Temple III: Lost

The book had a silvery cover and was hanging in the air with white light surrounding it. This is indeed a darn treasure that almost got us killed. Its lustrous light brightens up the room.

The prince grabbed the book and immediately when it entered his hands it lost its brightness, the room became dark because the blue light disappeared the moment we saw the book. The room was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. I blinked my eyes and adjust to the darkness and I could hardly see traces of the shadows of Luiz and the rest of the group.

The room starts trembling, making us totter as we run for our lives. Huge rocks start to fall from the ceiling making everything fall apart.

"Dodge the rocks. If you want to leave here alive."

The prince ordered as he dodge the falling rocks. We ran out of the room dodging the huge rocks falling everywhere.

I tightened my hold on Mimi. Not wanting anything to happen to her. I hold her and never let go. I ran faster dodging the falling rocks. Everyone was running to save his life. The prince, the three guards, me, and Luiz. I was left behind, all the men were faster than me. I don't remember being the weakest among them. Though I can run fast, somehow I didn't see myself running fast enough.

The rocks were falling non stop separating us. I called Luiz, but only to hear his voice in the distance, I wasn't together with Luiz but the prince. We ran until we reached a dead end, a balcony, and we stayed there looking for a way out.

I saw a pillar falling towards the prince. I opened my mouth to yell his name to move but I was too late, I don't know the time I dash out in a flash and jumped over him pushing the prince down.

And we fall down from the balcony into another room. When did that happen? Did my body get possessed again?

"Get your dirty ass off me."

The prince's bitter words cut my questioning brain. And he gets up pushing me off him, walking without helping me up or being at least be thankful for saving his stupid life.

He spits and left me behind. I hit my head from the fall but his words hit harder. I don't have trouble about what people think or say to me but this one here is so mean.

I grabbed Mimi. Thank God she's alright. I didn't know why I didn't let the pillar fall on him and break his stubborn head into two. By then we'll not have to tolerate this evil demon.

Maybe, it's just that I can't handle another death in front of me. Even though we are not on good terms with Mr. something Fuoz , I don't want him dead. I can't just stay and watch him die without doing anything.

Someone really needs to teach him how to speak to people. He's so rude. I just saved the bastard but instead of thanking me, he leaves me on the floor not even caring to help me up and spating whatever nonsense that comes from his mouth.

The trembleling stopped for now. Or this chamber it's just different from the other chamber. I didn't see the prince anywhere close. Did he really leave me here to die?

How am I supposed to find a way out? I walked in darkness. I didn't know the way out. I kept on walking, touching the wall for the way until I saw something like a door and went through it. I was hoping it would lead me to the group.

I walked and walked in silence, I felt weak, I've been through many days where I didn't have any strength left in me.

I suddenly feel my headlight, I lean on the wall and I feel so weak that my chest begins to hurt. It started off as a dull pain within my chest like something is burning from the inside but it soon spread across my entire body.

I felt weak, sweat covering every inch of skin and hands trembling out of control. And I dropped Mimi that was in my hand and I dropped on the floor meowing.


I sought out every solution. But my brain comes with none. I don't know what's happening to me. The pain was too much to ignore, working through it, using it to fuel strength. But nothing seemed to work. Ten seconds passed, then twenty, then thirty, the pain never subsided.

At least it wasn't getting worse. My head felt eerily light, everything seemed to spin around me in a blur of motion and my legs could barely carry me. For now the pain.


I called in a faint voice, I'm going to die here alive. My eyes closed slowly and I tried batting them to stay awake. Mimi was meowing and cuddling on me to wake me up but the darkness overpowered me and everything went out.

Moments later, I regained consciousness and now I can feel my body coming back to me. And I opened my eyes slowly. Sun shone on me. I was out for some hours. Mimi curled near me and was asleep.

"Huh, Mim how are you asleep you were supposed to guard me."

I wake up stretching my arms and letting out a little yawn. She jolted up, making an I'm sorry eyes, and stood vigilant as a soldier caught sleeping on duty. Making me chuckle.

"Aww, aren't you such a sweetheart, I'm just kidding."

