§ Liber Tellus Ark News §

"It appears to me the Association has their own plans for the Star Alcazar, ignoring the ply of the others partnered with them…

If this is the case, then to save needless time being wasted here on insults, I suggest we end this and organise meeting per individual case rather than a collective issue."

"Agreed." Gabriel replied as quickly as possible to Esmond's state just as it registered in the mind of the opposing party.

Elder E'Xlquton and Bruklet were close to shouting out for Esmond to stay but Geneviève got in their way and proclaimed, "As the Lord of the Ark Alliance as commanded, our organisation will deal with you all on an individual basis rather than a collective setting.

Our goodwill was taken advantage of and that cannot stand within our home and region of explored space.

Please get in touch with the Alcazar Consulate to schedule a meeting.

Thank you for your time." Geneviève walked away as the last person from the conference hall with the other members of Esmond's team having left already.

Everyone was heading over to Esmond's office to relax and unload their thoughts on the meeting.

Esmond knew everyone had a great deal to say, but his mind was on the Space Ark reports.


§ Liber Tellus Ark News §

'~Star-Forge production analysis~'

'~Transhuman Creation Program & Third/Fourth-Generation Clones development~'

'~S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters restructured & renamed AEGIS~

'~Gebrion Shipyard completed!~'


Liber Tellus Ark News sent out new alert notices about the progress of the Space Ark and its various projects.

Out of the dozen or so news articles, four caught his attention instantly because of their immediate application and use.

The Star-Forge production machinery was rewarded to Esmond earlier on during May the Fourth of 2008 when Carter forced him to play Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.

Along with the shipyard megastructure machine, Esmond also received the design schematics for an assassin droid called HK-47 and the Mandalorian Warrior squadron with over 500,000 members.

Until Esmond received the Barrack Summoning Square, the Mandalorian Warriors couldn't be spawned but after the specific Spatial Ark Star World building was created, they began to summon in great volume every day.

They supported the training and development of the Ark Military Force without any problem until news reached them concerning the creation of evolved beings.

However, that wasn't relevant right now.


A while back Esmond readapted the Star-Forge to gain energy from Stellar Cores instead of the generated energy provided by Solis.

If need be, it was able to link itself with the energy source of the Solis Star, but the Virtual Profile Intelligences and Celeste easily managed the resources needed by the Star-Forge.

Esmond programmed the Star-Forge to create several types of Androids being produced on the Mainland of the Space Ark, but it was also set up to produce a Citadel Class Starship and compare the difference between one made through Industrial Construction Drones and Androids.

According to the report published by Liber Tellus Ark News, the first Androids that were created by the Star-Forge had a sense of sentience to them, which became apparent after they entered the A.I World to improve their operating efficiency.

Carter's original plan was to help the Androids strengthen themselves without needing to wreck their body frames, but the Star-Forge tied the formed consciousness with Android forms, creating it issue of permanent death.

Eventually Carter and a selected team of scientists in the Virtual Labs started working on a project to allow the Star-Forged Intelligence Consciousnesses to remove themselves from the Androids and enter the Space Ark A.I World Network.

Esmond read through the article, both surprised and happy with the progress going forward.

He needed to take a moment and sit down with Carter and Celeste to understand the full strength of the industrial megastructure machinery.


News pertaining the Transhuman Program, which was overseen by an array of lead scientists and their teams, who discovered alternative methods instead of using germ cell organs or viral machines.

The knowledge and data stored by the Spatial Ark Star World had helped them create bio-synthetic organs to replace the more dangerous, unaltered Adeptus Astartes Program.

All 22 body augments were dangerous operations and problematic because of the high death count.

Arcia, the Xlartanian Scientist worked with his team to create a safer set of augments with Esmond's gene as the base genetic materials that forms the organs.

They tested it on young clones during the incubation period within the growing pods.

The individuals would be removed from the pods for their operation which was conducted by Medical Androids.

Until now, the Space Ark produced First, Second and Third Generation Clones with all of them offering something different and unique to the Ark Military Force.

The Third Generation however found itself going through a cycle of Universal Lifeform Sentient Springwater along with the 22 body augments, as a stabiliser and gel.

Along with the 47 and Fett Genetic Code, the improved Transhuman Creation Program created tall male and female warriors that ranged anywhere from 6 to 10 feet in height, but it depended on each person.

Mutant Genes and Midi Chlorians sourced from the Spatial Ark Star World adapted with each person and sometimes aided growth by a substantial amount.

