House Windsor Meets House Atlaesus

Esmond wasn't aware when it happened, but the Imperial Announcer went on a long-winded explanation of his various titles, confusing and worrying the British government representatives and those of House Windsor, it started to cause mass confusion.

Most of the people from the receiving part from the British side just assumed the calling of one's titles was just a noble thing or etiquette of some kind, but Prince Charles and his sons were made aware of its importance.

The titles spoke of one's own trials through life up until now, which were enough to be recognised by the Emperor and the people of the Empire.

What surprised Prince Charles was the number of titles Esmond held, especially that of the 'Young Prince of Chaos and Judgement', as it led him to believe the heir was already in partial control of the Empire.

Typically, 'Judgement' was helped by someone of authority, while 'Chaos' was something unknown to the Prince of Wales.

Though it wasn't the time for such thoughts, as the Prince of Wales greeted the core members of House Atlaesus before directing them into the various vehicles, leading them straight to Windsor Castle.

Esmond was joined in the car by Yvetteya and Prince William, with Prince Harry in another care with Zaro, Rian and Kristoff.


I can spoke a joint!" Yvetteya shouted with joy after being freed from the rest of her family.

She knew Esmond was the only one to allow her to do as she pleased.

But Yvetteya didn't expect her proclamation and subsequent lighting of a marihuana joint in the Range Rover surprised Prince William and the driver.

Prince William didn't know if it was appropriate to allow the behaviour to continue as they were travelling to Windsor Castle, and his family would easily be able to smell the pungent odour of the drug.

The driver just remained silent and focused on getting to Windsor Castle, disregarding everything else happening in the car, leaving Esmond to be the sensible one.

"Teya, no.



"I-It shouldn't be a problem later on, Princess Yvetteya." William stuttered a little, though he picked up his stride the longer he spoke.

"William don't fuel her habits.

She has free reign back home to do as she pleases.

Also, she is younger than you, and we're family.

Don't address her as Princess.

Call her Teya or Yvetteya.

The same for me as well, William."

"Then you may call me Will, Esmond."

The two heirs of their respective Kingdom's and Empire's laughed, hoping to create a friendly relationship for the two Houses in modern times.

William and Esmond discussed what they were up to of late, before Esmond offered his condolences for William's mother passing away.

While it happened decades earlier, the subject came up when the discussion of parents and childhood began.

Yvetteya felt suffocated within the car, as she wasn't able to enjoy herself and relax.

Quailiyah and the other girls in another Range Rover were sending photos and videos to Yvetteya of themselves drinking and smoking before reaching Windsor Castle.

All of the young adults who'd come on the trip saw it as a holiday and were ready to party but were furious that they couldn't start on the plane ride over because of their parents being present.

Quailiyah, Geneviève, and Claudette already convinced the Military Security Driver to organise them some space to relax at Windsor Castle, away from the parents and public eye.

The Driver understood the assignment and happily started to organise everything over the radio, surprisingly a great number of Military Security Officers who weren't expecting such requests.

At the same time, everything needed to be approved above board, which led to some interesting conversations with the staff of the Queen.

Everything was approved nonetheless but it sure as hell wasn't legal.

Even then, it was organised as the Queen wanted nothing to sour the trip of House Atlaesus and its guests.

The official visit of the Atlaesus Empire wasn't just a simple trip to say hello, but an event that rarely occurred, since the last time an official trip happened was in 1938.

It was done to reveal the thoughts of the Nazi Party of Germany, and their plans for domination over Europe, but the information wasn't readily accepted at the time.

Once the war started, the British government came to regret their inaction on the news, but luckily for them, the Atlaesus Empire was prepared for such a scenario and initiated plans to distract the Nazi long enough that England wasn't attacked right away.

Queen Elizabeth II was quite surprised to learn about the modern-day visit, but she believed it came with some warning about future events that might affect their Royal House.

