the Sicarius Clansmen to train.

Fortunately for Esmond, Angela knew nobles unlike anyone else.

Hell, if she wasn't kept out of the capital, her power could rival the Empress if Angela just relied on her connections and favours owed to her.