One particular Third Generation Clone after undergoing the Transhuman Program activated his Mutant Gene that extended his height from 6 feet, 3 inches to 7 feet.

Able to turn his body into a tough steel alloy substance at will, the organs also underwent a molecular transformation that aided the soldier's battle prowess.

According to the article, Ark Military sent the solider to the Middle East to aid the growth of the Space Ark's authority in the region.

Through his mutant ability, the Transhuman solider was able to readjust his height as needed, which became handy in the Middle East.

After arriving at Afghanistan, Kabul, the solider decided to reduce his height to that of the average across the desert nation before heading towards a safehouse prepared by the Space Ark.

He wasn't the only person arriving at the safehouse with other Transhuman soldiers arriving shortly afterwards as they planned to kickstart their mission objective.

Deal with the constant insurgency and stabilise the government...

In the case of the Fourth Generation Clones, they were being developed to take on the Super-Solider Serum with the body augments, but now that they figured out how to activate the Meridians within the body, the new clone types became unbelievably strong and resilient in all battlefields.


Nedric found himself in a weird situation because of the prefabricated S.H.I.E.L.D. Headquarters that spawned all sorts of people, especially after the Summoning Squares recognised the organisation and its operatives.

The building spawned around 10,000 people from the get-go while the three Summoning Squares added another 900 people per day.

At first, Nedric wasn't concerned with the new operatives, but it became clear that they were wanting to contribute to the Space Ark and its security.

Vaazakra as the head of Intelligence and Espionage, decided to rename the organisation AEGIS and made it a branch organisation of the Shadow Intelligence Agency.

The Summoning square thankfully summoned a managerial official to take control of AEGIS, helping Nedric with the organisation's operations.

Director Zahavi worked with Vaazakra to set up AEGIS as a visible intelligence security organisation on Earth and Deep-Space that would act as a cover for the Spatial Ark Star World.

Nedric already set up plenty of companies to act as a cover for the Shadow Intelligence Agency, however AEGIS was designed to take on a greater presence in the public eye, if it was ever required.

This was especially true on Earth and parts of the Tartarus Zone.

Vaazakra talked with the Atlaesusian Syndicate A.I, Sphinx, to start organising space for AEGIS to operate out of in the Tartarus Zone.

Director Zahavi understood the Shadow Intelligence Agency would use her organisation to funnel through their agents, but considering the strength of each spawned S.H.I.E.L.D. operative, Zahavi expected them to be taking on missions after competing their new training to receive the necessary qualifications.

Essentially, they would turn into operatives of the Shadow Intelligence Agency but still gain some autonomy as members of AEGIS.

Nedric still reigned supreme over the Space Ark Intelligence Department, but with Director Zahavi around his workload reduced marginally.

She essentially became Nedric's trusted right hand aide and increased the production of their Helicarrier, with adjustments made to include newer technology.

Of course, a few were made earlier and deployed throughout the Space Ark but for nothing more than testing and to understand the operational ability of the massive war machines.

Zahavi wanted to set up the Helicarriers around Earth, Mars, Venus, Mercury, and the other plants in the Solar System within the Space Ark's control.

She knew AEGIS needed to take a proactive stance in the safety and managed of the planets, especially after it fell in Esmond's control.


Gebrion had several Helicarriers stationed around the planet even after the shipyard was completed, as an extra means of security in the region of the Star System.

The shipyard megastructure was an orbital ring, much like the Kuat Drive Yard, but it had several anchored points on the planet to keep it in place and allow for the easy transportation of goods.

Gebrion was cleaned up and turned into an oasis with Igdra's help, turning the place into a planetary garden with room for Henry Talbot and his family's final resting place.

Esmond wanted to respect the man that gave him the planet and its immense variety of technological junk items that became valuable pieces of engineering for scientists to learn from.

While Gebrion maintained its natural beauty after Igdra transformed the planet in a heavenly place, Echo set it up to become the centrepiece of the Starship Production Centre.

Industrial Construction Androids and Droids were stationed across Gebrion, working to create Starships of various sorts to help the Spatial Ark Star World.

Esmond read through the article and picked up that the Orbital and Planet side Shipyard already started production.

So far, the Tertius Fleet was most finished but since Esmond wanted more fleets, Celeste increased the number of ships being produced and their class size.

Reading over the article, Esmond found a few problems regarding the production of Titan and above Class Ships.