She wasn't pleased with how her father, King George VI treated the last the Prince of the Atlaesus Empire during his visit in 1938, as the current Emperor of Atlaesus was the son of that very prince.

For a time, Elizabeth believed she might have the opportunity to wed into House Atlaesus, when the Prince who would become Emperor, came to visit, but any attempts of courtsmanship were stopped by her father.

George already saw his eldest daughter as his heir and didn't want her to leave Britain for foreign lands, even if they were classified as family.

Queen Elizabeth II wasn't one to thing about past regrets, but she accepted that her father's actions truly ruined her dream to see another world, hidden and untainted by the struggles of the known world.

She was quite pleased to learn about the Emperor joining the formal visit to England, though as someone happily married and dearly in love with her husband, Philip, Elizabeth was keen to meet the ruling power of the hidden empire.


"Hey, Will…

Care to explain why House Windsor has forsaken many traditions of nobility, such as Knight Tournaments?

I understand it isn't something appropriate in modern times, but you can still get creative with the sport."

"Actually, we still Host such tournaments but in secret, so we don't draw the public's ire.

In fact, our Knights are quite excited to fight against Knights of your House, Esmond." William laughed as he spoke of House Windsor Champions with fervent praise.

"Don't worry, they're ready to challenge you Knights as well and see how strong the fabled House of Windsor is, hahaha!"

The two continued to laugh and discuss some of the events they would be showcasing during the formal trip, with Yvetteya sulking on her own, chugging away the champagne bottle that was meant for the three of them.

Their drive to Windsor Castle was much the same as the Emperors and Prince Charles, who were joined by their advisors in the specially customised Range Rover.

It could fit in extra people and in this case, the Emperor and Prince Charles were joined by one of the aides, leading to a total of 5 people, including the driver.

The remaining space allowed them all to relax in comfort while discussing the future actions of both Houses as the modern times required a new relationship of cooperation between the two Houses.

"Charles, I think its time for your House to regain some of its authority that's been lost to the government.

Whether that's a government department or division of your own, you should have some power that his beyond the current state of House Windsor's control over the British government."

"Emperor Maximilianto… while I understand how it may seem we lack authority in our own homeland, we still hold enough power to affect the government if we see fit.

I on the other hand believe as time passes, the need for a Royal House will lessen with each generation born becoming more aware of our past actions that place us in our current position.".

"That's all the more reason you need to regain more of the power you've given away.

At the very least, you should be equipped to always have a small army of your own.

*Sigh* Don't worry about this for now.

I'll be discussing this with the Queen, just make sure your present, along with your sons, Charles."

"Of course, Emperor."

The conversation moved onto other matters that could be discussed with others present.

It never delved into personal matters all that much, as the fleet of Range Rovers neared Windsor Gardens and its secret entrance to the underground gate of the Castle.

Created and reserved for use by only the Atlaesus Empire, the underground gate entrance of Windsor Castle showcased the shocking wealth held by the Royal British Family.

Much of it rested in assets but for a long time, the wealth in House Windsor's control allowed them to create all sorts of majestic structures and contraptions.

Esmond couldn't help but look around to examine the various systems of Windsor Castle, which turned it into a modern marvel of architecture and design within the hidden sections of the castle.

"This place is managed and operated by Agents of the Atlaesus Empire that remain behind on British soil and serve your operatives in the field.

It's part of the cooperation we've organised between Britain and the Atlaesus Empire." William explained while showcasing the underground facilities of the castle before they entered.

From that point on, Royal Knights of House Windsor led the group through the castle and into the throne room, where the Queen awaited her guests, with the rest of her family.

"Emperor Maximilianto Empytran Atlaesustreous, welcome to Windsor Castle, home to House Windsor."

"Its an honour to be invited to such a prestigious structure of the British Monarchy, and more importantly, House Windsor, Queen Elizabeth Alexandrea Mary II."

The casual meeting between the two monarchical leaders set the tone for the interaction between the families as everyone began to relax rather than maintaining their noblesse attitude.