Private Talks of Cooperation

Having been dragged out from the Virtual Reality Head-Gear, Esmond grumpily followed the staff of the Windsor Castle to the meeting room where his grandfather was present with his father.

The Queen of Britain was also involved, as was her son, Prince Charles, but William wasn't present as he kept playing Stellar Wars with his brother and distant cousins.

"Ahh, you finally made, Esmond.

Come sit down.

Our discussion concerns you and your plans, my child."

"Yes, grandfather."

Sitting down beside Maximilianto, Esmond glanced over at his father Daniel, who smiled back, before his face turned serious as Queen Elizabeth addressed the group.

"Now that the boy has arrived, do you care to introduce him, Max?"

"Forgive me, Elizabeth hahaha!

This here is my grandson, Esmond.

Born to my son, Daniel, he is currently leading our Empire silently while I've taken to retirement, and his father has become the figure head of the Empire and her citizens."

Maximilianto couldn't help but display a proud expression as he talked about Esmond, while patting his grandson's back.

In his eyes, Esmond could already seize the entire world if he truly wanted but chose not to as people required freedom and free will, even if it could cause more problems than solutions in the long term.

"Ohh, so this is the fabled heir of the yet to be established Atlaesyxrian Imperium." Elizabeth said with a polite smile as she turned to look over at Esmond.

Charles did the same thing, as the question on his mind was finally answered.

'So, this is the heir that'll work beside William…

No matter what, we must aid him for House Windsor to survive.' Charles thought while examining Esmond.

"Yes, Your Majesty, Queen Elizabeth…"

"Oh, please Child, you can address me as your grandmother.

We're family here Esmond." Elizabeth said, before she turned to face Maximilianto.

"Would you care to explain the plans of House Atlaesus for the world?

As the true shadow that watches over the human populous around the globe, care to explain what we should be aware of for the future?"

The Emperor laughed a little just before he started explaining part of Esmond's plan for the world and especially Britain, since it would be impossible to convince House Windsor of external threats from outer space.

"Well, there is no point in hiding it, but as you might know, Africa has found order and justice through the Phantom Security Services.

They in fact serve Esmond and are fulfilling one of his commands, which is to be the force of order and justice across the entire continent.

As you've probably heard from your own operatives, Africa is developing at a remarkable rate, but what you don't know is its all the doing of Esmond in preparation of the United States of America invasion."

Just the small explanation so far was enough to cause Queen Elizabeth and Charles to reconsider the terms of the meeting which they'd expected would focus on technology being introduced to the world.

Elizabeth followed up after Maximilianto, as he remembered a key detail from the report, she received the previous month about Africa.

"That clears up one important detail I heard from one of our operatives.

Another river source has found itself on the western side of the continent, even through the Sahara Desert."

"It's manmade, Elizabeth.

Starting from Tunisia, the river spreads across the drier nations of the continent.

We've already begun the construction of various cities beside the river, but that's done to ease transportation of goods.

Besides that, the Great Trans-Sahara-Nile Superhighway has connected the nations of the African Alliance together through a grand road network that also eases the layout of public services like electricity, gas, water, internet and so on.

But our main focus has been education and development of the people, which will take some time to complete, but for now we've started retaining more citizens across the entire continent.

As more people decide to stay back"

"The more they will invest themselves into the economy…

My, my, you've seized control of a highly rich resource-based land, and you've focused on the citizens…

Will it be the base for your ambitious goals?" Elizabeth questioned Maximilianto, while her mind found it hard to imagine the power behind the Atlaesus Empire to effortlessly takeover the African continent.

Maximilianto laughed a little, but just as he was about to reply back, Esmond decided to take over the discussion.

'These old fools are going to take hours if they continue speaking in a political manner.'

"Grandma Elizabeth, my goals are simple.

This whole world is far too corrupt and destructive that it isn't prepared for the consequences that will befall humanity when they enter the outer space community.

My mission is to push ahead the social culture, sciences, and education that we can survive an extra-terrestrial encounter in the future.

Humanity is far from accepting others of different culture, skin colour, and religions, so I can only see what direction for our development.

Someone must seize all of the power across the globe.

I can do that, hell I could do it tomorrow without any problems, but I need the support of the people to make the change occur.

Best way I can see to do that is gaining the favour of certain powers to instigate the changes faster than expected.

To be honest, this meeting is mainly being held for House Windsor to assist with Britain citizens accepting the new development.

People require a guiding hand, and the British people need the Queen and her family to make them understand the new developments are good for the kingdom.

First off, Harry and William have joined the Atlaesusian Syndicate which is a collective run by the next generation of the Atlaesus Noble Houses.

They'll be trained and supported to control the shadow powers currently occupying Britain without anyone aware."

"Who might that be, Prince Esmond?" Charles asked, curious to know who was running his homeland without him being told of such a fact.

"Several gangs, mafia, corporations, banks, but worst of all, the government.