After the Ark Alliance captured the Titan Class Ship in the Tartarus Zone, Esmond didn't think the need for such a giant ship was necessary, but Celeste thought otherwise and requested 5 Titans Class Ships to be made.

Each stretched up to 5kms in length at the very minimum, with room to house 4 Space Fleet Legions without crowding up the area on the colossal warship.


By the time Esmond sat down in his seat within the office room, he'd gone over the four articles with thoughts of his own on their future progress based on some ideas.

But before he could begin talking about such matters, Yvetteya appeared with a drink in her hand for him as Rian began to discuss the attitude of the Mercenary Association.

"To think they would try, and steam roll us with their lack of information and strength…"

"*Sigh* Rian we've covered up our business operations without any problems of external intrusion, so there was no way they would know anything about us or the Atlaesusian Syndicate." Zaro crashed back into the sofa couch as Yvetteya made her rounds and gave everyone a drink to relax.

"But that doesn't mean they can try and trample over us!" Rian shouted back only for Claudette to step in once the conversation started to heat up too fast.

"Hey! Hey! Sit your ass down Rian!

Take this time to digest what we've learnt from the meeting with the Association and their partners.

Trust me, we are in a far better situation than others expect.

Celeste, show everyone." Claudette turned to speak to her ride, where Celeste stood in her Corporeal Celestial Form.

Within a moment, the large coffee table in-between everyone seated started to display a holographic image of the Citadel Habitable Space Station.

"These schematics are of the Citadel Megastructure Station, which is also classified as a Citadel Class Starship, however these specific designs are of the Star-Forged Citadel Megastructure Station.

Unlike the one produced by the Androids and Drones; the Star-Forged Citadel Station uses a mixture of materials formed into a bio-synthetic organism substance.

The precise balance achieved by the Star-Forge has created a greater version of itself compared to other Ships of the same Class such as the Star Alcazar.

Just as I've been created to manage the space fleet of the Spatial Ark Star World, the Star-Forge created an artificial intelligent organism to manage the Space Station.

I've made contact and found its ability to connect with the network of the Spatial Ark Star World on its own, which helped it increase the development of the interior on its own to accommodate all races of the Space Ark.

It even named the Station Star Primordis, but its own name hasn't been decided as of yet and is hoping for the Host of the Spatial Ark Star World to take care of such an issue as it is the first of its kind."

Celeste believed the request wouldn't be acknowledge however Esmond seemed rather interested in the matter.

"Hmm… I'll name it after I've gone to visit it in the Space Ark.

If possible, I'd like to make it appear before the eyes of the Association, so they know that they aren't the powerhouse they believe themselves to be.

Besides this subject, I want to know everyone's opinion on a certain issue.

The spokespeople of the Association brought up communication being an issue in the Zone.

I know our marble satellites have helped our businesses establish themselves strongly within this region of space inside of the Zone, however if it's possible I want to extent a membership status to planets and their governments.

If we can provide security, food and stability to their homelands, why wouldn't they join us and support our organisation within the Zone.

Food is always in demand, which will lead to greater luxuries as people begin to fulfil one necessary aspect of their life until it becomes simple and mundane.

Use it to get ourselves onto the planets and then we can start our efforts to reduce any harm done to the worlds.

Bring in the Primal Management Group so they can gain a foothold outside of Earth.

It might lead to Uncles James screaming his head off at him, but it'll be worth it in the long run."

Esmond made sure everyone heard him, especially his plans for the Association for meddling.

The small meeting went on for a while, but around the same time in the Virtual Labs, a group of scientists came to understand the truth behind the Uz'Triyon Clans technology.





HAHAHA!!... You all owe me a hundred credits for unlocking the Uzton Quantum Matrix Database."

"Tch… why the hell did I ever decide to make such a stupid bet with you?"

"Get over its bro, I got off much worse.

I've also got to manage his paperwork for the week… *Sigh* fuck my life."

Raqsa heard the grumbling around him but couldn't care one bit about the situation of his colleagues and friends who went against his mind and willpower.

In fact, he doubted himself at first to be able to unlock the Matrix, but Raqsa found a way to bypass the bioscanner locking system, revealing the wealth of technological information securely locked and saved by the Matrix database.

From discovering battle suits for warfare and space travel there were projects related to clones and even simple matters like asteroid mining.

Space Stations and Androids were included in the dense number of projects stored within the Matrix, but everything felt improvable.


I want you to star looking over the projects to find areas where we can improve them for our use.

Someone in particular look over the Vehicular Communication Network."