Green Amethyst: The Soul Awakening Gem

"Are you alright? Nyla, what's wrong?"

Luiz hold my arm, his almond-shaped eyes showing concern and care when he saw me sitting on the floor holding my knees. I looked up to the mirror and she was still in there. Bitch! My whole body aches because of her. Her eyes have never left me, when our eyes met she put a finger on her lips hushing me. I Gulped hardly.

"Yes, I'm fine."

I answered, I want to hug him and scream take me outta here.

"You were screaming minutes ago, what happened?"

"I ... I slipped. You don't have to worry"

Slipped. Not bad, but I hope they will buy my lie because that scream didn't sound like the one that just slipped. And l praying they won't see the ghost in the mirror. Well, I guess no one will. Maybe she's just in my freaking HEAD.

"Oh thank you, Lord, you scared the living out of me Nyla."

Aunt Wani's voice chirped in. she hold both hand on her chest. Thank God, they bought my stupid lie. I looked at her with an apologetic look. I'll give them a heart attack with my scream.

"You have to be careful and don't lock the bathroom door when you're in." Luiz commanded.


I nodded, replying like a good girl. And I try to get up, but couldn't. I glance up at the mirror and she shakes her head for me as a no, not wanting me to go. She can't be serious. What the hell did she want from me then?

"Can you get up? Let me help you"

Luiz notices my failed attempt of standing up and offers to help, grabbing me by my hand.

"No, I'm okay I'll meet you soon."

I forged a smile, no matter how badly I wanted to follow them. I don't want them to get hurt, or even worse because I don't know how bad this ghost can be.

"She wants some privacy."

I noticed Aunt Wani whispering to him, nudging him to get out. And they both left, together with my imaginary soul not after they emphasizing me to be more careful.

when she saw them leave the door was closed and she let go of my legs.

"Zelzovot and Zevot are the two princes of king Zennon. King Zennon and all his ancestors survived greedy, wanting every evil power to themselves and can do everything to acquire that.

She continues with her Myth bringing me back from my thoughts. I'm not interested in her story, or folktale should I say.

"God forbid the djinns to possess the body of humans. But some of the evil djinns didn't take heed, they possessed and control the human body as they wished. For hundreds of years. God punished them by taking away the true form of the human and to date, we have no true form, without possessing the human body. The king of Zegar, Zennon, and his predecessors for hundreds of years found out about a unique gem."

"A Gem?"

I whispered as I remembered the green gemstone I saw glistening in the dark door that I opened behind the hiding bookshelf.

"Yes, it is called the green Amethyst. It is a green gem stone with powerful abilities, a stone with a trillion cuts, and the size of hazelnut is in pristine shape. The gem is a fairly uncommon gemstone species. It's said the gem contains strengthening, healing, and some unique properties. When inserted in the deep core of the earth and will bring back their true form. And they would become extraordinarily strong.

She pauses her eyes glued on me. I listened attentively wondering what all these have to do with me.

"We, the Vitalians are fighters, we called ourselves the Keepers of the Gem. Centuries ago my great grandfather found the gem and hid it where no soul could ever find it. We've been guarding it with our lives. Centuries ago when Zennon knew about it he sent his two sons Zelzovot and Zevot together with powerful armies of the devil on the quest to find it. Whoever finds it will be the future crown King."

She continues when she observes me listening very attentively to the story. Finally getting interested.

"We were successful in trapping both their souls in a gem carved in a tomb but now they have escaped. Thanks to you and your cat."

She spat fiercely glowering at me. But I gave her an innocent look.

"What? ... Me? ... I swear I didn't do anything."

I asked, defending myself, pointing my index finger to my chest.

"You opened the hidden door, and–.

I … it was by mistake and I was curious about it."

"Curious I see ... Your cat was possessed to undo the spell code that freed them."

My Mimi was possessed in the first place. That's what makes her hop into the dark door. She paused then continued her face becoming sad.

"That door was the secret door to our home. Because we can't live in true form, My ancestors used the house as our sanctuary, but little of us remains now."

"But it wasn't intentional, I don't know about the devil's tomb."

Had it been I know the evil behind that door I'll have never come it. Or about this house, I'll never have bought the house in the first place. I would rather die on the street than come to that house.

"It's not about your intentions, now–"

She stops talking and her body starts to shake.

"He is after ... you... Zelzovot … is.. coming ..."

The bulb fluttered and the light went off. Her voice pitched, quivering as she talked and she disappeared leaving me in the dark toilet sitting on the floor with lots of questions to ask her.

I get up in a rush back to the room, her last words ringing in my ear. what'd she meant by coming for me? What did he want from me?

What am I supposed to do?

Maybe I should inform Luison about it, how am I going to start explaining, seeing ghosts or demons. No one will believe me. I still can't believe it myself. Or should I leave since he'll be after me? Where will I go then? I have nowhere to go. I leave the lights on thinking of a way out. And sleep overcame me.