Each member of parliament isn't difficult to sway with the right benefits to them or their family members.

I've already found countless people who've broken the law and accepted bribes in various forms, but nothing will be released to the public as Harry and William will use this to blackmail them into submission.

From there, the changes will begin, including the formation of the Queens Army, that House Windsor controls, manages, and constructs through their own personal funds.

Phantom Security Services and other organisations in our control will step forward to assist House Windsor with the most advance technology currently in play.

To make sure everything is paid for without anyone questioning where the funds have come from, you will be banking secretly with Astrum and Ark Bank.

Bank of England will receive part of the funds, but the rest will be locked into those two banks as they owned and operated by members of the Atlaesyxrian Imperium.

Secondly, House Windsor needs to improve relations with Ireland and Northern Ireland, otherwise their will be great bloodshed during the change of leadership in the future.

Similarly, the involvement in parliament will come from Harry and William operating in the shadows, where they'll need to find the perfect candidate to lead the new party that'll come to lead Britain.

They'll focus on returning the army from abroad, so they aren't stuck fighting wars for the Americans.

Especially the Middle East.

The region is falling into our hands fairly quickly and our only issue remaining is the interference brought about by the coalition of allied troops.

My people are getting quite annoyed from holding backing with your forces present."

Queen Elizabeth sighed heavily after Esmond finished his explanation that left her and Charles wondering if turbulent times were about to befall the world.

Charles particularly found it quite astonishing to hear the authoritative tone of Esmond, as if he was being commanded to call back the British forces.

His mother felt the same, but the tone wasn't as effective on her, because she'd come to wield her own majestic passive aura and elegance.

"Very well, Child.

We'll start the removal of the army immediately, but I need to learn more about William and Harrys involvement in the Atlaesusian Syndicate."

"Of course, Grandma Elizabeth."



Esmond, and the other four people included in the private meeting continued to discuss the cooperation between the two noble Houses.

One of the first points they agreed on was creating their own privately held security company that could start taking on certain jobs and contracts with the British military.

They company would be connected to the Astrum Bank and Aeternus Curatio Group, who'd supply certain engineers and logistic staff to help the company's quick growth.

William and Harry were expected to run their own companies in secret, while gaining assistance from the Aeternus Curatio Group.

They also were required to deal with the establishment of a new political party with a figurehead that'd follow their orders.

Esmond offered to send over someone who could easily fit into the chaotic public system of England without anyone being the wiser, but the Queen declined as someone came to her mind who would work in service of House Windsor.

The other members of House Windsor were required to prepare various businesses in particular fields so they could reach out to a vast number of people.

Certain charities were going to be established in the name of House Windsor, all to help garner support for the Royal Family.

Esmond asked the Queen to hire veterans for their own private security company as it would best showcase the company's commitment to those affected by wars.

By focusing on veterans, the public reception for the company would be viewed positively, which would help further along certain contracts with companies in the military field.


Other than that, Esmond passed over a Virtual Profile Intelligence to House Windsor, with its name being Victoria, it synced up with their newly gifted Prime-Watches.

Queen Elizabeth was rather excited to learn about its function and use, especially when the time came to create the appearance and image of Victoria.

Gifted with elegance, royal beauty, and a voice to match the beautiful appearance, Victoria was linked up with the Prime-Watches given to Charles and Elizabeth.

Immediately, Victoria greeted them both while also greeting her creator, Esmond, which further cemented to Elizabeth and Charles that Esmond could never be crossed, as it would mean the end of House Windsor.

Victoria also entered Stellar Wars and greeted the Windsor Princes and Princesses, while informing them about her existence, it also decided to help them in the game.

Harry utilised Victoria as his new Artificial Intelligence for the Mech he was piloting, while William allowed Victoria to assist as he flew the StarFighter.

The Princess of House Windsor that joined the game were elsewhere and enjoying their time with their new friend who could help them in game.

Victoria enjoyed getting to know various members of House Windsor, as it would construct deeper profiles for each person, helping her identify what they prefer, like, dislike, personality, behaviour and so on.

It wasn't long before Victoria started the creation of various businesses, creating bank accounts and the internal management structure.

Victoria didn't wait for Queen Elizabeth to give her the okay as its creator ask for immediate effect.


A subject that came up near the end of the meeting was building two new buildings in London that would project Arcology into the limelight, with the Aeternus Curatio Groups Construction and Architecture Firm leading the development.

New York already begun the production of their Arcology based building, which made Esmond consider construction one in London immediately.

Surprisingly, Prince Charles wished for a better architecture firm to complete the design of the 20 Fenchurch Street building.

The current design shaped the building to appear like a Walkie-Talkie, also known as a 2 way radio, which made it look deplorable.

Based in the financial district of London, Esmond believed it would be ideal for the Aeternus Curatio Groups Construction and Architecture Firm as their buildings would start appearing across the globe's renown cities.