I patted her head and grabbed her, squeezing the life out of her.


She meowed an I can't breathe and glare at me.

This cat just made my day before it started. I unwrap my arms around her and tickle her tummy. She lies down enjoying it.

"Okay girl, now let's go back to the group."

I picked her up. The room is a big one with a hole in the ceiling. I think that's where we fell yesterday. That's where the sun was coming from. It has tall pillars surrounding the hole. I must have been walking in circles yesterday.

"Darn it."

This didn't seem like a temple. Where are we? I saw a passage and walked through.

I walked and walked then I started to hear a faint voice in my head. I walked towards the sound of the voice but it didn't get any louder. Where are they? Or maybe I'm just hearing voices in my head.

I closed my eyes and listened to the voice in my head.

"Why did you leave her alone, it's been hours now, the sun is already up, and we've not found her yet."

I detect Luiz spatting angrily.

"I told you it wasn't me, she's saved my life. I won't just leave her like that."

Fuoz defended himself blaming the prince.

"Well, the otler you did, let's split up and we'll find her quickly."

Luiz suggested. They had been searching for me throughout this time. I continued walking but didn't hear their voices for a while. I guess they splitted.

"Get out of my head. Get out of me, I don't want you, you'll just get me killed."

Fouz ordered, complaining.

"I can't."

The prince said in a sad tone.

"What'd mean you can't?"

Fuoz asked annoyed.

"I can't without my powers back, but I promise you'll not die."

The prince promised.

"Yeah, yeah, and you're a man of your words."

Fuoz mimics his words.

I heard some faint whispers of the prince and Fuoz bickering, making me chuckle.

I take a turn chuckling immersed in their bickering and looking at the ground when I hit my head. I looked up, and I just banged into him. The prince or Fuoz, I don't know who amongst them.

"Aargh, you again."

I moan, rubbing my head, complaining. I mentally head slap. It wasn't in my head after all, they were just in close by.

"Watch where you're going, If you had walked faster and didn't get lost, we wouldn't be back looking for you."

Came the rude voice of the prince again.

"You don't know how to talk to a lady."

Fuoz scolded him before I could speak. I ignore them and keep walking hoping to find Luiz soon.

But he grabbed my hand and pushed me against the wall.

I stare into his eyes amazed by his sudden move, he keeps staring at me without saying anything.

"Let me go."

I struggle to get free, but he tightens his grip and leans closer to my ear.

"Thank you for saving my life yesterday."

He whispered in my ears giving me chills all over my body.

"You don't have to grab me, before you thank me"

I pushed him off, annoyed at his sudden behavior, but then an idea popped into my head.

"Does that mean I'm free to go for flatten your tire?"

"Yes, we're good."

He shrugged and replied, his head raised high and with hands in his pocket. He doesn't sound like a selfish brat anymore but a good gentle man.

"But you really have to tame the beast in you."

I warned him about the demon in him.

"I'm sorry for leaving you behind last night."

He is apologizing? He changed so quickly.

"It's okay, it's not that you're aware of it."

"I'm, … kind of … it's hard to tame him sometimes"

"Okay, then you're welcome. Mr … "

I trailed, remembering I don't know his name.

"Call me Dryl, Dryl Fuoz. Nyla or Anya which one is it?"

He completed, wondering which is my name.

"Okay Dryl, called me."

He cut me off before I could finish.

"Nyla, isn't that what your boyfriend calls you?"

He confirmed rubbing his chin with his fingers.

"What? He's not my boyfriend, his ..."

I shouted my eyes bulging out. I could feel all the blood rush to my cheeks.

"Whatever, whatever I don't want to know."

He cut me off, rolling his eyes and walking ahead of me. Seriously. He didn't agree with me.

"Whoever he is, he guy is damn protective when it comes to you."

He added, turning to look at me, brushing his hair with hands and chuckling.

He smiled, this is the first time I saw him smiling and he looked devilishly handsome. He isn't that bad after all. I walked behind him leading the way and I saw Luiz coming with the rest of the three guards and running to hug him.